Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly


May 4, 2014
was she wrong though?

somewhat for a mouth piece , but she :cape:for forced westernization with it's christian American values :ld:

edit: How was that % of radicals even accurate ? :mjlol:
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Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
:sas1: I like how she ignored the travesties committed by the American government. :sas2:
What atrocities?

America is the sole force of good in the world.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Youtube comments:

You idiots that have "liked" this video and applauded this vile woman's rhetoric make my brain hurt you are so stupid.

To suggest that 15-25% of an entire population of people should immediately send alarm bells off in a rational and balanced mind.

What is the evidence for this? "Intelligence communities" - an ad hoc statement with no hope of veracity but as we know, even if this was a figure coming from our "intelligence communities" we know how wrong they can be and malleable to ulterior agendas they are, rather than pursuance of truth (i.e. WMD Iraq).

You may think, ah this is another "liberal" wanting to continue whistling with my fingers in my ears, eyes closed and that everyone is lovely and fine - NO - there are radical and dangerous people in the world and certainly within the Middle East but religion has nothing to do with that radicalisation.
To anyone disregarding the decades of warfare, the backing of dictators, the incursion, invasion and occupation - you are the ones with your eyes & ears closed.

Furthermore, this vilification of Islam & Muslims - which it blatantly is (it is disingenuous to pretend there is some balance to this argument and say no, we only mean 25% of you are bad - that would mean most families had at least 1 terrorist in them! - disgusting idiotic bullshyt) only leads to further vilification, misunderstanding and oils the wheels for further military operations to take place in those regions.

When are we going to wake the fukk up from this madness!!? it is getting worse by the year since 9/11 and we are going backwards with our critical thinking and assessments of these important world issues in favour of simple minded bigotry, fear and violence as a first response.


Brigitte Gabriel is an absolute incongruous imbocile. The things she shyts out of her mouth are just risible.
What kind of factual evidence does this uneducated bytch have to advocate that "15-25%" of Muslims are plotting terror attacks?? Apparant Studies from the "Intelligence of Australians, and Israelis" ? LOL. I am an Australian, and work with the federal government. There are no studies of "Intelligence" to prove this theory you stupid, stupid bytch. When will people Wake the fukk up and realize the radical indoctrination they have become contrived to...
The hyperbole this brainless, piece of shyt is exerting out of her arse is nothing more then racist propaganda.

Have you ever found it difficult to respond to Political Correct agendized questions and arguments that emphasize how peaceful Muslims are being unfairly slighted because extremists and radicals don't represent the majority of Islam?

Brigitte Gabriel (+Brigitte Gabriel) provides a "Christopher Hitchens quality" intellectual answer in response to this question from an innocence-feigning Muslim member who was in the audience. Then, at the end, she finally lays it on even thicker with a most excellently stated guilt trip followed by a statement that "it's time to take Political Correctness and throw it in the garbage."

Since Political Correctness is not my master, and obviously not Brigitte Gabriel's master either, I wholeheartedly agree with her final sentiments (in addition to everything else in that wonderfully powerful speech), and I applaud her for presenting such a powerful and insightful historical-statistics-backed argument.

The world needs more intellectual argumentation like this to be presented to keep the spotlight on the hypocritical and atrocious nature of the violent fascist oppressors who are systematically trying to destroy all modern civilized societies and rule them by fear.

"Muslims don't belong in Western civilization because often the peaceful ones have extremist children. They need to remain in the countries that want this belief system to prevail. They must unite and turn on the extremists there, and keep control of their countries just like we do, using equal war tactics to fight back, just like we do. They are literally ruining Europe's culture, and they have taken down parts of the states too, like Dearborn Michigan. We cannot keep them!"