CACS Back At It: Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook Sues Hundreds of Hawaiians to Force Land Sale

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Full article in the Link. But but but but Zuckerberg and gates trying to help the world...

Zuckerberg, the fifth richest man in the world, has become the "face of neocolonialism" for some Native Hawaiians, who see the land as an ancestor.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently filed a number of land lawsuits in the Kauai region of Hawaii targeting properties that have been in the hands of local families for generations, prompting some to declare his actions are “the face of neocolonialism” in the archipelago.

Hawaii state representative Kaniela Ing of Maui told The Guardian that Zuckerberg, the fifth richest man in the world, is “using the same legal loopholes sugar barons in Hawaii exploited centuries ago."

His “quiet title” suits impact hundreds of Hawaiians who likely own an interest in small pieces of land that are within the boundaries of his US$100 million, 700-acre property in Kauai, which he purchased over two years ago.

Since colonization of the island, land ownership has been a murky concept — and suits like Zuckerberg's have often forced many Native Hawaiians to sell their land at auction, as well as pay the legal fees of the plaintiff.

Locals have responded angrily, seeing the CEO’s actions as embedded within a long, brute history of Western conquest and systematic dispossession of Native Hawaiians.

“This is the face of neocolonialism,” Kapua Sproat, a law professor at the University of Hawaii, told The Guardian. “Even though a forced sale may not physically displace people, it’s the last nail in the coffin of separating us from the land.”

“For us, as Native Hawaiians, the land is an ancestor. It’s a grandparent,” she added. “You just don’t sell your grandmother.”

Kauai council member Mason Chock also weighed in, telling The Guardian, “People have always seen the value of living in Hawaii, in paradise, and for many gener

Full Article:
Mark Zuckerberg Sues Hundreds of Hawaiians to Force Land Sale

Trick Love Da Kids!
Jun 10, 2012
:pacspit: Though he was one of those Valley liberal Cacs .... They all the fukking same

How many times have we stated that THEY'RE ALL THE SAME :mindblown:

How can you force someone to sell?

It's fukked up. I know the govt can take your property by "eminent domain". But I wasnt aware private citizens & companies can do that too.


Bytch Off The Bando
Jun 22, 2015
Minneapolis, MN
Difference between Trump and Zuckerberg, none except that Zuckerberg pretend to be your friend, democrats, conservatives, same people just different clothes

Facebook only hired seven black people in latest diversity count

Facebook is still dominated by white men despite Mark Zuckerberg’s repeated promise to get serious about building a workforce that better reflects the diversity of its 1.4 billion global users.

In its diversity report released on Thursday the social network company revealed that more than half of its US staff are white, with the proportion dropping slightly from 57% to 55%. The proportion of Asian employees increased by 2% to 36%, but the shares of hispanic and black people or those of “two or more races” remained flat at 4%, 2% and 3% respectively.

Facebook’s senior leadership is even more homogenous, with 73% of the most important positions filled by white people.

The company did not provide a breakdown of the exact numbers of people of different ethnicities in different ranks at the firm. It is required to do so by US law, but a spokeswoman said there is a lag in filling the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) report.

The most recent EEO filing available shows Facebook hired an additional seven black people out of an overall headcount increase of 1,231 in 2013. At that time Facebook employed just 45 black staff out of a total US workforce of 4,263. Facebook’s black female headcount increased by just one person over 2013 to 11, and the number of black men increased by six to 34. There were no black people in any executive or senior management positions.

Over the same period the company’s white employee headcount increased by 695. There were 125 white people holding executive and senior management positions at the firm.

The spokeswoman was unable to say when it would file its 2014 EEO report.

Facebook also made little progress increasing the proportion of female employees, 68% of its global employees are male – a decrease of 1%. Among its employees working on its core technology 84% are male, down from 85% last year.

The slow progress on improving diversity comes despite Zuckerberg repeatedly promising to make the company’s employees better reflect the identities of its users. When Facebook released its first diversity report Maxine Williams, its global head of diversity, said: “At Facebook, diversity is essential to achieving our mission.

“We need a team that understands and reflects many different communities, backgrounds and cultures. Research also shows that diverse teams are better at solving complex problems and enjoy more dynamic workplaces. So at Facebook we’re serious about building a workplace that reflects a broad range of experience, thought, geography, age, background, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture and many other characteristics.”

In the latest diversity report Williams admitted that “it’s clear to all of us that we still aren’t where we want to be”.

“There’s more work to do. We remain deeply committed to building a workplace that reflects a broad range of experience, thought, geography, age, background, gender, sexual orientation, language, culture and many other characteristics,” she said. It’s a big task, one that will take time to achieve, but our whole company continues to embrace this challenge.”

In May Zuckerberg said: “We have the same talent bar for everyone. But we want to find a disproportionate number of candidates who are women and minorities.”

He has also said that there is “just so much research that shows that diverse teams perform better at anything you’re trying to do”.

“It’s this problem because it’s not even clear where you would start attacking it. You need to start earlier in the funnel so that girls don’t self-select out of doing computer science education, but at the same time, one of the big reasons why today we have this issue is that there aren’t a lot of women in the field today.”