¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
He didn't have a lot to say outside of playing on people's anger and ignorance of other issues.

Very sparse on policy solutions.

At least Hilary has bullet points in her plans. :manny:
Dog, this shyt is like back in grade school when a neega would sit n be forced to listen to a bunch of bullshyt spewed for slow kids being prepped for dat pleb life. I would like to see Rubio go up against Biden, but Roobeeo don't seem like he gon get the people behind him like Trump's patsy ass. And mfers can't see that Sanders is gettin bread cuz he propped up by the establishment. There isn't even enough goddamn populist outrage at the Murican financial system to justify a socialist presidential candidate.

Young ppl in Murica always want a soshallist system cuz they're lazy, spoiled n stupid. Proof: They're too fukking lazy and spoiled to vote, or even donate to this motherfukker in the first goddamn place, and are content with being witnesses and spectators to the electoral process rather than active participants and are too stupid to be aware of this. The same cuckold neegas who hate on the Nastradamus Prophet when I shyt on Larry Sanders ain't gave one goddamn dollar to shytheadman's campaign. They haven't even gotten involved on a local lvl to ensure Larry Sanders has a legit shot at the nomination. These were the same bozos down by law for Hillary back in '07 til The Neega U Luv Ta Hate came thru n crushed the buildings. They stay backing loser motherfukkers then falling in line when shyt becomes glaringly obvious.

The same WH that ctrls the Justice Dept. apparatuses that are putting their balls on Hillary's sleeping forehead at the frat party are prepping their boy. The only reason for the wait is to see who he's up against on the other side n guage wtf will be going didown abroad for debate time. The other Democratic candidates are nothing, fukking vapor, why? Because the outgoing admin dictates policy to their respective party in an election at the close of a second term, not whoever tf chairs the DNC or the GOP.

Anything else is pure theater, because the shyt is logic. ∅bama has all the power of the fedral govt at his disposal, he went hard at tea party conservatives using the goddamn motherfukking IRS, wtf makes nikkas think he's gonna remain neutral in this shyt? The mere fact O'Biden is publicly announcing he's gonna make a decision whether to run or not (when not nere nutter mfer was axin him to back in the day, or even way back in '08: A New Hope, for that matter) is proof enough. The DNC is not dumb enough to sit n let O'Biden do this shyt when they have Hillary on one end, and The Coli People's Champ, Larry Sanders, on the other. None of these fukking candidates even look presidential except O'Biden, which is some sorry ass shyt, Superman can't walk.

But hey, leftists get Warren at #2, n she's fightin mad at Wall Street fat catcat multi-multimillionaire tycööns n she's gonna fukking do something about it!! Lmao, but seriously, she'll get u fools in line behind the real mvp n you'll be brainwashed enough to call the swat team on ur own diabetic grandfathers to help disarm the public in preparation for the Final Conflict. Wtf do u think all these shootings are happening on college campuses for? Back in the day only two mfers was realistic with their biscuit on a college campus: Charles Whitman and The United States Government, and Charles Whitman is fukking dead. They want u mfers good n traumatized so disarmament is palatable n congressmen n senators can keep their fukking jobs when they follow in lockstep with the agenda.

This shyt is crazy, my nikka: Darth Cheney shot a motherfukker in the face n made the nikka publicly apologize to him the minute his ass changed out his hospital gown. Fast Forward a decade n the feds are spitting on their cock getting ready to Fleece Johnson u nikkas outta ur second amendment rights in preparation for austerity post-stock market crash/The Omen III: The Final Conflict. God, I love c∅ke.

¢apitali$t Migraine

Kneel Before Zod, Muthafücka
Aug 22, 2015
Also, Coke.

Also: Lmmfao@ a$$holes making peeps sign loyalty pledges while declaring their love for America. A loyalty pledge flies directly in the fukking face of everything the American electoral process was designed for. It is super dee duper socialist/communist/fascist/totalitarian in nature. The purpose of Democratic elections is to be able to utilize a free and independent thought process before deciding to vote/pledge support to a particular candidate/political group. A loyalty pledge nullifies that. Not to mention it's gay as fukk, wtf is this, a Cub Scout meeting?


May 14, 2012
usually you do a good amount of coke but you snorted too much this time and this shyt doesn't make any actual sense

im all for the black alex delarge's rants but you losing it here