Donald Sterling (LA Clippers Owner) goes in on his GF about associating with Black People

May 1, 2012
shyt like this does not piss me off. To tell the truth I am not even outraged by his comments. The man is telling the truth about the way the world works especially when you see the bolded. What pisses me off at the end of the day is the people like pharell who dont believe in race and keep spouting their whole new black bullshyt.
Here is a white jewish billionaire telling it like it is. Saying that the fact that blacks are despised globally and are at the bottom is the way the world is designed. It is culture and we have to live within that culture. Yet we have black people talking about how its the 1% vs everyone else and blacks need to band with everybody to take down the 1%. or shyt like blacks can be racist e.t.c

Here is the truth from the mouth of the 1%. We are seen and treated like dogs globally because it is they way its designed. It is culture and we have to live within that culture.

side note:
Plus notice how nobody in the media is going to truly and carefully analyse his comments and actually pick up the truth in it. I know I might get negged for this but blacks should stop focusing on the messenger and instead focus on the message. The media is purposely crucifying the guy to throw us off from the truth he was shedding.

Why you might ask?

Again sterling isnt just any ordinary white guy. He is an old white jewish billionaire. So you know he has great insight into how the world truly works. Got to shut him up before he exposes everything.
Good analysis breh


Aug 20, 2013
Sound Reasoning
On Donald Sterling:

This dude has been known for having racist policies in his businesses for years. He's had several discrimnation suits filed against him. No person who is involved in his business dealings or the NBA is surprised that this has come out.

Dude is living the plantation life. He has the bucks making him money and entertaining him. He's banging out a an attractive black woman. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. Oh, you think the NBA is going to stop him because "they care"? If so, then I've got the Empire State Building for sale at 40% off. The NBA is going to make a show of this and maybe force him out.....but he will restructure the deal, so that he finds a way to transfer the business to party he's connected to, which means he will continue getting paid via the same efforts of the players he wouldn't want to go to dinner with. Oh, and the NBA will know this and turn a blind eye.

I hope this is a lesson to people who think that just because someone dates or cavorts with a certain race or group, that does not mean that they identify with said group. Respect and atrraction are two very different things. I know the bedwenches and c00ns will skip that part but life will teach them one way or another.

This chick:

Well, let's be real here. This chick knew who she was dating and what he was about. She knew that he was prejudice and still decided to be associated with him. Like all gold diggers, she threw aside a certain degree of personal integrity and standards. As a black woman, or woman of color, she sacrificed her pride and sense of self in order to gain some form of financial security. Well, it is what it is.

This recording ONLY came out because Donald broke up with her and cut her off. She didn't break up with him as a result of having his prejudice ideas confirmed via this conversation. She didn't release this recording as a token of her anger and disbelief over his comments. She realeased this tape because he cut her off from the money and she decided to get back at him.

This woman is no matyr and deserves no accolade. The fact that she would even date this dude says something about her as a woman and especially as a woman of color. It underscores something that many do not like to talk about....that some women of color can be bought even by men who openly decry their racial origin. That some women of color are so eager to be associated with a white man of status that they will throw any sense of racial pride and racial integrity. That black women, generally, have a higher level of respect and deferrance for white men that allows some to be with men who question the validity of their very existence.


I've already heard how "Donald Sterling won't be safe in LA." Oh yea, the same way George Zimmerman isn't safe in Florida. The same way George Zimmerman was going to "get that work" if he was on the streets after the trial. Let's be real, Sterling will continue to gallavant around LA or any other place he decides. And if he chooses, he will have a black or bi-racial woman on his side for the ride.

Sterling is no different than MANY OTHERS who share his beliefs but just happen to have not been caught on tape...or any tape that's been released. For this reason, there will be no real repercussion for what he said and he will be protected because the fact still remains...he is a rich white male in a country made for rich white males.

Oh, and the futility of the Clippers team. How impotent it must feel to dislike what your employer says about your people yet know there is nothing you can do except keep making him money? To keep running, jumping and dunking for his jersey? To keep making money for his comfort and well-being? To keep giving him more money that he will use to keep banging chicks like V Stiviano all the while sitting courtside and hitting you with the proverbial :umad:

And if you speak out, then the pundits, media and NBA will turn against you for "not seeing the bigger picture and hurting your team in the playoffs." They will say "you should just focus on basketball and let the NBA work it out." They will say "protest by your play on the court." They will basically talk to you like an infant who doesn't realize that the end game is money. And that being upset and "protesting on the court" does nothing to stop Donald Sterling from his continual walks to the bank off your black back, legs and arms.

This feels very plantationish to me. But we live in 2014 where n#ggas have IT Certs, PAWGs and drive Audis. So, this is just a one-ff :mjlol:


P.S. :umad:
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All Star
May 30, 2012
Saw this on Tweeter: :shaq:

Donald Sterling's daughter after game 3 win over Warriors...
