Azealia Banks Calls Out Cardi B For Ignoring Dominican Republic's Ethnic Cleansing


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Azealia Banks Calls Out Cardi B For Ignoring Dominican Republic's Ethnic Cleansing
By Zaynab
Jan 23, 2019 15:38

Kieran Frost/Redferns

She says her recent statements against the Trump administration seem "performative" considering her home country's struggles.

Cardi B has been making headlines for speaking out against president Donald Trump, her most recent criticism relating to the government shutdown and its impact on communities. Azealia Banks has commented on her fellow rapper's efforts. From her perspective, Cardi's focus on American issues without paying equal attention to the Dominican Republic is slightly disingenuous considering her pride in her Dominican/Trinidadian heritage.

Banks took to social media to express her grievance. "This is a bit performative. I'd love to see Cardi say something too the leaders of the Dominican Republic about its ethnic cleansing and deportation of Haitians," she wrote."Going after Trump is just an easy way to get press."

"Don't chastise Trump and Tomi Lahren for being racist if you can't be bothered to criticize your own people about the rampant racism in the Dominican Republic." This statement refers to the country's decision to strip people of their citizenship due to their Haitian ancestry.

"The Dominican Republic literally does the same thing to Haitians that (America been doing,) Trump is doing with Latin American immigrants and migrant workers," Banks continued. "I think she's influential enough to really make some changes there. Would help a lot of poor Haitians and Dominicans of Haitian descent have access to jobs, healthcare, housing, etc."

Ernesto Sagas, associate professor in the ethnic studies department of Colorado State University and author of "Race and Politics in the Dominican Republic," commented on the issue at the height of its media storm ahead of the 2016 DR elections.“Haitians are utilized by the Dominican Republic as cheap labor, and as such, they happen to be the scapegoats of Dominican society,” Sagas said, in line with Azealia's criticism. “When the economy is doing well, Haitians are tolerated. When the economy is not doing well, they need to be deported.”

Amnesty International described the political move in 2016: "In September 2013, the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic ruled that children born in the country to undocumented foreign parents since 1929 had never been entitled to Dominican nationality." Since the timeframe stipulated spanned over 80 years, multiple generations were affected. Someone could have been born to parents whose own parents were DR citizens and still be ousted, leaving many without a home country. The racism mentioned had escalated to lynchings, adding horrific violence to an already difficult predicament. Years later, the subjects of this massive deportation still live in a state of institutionalized terror.

Azealia Banks Calls Out Cardi B For Ignoring Dominican Republic's Ethnic Cleansing


Feb 12, 2015
I've never seen somebody inspire such diametrically opposed truths as she does. All of these posters are right even tho their views are different.

This girl is all over the damn place!
Azaelia banks promoted African American cleansing with her promotion of skin creams and attacking dark skin women ( Skai Jackson).

She has no right to talk.

I mean she is telling the truth :mjpls:

Wasn't Cardi born in NY though and shes both Trini and Dominican? Azealia is a smart dumb motherfukker I understand what she is trying to say but she always tries to hard imo.