I dont get why Tariq keep talking bout "the numbers"

⠀X ⠀

Dec 19, 2017
And you answered a question with a question. :unimpressed:

Do you have a different opinion? All points are valid until we solve this mess.

It’s not really my opinion... your statement is false. They are concerned about the numbers. That fact that we’re even talking about it is proof of that. For the last few years, they’ve been talking about what the future of America will look like as well as the declining birth rate. These things ain’t on the front page of magazines and newspapers for nothing.

and you also have to look at how they classify people by race in this country and how it’s changed over the years. Why did they keep making people white who were never considered white? Why has the percent of black people in this country remained unchanged for over 100 years?


Dec 15, 2019
That fact that we’re even talking about it is proof of that. For the last few years, they’ve been talking about what the future of America will look like as well as the declining birth rate. These things ain’t on the front page of magazines and newspapers for nothing.
Fair, valid points.

I do voice an objection, though. It seems the premises may be wrong. The argument hinges on “because x is on the front page of newspapers and magazines” then “x must be important/ true”. I take two issues with this.

1. Are demographics actually on the front page of any major news outlets you mention?:jbhmm:Most cacs consider the NYT the paper of record. When was the last time you picked one up?:usure: From 2017 to 2020 the vast majority of front cover stories have been dominated by Trump, China, and Russian collusion with no mentions about demographics, with only the exception of a half dozen prints from 2017 referencing small-town border demographics with Mexico. Same thing with Washington Post and USA Today because they share the same cycle. Using your own logic, the news = white society’s consciousness.

I challenge you to find an article about “the numbers” and I guarantee you that it won’t come from the editor him/herself, it won’t be from a staff writer, it will be an opinion piece, and it sure as fck ain’t going to front-page or major.

Black folk get our info from too few sources and gas up minor news. Kind of like how coliBrehs find tweets from a 30follower twitter account saying “black men ain’t sht”, and the story goes 5-stars on thecoli. :hhh: Demographics aren’t permeating as an idea among cacs, because they never needed them to cease power in the first place.

you also have to look at how they classify people by race in this country and how it’s changed over the years. Why did they keep making people white who were never considered white? Why has the percent of black people in this country remained unchanged for over 100 years?

2. On your second point, this is more stuff we circulate among ourselves to feel better. Again, usually followed by “we need to get together”. Have you seen the actual census classifications since 1790? :usure: It seems like you are implying that people who arnt white are being added to their list. Check it Race and ethnicity in the U.S. Census. The full list of census descriptions. There has never been a white group today that wasn’t one in the past. Look at the actual census data instead of stuff we circulate among ourselves. Categories are added as immigrants are imported, ie (Hispanics were added after SouthAmerican-US coups in the 70s. Chinese after railroads.)

I’d compare the disagreements between individual white ethnic groups (Irish vs Anglo) to Yorubas going at it it out with Igbos on the continent. You best believe that when sht hits the fan those two Nigerians will form VOLTRON


differentiate themselves from FBA/ADOS the same way the cac ethnic groups have.

Any objections? Dialogue is always a good thing @GigoloGeoff .


Jun 12, 2014
Not to mention that Mitch McConnell packing the federal courts with judges from the racist federalist society will ensure cac retain
Judicial power for the next 50 years easily and beyond.

So black people will likely continue to get screwed by the justice system


Take from the b*tch, give to the whores.
Nov 11, 2017
I can’t remember which country in Africa it is but they have Germans who are less than 10% of the population there, ruling over the black majority. Op is right. Numbers mean nothing if you don’t have economic power.

Jews are the minority but they run America/Europe.


Dec 27, 2017
Said this on this site numerous times. It means nothing to brag about numbers if you have no infrastructure in place or no way to have Black people to come up in society in a meaningful way. It’s feel good talk with nothing concrete.


May 1, 2012
I can’t remember which country in Africa it is but they have Germans who are less than 10% of the population there, ruling over the black majority. Op is right. Numbers mean nothing if you don’t have economic power.

Jews are the minority but they run America/Europe.


Home of the First German Holocaust


Dec 15, 2019
I can’t remember which country in Africa it is but they have Germans who are less than 10% of the population there, ruling over the black majority. Op is right. Numbers mean nothing if you don’t have economic power.

Jews are the minority but they run America/Europe.


Home of the First German Holocaust
:francis:. Its sad as fck. I know the world ganged up on us, but there was a point where we could actually body all of them at once. I found this passage going through Dr. Chiek Ante Diop’s work the other day. It’s a good read.

“It was a fortified place at the junction of infiltration routes for Asian shepherds from the east and nomads from the west, whom the Egyptians called Rebou or Lebou, whence the name Libyans (Eighteenth Dynasty). More than once these barbarians tried to penetrate Egypt by force, attracted by its wealth, but almost every time they were defeated and pushed back across the border after heavy fighting. The nature of these coalitions between peoples of the north and east in the Delta area, the fierce battles waged there, justified the foundation of Memphis as an advanced fortress. Nevertheless, we should not confuse the races that faced one another there.”

“As this passage from Moret indicates, it was a veritable confederation of Whites against the Negro race of Egypt:
About the month of April, 1229 B.C., Merneptah at Memphis learned that the King of the Libyans, Merirey, was coming from the land of Tehenu with his archers and a coalition of “Peoples of the North,” composed of Shardana, Siculans, Achaeans, Lycians, and Etruscans, the warrior elite of each country. His aim was to attack the western frontier of Egypt in the plains of Perir. The danger was all the graver since the province of Palestine itself was affected by the disturbance. Indeed, it seems that the Hittites had also been embroiled in the turmoil, although Merneptah had continued his good offices in their behalf, sending them wheat by his ships at the time of a drought, to help the land of Khatti to survive.”

“After a furious battle lasting six hours, the Egyptians had completely routed that coalition of barbarian hordes. Survivors long remembered their panic and passed that memory on for generations.” - Cheik Ante Diop

The grey writing is direct recitation from the actual walls of Egyptian tombs. And all this was during Nubian rule. My point is; blonde blue-eyed Libyans, the Greeks, Sicilians, those who would become Romans, hititites from the Bible, even the Jews as eastern shepherds ganged up on black folk, and we pushed them ALL back. :myman: Wish we studied and emulated the strategy and organinaztion of these people and other black folk that have done it before.:ohlawd:


Mar 24, 2014
Two things.


1. My point is that the numbers are irrelevant to actually acquiring resources. A minority of Asians set up shop in the Islands in the 80s and they run everything of consequence.

2. A minority of Indians set up shop in the continent in the 40s and they run everything cacs dont run.

3. Gays and Asians stateside each at 4% and they control entire industries. Nuff said.

I seriously hope you arnt going to argue against the concept of white supremacy. WS means supreme over everything. Brother Fuller breaks it down, and TBA/Tariq/PBT cosign it.

Serious question breh, who do you go to work for every day? :patrice:And who is the governor of your state? Which nationality of people manufactured the car you drive? :ufdup:Who's company made the clothes on your back?:usure: Did you source any of the food that you ate in the last week from black folk? Left to their own devices do you know any black people that could make a damn light bulb? :ld:Do you know any black folk that manufacture anti-biotics or antiviral drugs?:lupe: And the list goes on.

Follow up. Can you name any one thing we dominate? Don’t say sports or music, because at the end of the day, who owns our leagues and has our artists on slave contracts? :mjcry:

Indians were given preference by the Dutch..
Same as in Uganda by the stinking British..this is what led to the curry munchers get ahead of the locals and eventually their eviction by Idi Amin.
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