If you buy your daughter a Cellphone plan with Data, You Lost.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
she surely isnt doing any of that on a medium ill be paying for though breh. :umad:
Your only job as a parent is to make fukking up nearly impossible for your kids. If they figure out a way to fukk up after you've done everything in your power that's not on you.


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
I got my 10yr old a cell for her birthday but my kid is responsible and confides in me for almost everything so i dont have that fear. The real evil is social media which is the bad influence. My cousin signed up her daughter on IG and she already a little follower so im afraid of how that will turn out


Nov 20, 2016
You don’t like sex then? Are you telling me that before Arabs and Whites corrupted Africa, that Africans weren’t having and enjoying sex? Some of y’all need to be careful. You’re implying that sexual freedom is a cac invention and some of you are also arguing that your daughters deserve to be shamed for being human beings.

And breh, how is your way not just based on assumptions? You’re religious aren’t you? How is religion something that isn’t something based off of a plethora of assumptions?

Sex is natural and it can be a healthy experience. And all of your kids will probably begin fukking someday. Why does this upset some of you?

Now you're doing the typical liberal cac trick of "why do you hate sex so much? It's natural :smugfavre:"

I don't hate sex, yes I believe that sex is natural. However, that is very different from saying that unrestricted sex is healthy. It is clearly not :dwillhuh:

Unwanted pregnancies, the spread of STD's, etc.. all of this is statistically linked to unrestricted sex.

Yes, what you call "sexual freedom" is literally a cac invention. Ever heard of the sexual revolution?? :gucci:

We can discuss religion some other time or you can read some of the countless posts I've already made about the topic of religion, let's stay on topic for now breh.

You claim that Africans were just having wild, unrestricted sex before Arabs and Europeans? What part of the continent are you from where promiscuity was celebrated (especially wrt women)? :dwillhuh:

You know that you are literally contradicting every claim that your ideological brethren have made wrt the patriarchy, right? :mjlol:

Which one is it? Either men created the patriarchy (a system which predates Christianity and Islam and has been the most dominant globally since the beginning of time) to control women (including their sexuality) or everybody was just screwing whoever they wanted until religion came along? :mjlol:


Nov 20, 2016
Porn is overly accessible.
Society is severely oversexualized.
STDs are through the roof.
But societies change. Some of the change is not wanted or good, but I find it some of it positive.
And again, I don’t think people are gonna give up their sexual freedoms and indulgences now that we’ve allowed them to explore them.
Let people live.
If y’all want control your homes a certain way, go ahead. I can’t and won’t stop you. Just know a child will do what she or he wants ultimately

You are not being consistent breh. Why do you have a problem with porn and "over sexualization" of society, when you promote "sexual freedom"? :dwillhuh:


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
Now you're doing the typical liberal cac trick of "why do you hate sex so much? It's natural :smugfavre:"

I don't hate sex, yes I believe that sex is natural. However, that is very different from saying that unrestricted sex is healthy. It is clearly not :dwillhuh:

Unwanted pregnancies, the spread of STD's, etc.. all of this is statistically linked to unrestricted sex.

Yes, what you call "sexual freedom" is literally a cac invention. Ever heard of the sexual revolution?? :gucci:

We can discuss religion some other time or you can read some of the countless posts I've already made about the topic of religion, let's stay on topic for now breh.

You claim that Africans were just having wild, unrestricted sex before Arabs and Europeans? What part of the continent are you from where promiscuity was celebrated (especially wrt women)? :dwillhuh:

You know that you are literally contradicting every claim that your ideological brethren have made wrt the patriarchy, right? :mjlol:

Which one is it? Either men created the patriarchy (a system which predates Christianity and Islam and has been the most dominant globally since the beginning of time) to control women (including their sexuality) or everybody was just screwing whoever they wanted until religion came along? :mjlol:

Breh, your attributing everything you don’t like or agree with to cacs. I don’t think that is fair, right or logical and I never supported unrestricted sex. I’ve condemned society’s hypersexuality multiple times in this thread. I’ve always stated numerous times that as long as my kids don’t get sick or pregnant, they can do as they wish. No one is explaining why they feel they should be heavy handed in micromanaging their children’s sexuality, especially their daughters and to me it sounds like a semi benevolent sexism.

And no, let’s include religion. You talked about my beliefs and you scrutinized them, so why shouldn’t we scrutinize your beliefs, biases and assumptions? I put myself out there and spoke my piece but you have yet to fully explain your ideas as connected to your politics, religion and experiences. That is not fair. Explain your assumptions.

And people need to get rid of this idea that Africa was or is this moral beacon in the world. Ancient Egypt had orgies. Homosexuality and group sex has been recorded in central Africa and in my neck of Africa (Zimbabwe), there are studies showing that premarital sex was a more common and permitted than people like to let on.

