Critique my business idea thread


Mar 4, 2015
Yeah you right. It's always gonna have it's pros and cons. Maybe in the future there will be something that changes the restaurant industry completely. Who knows. I see it being more interactive between the consumer and the restaurant. shyt, isn't there self ordering kiosks in some McDonald's? Who knows if restaurants may adapt the same technology. Far as the people waiting in line, I was thinking more of during weekday lunch hours and not weekend busy hours. But yeah that upsell factor does come in tho. I wonder if you can just order to go and sit at the restaurant. When waitress comes up to take your order just be like, "nah we straight" :troll:

I don't think "fine dining" will change that much in the future because it's not about convenience. People like being served and waited on, they like recommendations, they enjoy being seated at a nice table and waiting...and overpaying :mjlol:

The wait at a TGIFriday's or Chili's level restaurants isn't traditionally long enough to warrant an overall

and Fast food is always fast.

The newest wave in "food" is being told what you want (and even that is kinda old) restaurants are making money selling one item and only one item (cronut and ramen burger and shyt like that).

There is a fine line to walk between convenience and actual "space". If I need the space for someone...I buck the convenience of someone else. It could cause issues BUT if deployed only during certain hours, or if the restaurant could say "this option is available or unavailable at a certain time" it may cause consumers to choose a different restaurant.

It's tricky breh


Nov 1, 2015
People are fickle so to avoid major losses you should have a system that penalize customers who don't show up at all, for instance if they don't show up you only give a refund of 50% . those customers who cancel prior to the meal being prepped and made at a predetermined time of your choosing can get a full refund. If they cancel 10-20 mins prior to the reservation you can refund X% of your choosing. and offer a discounted rate for that reservation and already made meal to any new customer who agrees first. a penalty system should also be arranged for not following through for the last minute discount reservation+meal. The point is to want serious punctual customers to patronize your service.
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Compound Kingpin
May 8, 2012
Focusville, USA
I don't think "fine dining" will change that much in the future because it's not about convenience. People like being served and waited on, they like recommendations, they enjoy being seated at a nice table and waiting...and overpaying :mjlol:

The wait at a TGIFriday's or Chili's level restaurants isn't traditionally long enough to warrant an overall

and Fast food is always fast.

The newest wave in "food" is being told what you want (and even that is kinda old) restaurants are making money selling one item and only one item (cronut and ramen burger and shyt like that).

There is a fine line to walk between convenience and actual "space". If I need the space for someone...I buck the convenience of someone else. It could cause issues BUT if deployed only during certain hours, or if the restaurant could say "this option is available or unavailable at a certain time" it may cause consumers to choose a different restaurant.

It's tricky breh
Don't forget not tipping. :mjgrin: