Hispanic Guy I Worked With Yesterday Prayed & Got Angry Because I Quote, "Asked Too Many Questions"


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
This was yesterday and it was weird as hell. At the steel mill I work at, they always ask for three to four temps everyday. However, they only needed one yesterday, so I was the only temp there. They want to hire me btw :jawalrus: Anyway, I was paired to work with a guy I never worked with before and I was on board. I'm the type who always love to be one step ahead.

So, I had to help change the machine.

JJG: So, how does this work? Because I want to learn how to change that.

Mexican dude: Stares :stopitslime::gucci:

He lowkey shoves me out the way to fix/unscrew it himself. I had to ask repeatedly because I hate standing around not doing a damn thing. So, I became more assertive.

*Sees Mexican dude specialist (another Mexican breh with blueprint)* He was cool.

JJG: So, those are blueprint? Do those have the measurements, so you can measure and put them together a certain kind of way?

Mexican dude specialist: Yep, and the highlighted parts are the ones we change.

He shows me how and I watch on. Now, I observe a lot also. However, I'm better with hands on (always have been).

JJG: Cool and sorry for asking a lot of questions. I just wanted to learn what you guys do. Because I like learning new things when given the opportunity.

Mexican dude: Starts un wrenching the machine.

I help him for a little bit. He had trouble (this is a huge wrenching tall and wide). The guy almost injured me five times. Once when we were transferring sheet metal onto the pallet. Guy was day dreaming and he didn't grab his end. I almost fell over. Because of him we had one piece of wasted sheet metal.

Here's where the sh-t started.

JJG: I'll help you with the wrench (dude took pole out).

Mexican dude: Stop :leostare:

Mexican dude: You ask a lot of questions mane :leostare: Me speak no english

Black breh: This is Trump's America. He bout to get our asses all blowed up. We all about to f-cking die :martin:

Mexican dude: Me don't like Trump.

They have a convo in English for over 15 minutes discussing Trump, Beer, and Tequila. Sh-t that has nothing to do with the job. I kept my mouth shut though. When that dude said that I speak no English part, my eyes turned bloodshot red and sweat was pouring out (drenched). I was working my ass off and dude cops an fit.

JJG: I'm sorry, but I ask questions if I don't understand something because I like being one step ahead. Not trying to be funny. I actually hate standing around not doing anything.

Before that I asked to sweep until they gave me something to do. Never even got an answer.

Mexican dude: Just don't ask anymore questions :martin: *Prays in Spanish to G-d* Please help me.

I f-cking just stare and hit the :snoop:

JJG: :beli:

The assistant to the head guy (Head dude is White). Head guy and I have a good rapport and we discussed life and he gave me pointers. I explained before on how some Whites will give you pointers if they see something in you (ROT). Anyway, head Mexican dude gave me my ticket at 3PM. He wanted to get off. However, we stayed until four.

On our way out breh got made Mexican dude over some dirt. I played it cool. Crazy part, the other temp last week got pissed with dude. He said, "That guys makes you pissed off".

Mexican dude specialist: Thank you :jawalrus:

JJG: No problem man anytime and thank you.

*Sees the ticket (come back Monday *checked*)

When I got to the car I saw my moms in the front passenger's seat and my father. She gets mad at that word opportunity :heh: Everytime I say it she hits the :comeon:

BONUS: Black breh and I discuss it he says F-ck dude. Also, the dude did give me tips (Mexican dude) on how I shouldn't bend and squat. Yesterday was weird, but I still had a chill day. I like steel mill jobs (not doing it as a career). However, I like it as a skill.

P.S. even with that it was still teamwork. Which I like btw.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
Man stfu you're annoying on the internet must be unbearable in real life.
I have people that I associate with in real life.

P.S. nobody really likes dude. Another temp had a complaint about him. Actually read a tread before you spew rah rah.


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
Based on some of these thread titles and the amount of threads you make in general, I agreed with the Hispanic dude. You seem like the type to bring up topics that's none of your business.
I asked questions that were related to the job. Basically, I asked how this and that worked. The other dude brought up political topics and etc. I just stayed out of it and continued working.
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The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
Bruh go tell your Supervisor that you want to learn the job and dude bullshytting.
And dont let no one challenge your manhood at work. You can check them without losing your job.
I kinda checked him in a profession way. Also, I told the supervisor (assistant) on him yesterday. He said that he was going to have a talk with him.


Dec 2, 2015
Yeah keep asking questions and always look to expand your skill set. Its your knowledge that makes you valuable, not your physical accumen. Expand that knowledge and keep on grinding until you get where you want.