And I have not contradicted myself. You have introduced your own facts and have now tried to act as if I supported them or agreeed with them, when there is no proof to suggest such things.

Patriarchy has not always existed. I never said that. That is your claim. The concept of patriarchy and it’s creation are old inventions but they are not these long existing things that have just always been. A white woman (lemme find her), actually wrote a back about how before patriarchy’s existence, many of the major faith systems had central female gods, sexuality was more celebrated, gender was fluid and people were not as confined to gender roles as they are now.

The beginnings of Globalization, war, the concept of nationhood and property, greed, unbridled technological advancement and religion are the cause of the problems in regards to the treatment of women.

So to answer the last bit. People weren’t just screwing around. Never said. Never even brought up patriarchy. So that’s irrelevant. But sex is a normal part of life that has been demonized by neurotics and power hungry women hating weirdos.

I’ll ask again, why is sexuality, especially female sexuality is threatening to some of y’all?

The world is changing and it’s not about passively letting things happens. It’s about realizing that some change is necessary, especially how we view women’s sexuality. The world is changing


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
You are not being consistent breh. Why do you have a problem with porn and "over sexualization" of society, when you promote "sexual freedom"? :dwillhuh:

The Coli is clearly not the place for a nuanced discussion lol.

Porn has many negative messages and ideals. It encourages violence and misogyny . If we created a women friendly alternative to porn such as a virtual erotica that showcases healthy, realistic and respectful sexual interactions between men and women. I’d agree with it.

Also, I’ve been consistent. You guys are thinking in such simple perimeters. Sexual freedom is not a code word for degeneracy and violence. It is about having a healthy balanced view of sex which liberates us from sexual repression or sexual excess. There is a balance.

Society is so full of extremes. People are either prudishly afraid of their own sexuality or they let sex dominate their lives. Neither is healthy. Society is currently fixated with sex and it has forgetton about more important things like intimacy, which can exist concurrently in a sexually liberated society. Media is full of a lowest common denominator version of sexuality. Sexuality can and should be enlightening.
Aug 10, 2015
The Coli is clearly not the place for a nuanced discussion lol.

Porn hasn’t many negative messages and ideals. It encourages violence and misogyny . If we created a women friendly alternative to porn such as a virtual erotica that showcases healthy, realistic and respectful sexual interactions between men and women. I’d agree with it.

Also, I’ve been consistent. You guys are thinking in such simple perimeters. Sexual freedom is not a code word for degeneracy and violence. It is about having a healthy balanced view of sex which liberates us from sexual repression or sexual excess. There is a balance.

Society is so full of extremes. People are either prudishly afraid of their own sexuality or they let sex dominate their lives. Neither is healthy. Society is currently fixated with sex and it has forgetton about more important things like intimacy, which can exist concurrently in a sexually liberated society. Media is full of a lowest common denominator version of sexuality. Sexuality can and should be enlightening.
Y’all liberal “woke” nikkas love to virtue single so hard that you people actually end up doing the shyt that you claim you’re fighting against :mjlol:

Claim it promotes violence and misogyny, but don’t take into account that there are a lot of women who enjoy that same porn. But of course they don’t matter cause y’all nikkas gotta get ya virtue signal on :heh:


Nov 20, 2016
^I've spoken about my beliefs a million times. I'm very outspoken about my convictions, ask anybody :heh:

We can dissect them later, but you're clearly trying to derail the thread breh.

How can you condemn hypersexuality and believe in "free sex"? :mindblown:

So you want some restrictions on sex and sexual content, correct? That's not "free sex" then. But then my question is, who decides where to draw the line? What moral framework are you using to decide what constitutes "hypersexual behavior/, content"? :jbhmm:

I'm not "attributing everything I don't like" to cacs. I am stating a fact: the so called "sexual revolution" is a cac construct. This isn't even a debate breh, it's basic history :dwillhuh:

Everything that you've been arguing thus far is literally rooted in the paradigm of the sexual revolution. Literally everything.

I don't even believe that the "patriarchy" is some grand conspiracy by men to oppress women (and no serious academic does either). I only brought up this point to expose an inconsistency in your logic.

Breh, please do yourself a favor and research the origins of your beliefs. :francis:


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
Y’all liberal “woke” nikkas love to virtue single so hard that you people actually end up doing the shyt that you claim you’re fighting against :mjlol:

Claim it promotes violence and misogyny, but don’t take into account that there are a lot of women who enjoy that same porn. But of course they don’t matter cause y’all nikkas gotta get ya virtue signal on :heh:

There are so many studies about porn that argue that it is negative. Women watch and make porn, yes that’s true.

But, quite a few women also have rape fantasies.
They also enjoy getting beaten and choked during sex.
Some women enjoy being degraded and called sexist or racist slurs.
Women also engage in BDSM, which in recent years has been discovered to be a male dominated culture.

Are these things okay, just because women approve them? Are these women not psychologically damaged or socialized in certain ways, hence why they would seek out such things? Ultimately women can do and enjoy what they like. I’m all about autonomy but certain things come from a dark space and what we believe about ourselves, because of lies society tells us.

I’m talking to walls tho. I could reiterate my ideas a million times. Y’all have your minds made about everything. So fukk it. I ain’t wasting my time On the this. Do what you want :ehh:


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
^I've spoken about my beliefs a million times. I'm very outspoken about my convictions, ask anybody :heh:

We can dissect them later, but you're clearly trying to derail the thread breh.

How can you condemn hypersexuality and believe in "free sex"? :mindblown:

So you want some restrictions on sex and sexual content, correct? That's not "free sex" then. But then my question is, who decides where to draw the line? What moral framework are you using to decide what constitutes "hypersexual behavior/, content"? :jbhmm:

I'm not "attributing everything I don't like" to cacs. I am stating a fact: the so called "sexual revolution" is a cac construct. This isn't even a debate breh, it's basic history :dwillhuh:

Everything that you've been arguing thus far is literally rooted in the paradigm of the sexual revolution. Literally everything.

I don't even believe that the "patriarchy" is some grand conspiracy by men to oppress women (and no serious academic does either). I only brought up this point to expose an inconsistency in your logic.

Breh, please do yourself a favor and research the origins of your beliefs. :francis:

Not trying to derail the thread. I’ve asked a question and you have decided to dance around it. That’s whatever. Why are your assumptions correct and mine wrong? Answer that. I’m not going searching thru the Coli to understand your views. Answer me or don’t. I can admit I’m wrong, that’s okay. I’m just curious, why you believe you are right and I am not.

You’ve decided what you want about what I’ve said. It’s all cool. It’s been a really good discussion.

I know where my beliefs come from. Can anyone explain why they are wrong? Or damaging? Or dangerous? Why and how? No one has yet. They bring up diseases and pregnancy and their own morality but as previously stated that’s not good enough. Those things are preventable. The world is changing
Aug 10, 2015
There are so many studies about porn that argue that it is negative. Women watch and make porn, yes that’s true.

But, quite a few women also have rape fantasies.
They also enjoy getting beaten and choked during sex.
Some women enjoy being degraded and called sexist or racist slurs.
Women also engage in BDSM, which in recent years has been discovered to be a male dominated culture.

Are these things okay, just because women approve them? Are these women not psychologically damaged or socialized in certain ways, hence why they would seek out such things? Ultimately women can do and enjoy what they like. I’m all about autonomy but certain things come from a dark space and what we believe about ourselves, because of lies society tells us.

I’m talking to walls tho. I could reiterate my ideas a million times. Y’all have your minds made about everything. So fukk it. I ain’t wasting my time On the this. Do what you want :ehh:
So Mr misogyny is saying that these women are damaged just because they like bdsm? And male dominated, huh? May be true, but we aren’t the ones that went out in masses to watch 50 shades of Grey:heh:

Y’all male feminist/ my-soggy-knee nikkas are always the biggest women haters. Y’all always go so hard because you have demons to hide. You just bacislly invalidated women’s feelings about sex and bdsm off the strength of what you think is best for them. That is TRUE misogyny.

I’ll forever post this


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
So Mr misogyny is saying that these women are damaged just because they like bdsm? And male dominated, huh? May be true, but we aren’t the ones that went out in masses to watch 50 shades of Grey:heh:

Y’all male feminist/ my-soggy-knee nikkas are always the biggest women haters. Y’all always go so hard because you have demons to hide. You just bacislly invalidated women’s feelings about sex and bdsm off the strength of what you think is best for them. That is TRUE misogyny.

I’ll forever post this

I am actually discussing the finding by various feminists like Brittney Cooper, Ramona Lofton, etc. I have no reason to lie and I actually said at the end of my post that women can do as they wish.

I love how Coli guys take a sentence out of paragraphs and act like the sentence is all I wrote. It’s almost like some of your struggle to argue and discuss like mentally proficient adults:ohhh:

Also, never said I was a feminist or a liberal. Those are labels you are attaching to me to make yourself feel smart. Idc what women do. That’s the crux of my argument. Bury whatever.

I have no demons to hide about women. What projections you are making breh.

Just say you like porn and youre angry I attacked it. Got dude writing essays cause I made him feel insecure :russ:

People can do what they want