Israel passes law to strip residency of Jerusalem's Palestinians


Oct 31, 2017
After backing down like a p*ssy in this thread :
Israel vs Palestine in one image

You would think you would have some shame and slide back under the rock you came from, troll. But alas, expecting a sense of shame from a hasbara bot is a bit too much to ask. But I told you son, I dont tolerate zio propaganda, not on the coli


The real question here is whether your comparison of European citizenry vis a vis its immigrants with the status of Palestinians vis a vis Israel, and your comparison of Hamas with ISIS is a byproduct of your abject stupidity and lack of education, or are you fully aware of how stupid you sound but your job on this forum is not to tell the truth but rather push a narrative?

Answer us p*ssy, are you a retard or a hack?


A lot of hot air and invectives.

What is your point Falasdizi ?


Oct 31, 2017
This is a blatant lie. There is no mention of Hamas in the article quoted in the OP. Here are some direct quotes though:

It is Al Jazeera of course, what did you expect, the ISIS supporting Arab channel owned by Qatar. Don't play dumb, falastinian bot. :hhh:

"Under the new measure, Israel's Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, leader of the ultra-Orthodox political party Shas, will be able to strip the residency documents of any Palestinian whom he deems a threat."

Of course the Palestinians have nothing to fear. We all know Israel has a proven notable track of record of due process and respect for the rule of law when it comes to the rights of the Palestinians

That is biased Arab version. Doesn't even pass the smell test. Here is the real bill.

The new law will give Interior Minister Aryeh Deri the authority to strip the residency of Palestinians with ties to terrorist groups, convicted terrorists, would-be attackers, or those convicted of treason, according to the proposed legal definition of “breach of trust.

Try better next time troll. Don't bring Al Jazeera and Al adalah as proof. :mjgrin:


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
It is Al Jazeera of course, what did you expect, the ISIS supporting Arab channel owned by Qatar. Don't play dumb, falastinian bot. :hhh:

That is biased Arab version. Doesn't even pass the smell test. Here is the real bill.

The new law will give Interior Minister Aryeh Deri the authority to strip the residency of Palestinians with ties to terrorist groups, convicted terrorists, would-be attackers, or those convicted of treason, according to the proposed legal definition of “breach of trust.

Try better next time troll. Don't bring Al Jazeera and Al adalah as proof. :mjgrin:

Once again, you choose to ignore the actual point raised, and simply attack the source like the maggot you are.

Are you able to dispute the assertion that this law violates international law?

Are you able to speak at all to the substance of the argument?

Or do you need to consult the Israeli Foreign Ministry? Or perhaps your Bnai Brith pamphlet?

The faccot attacks my source, but fails to provide one himself


Hows this p*ssy?

The government-sponsored law specifies three situations in which the interior minister can revoke permanent residency: If the status was granted under false pretenses, if the resident endangered public safety or security, or if he betrays the State of Israel.

Israel passes law allowing it to revoke permanent residency of East Jerusalem Palestinians

If Haaretz isnt Jewish enough for you, how about the Times of Israel?

That is where you got your quote from, after all.

I will set aside the fact that any concerns you have over the Al Jazeera bias applies just as well to the Times of Israel


The Knesset on Wednesday enacted a law permitting the interior minister to revoke the permanent residency status of East Jerusalem residents who are found to have committed actions constituting a “breach of trust” to the State of Israel.

The new law will give Interior Minister Aryeh Deri the authority to strip the residency of Palestinians with ties to terrorist groups, convicted terrorists, would-be attackers, or those convicted of treason, according to the proposed legal definition of “breach of trust.”

It would also likely apply to East Jerusalem Palestinians who have attacked IDF soldiers, which Israeli law defines as a terror offense.

Hamas members in East Jerusalem could lose residency under new law

The fact that Hamas members may be caught in this is simply a distraction from the wording of the law, and the true target of the law...East Jerusalems Arabs. We have seven decades of Israeli policy that allows us to understand Israels true intentions.

Even assuming only Hamas would be the target...lets run through this understanding...

Somehow in your twisted, infantile, elementary mind, the following makes sense

Launch a concerted, intentional act of ethnic cleansing,

Follow it with decades of occupation against the defeated people

Support Islamic militants within the defeated people as a counter balance to the relatively secular resistance of the defeated people

Continue the occupation, launch several armed attacks on the people, deny them civic rights, violate their human rights

When said people turn to the Islamic militants you helped and assisted, due to the failure of the secular resistance you crushed

Then you pass a law targeting the defeated people, under the guise of attacking the Islamic militants



Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416

can you address this Human Rights Watch report, or will you attack this source and ignore the substance, like you do in every thread like the fukking hack you are

Between the start of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967 and the end of 2016, Israel revoked the status of at least 14,595 Palestinians from East Jerusalem, according to the Interior Ministry. Authorities have justified most revocations based on a failure to prove a “center of life” in Jerusalem but, in recent years, they have also revoked status to punish Palestinians accused of attacking Israelis and as collective punishment against relatives of suspected assailants. The discriminatory system pushes many Palestinians to leave their home city in what amounts to forcible transfers, a serious violation of international law.

Residency revocations are part of a range of policies that include unlawful settlement expansion, home demolitions, and restrictions on building in the city that have shifted the demographics in East Jerusalem. This outcome reflects the Israeli government’s goal of “maintaining a solid Jewish majority in the city,” as stated in the Jerusalem municipality’s master plan (“Jerusalem Outline Plan 2000”), and limiting the number of Palestinian residents. Originally setting a target “ratio of 70% Jews and 30% Arab,” planners later acknowledged that “this goal is not attainable” in light of “the demographic trend” and adjusted to a 60-40 target. Palestinians constituted 37 percent of Jerusalem’s population in 2015, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.

Here's why logical people with a semblance of morality and an understanding of the conflict are concerned about such laws. They see right through it:

Israeli authorities have also in recent years revoked the status of Palestinians in East Jerusalem under the Law of Entry for violating their “minimal obligation of loyalty to the state of Israel.” First used against four Hamas members elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006, authorities have, following an October 2015 government decree, invoked this justification against individuals accused of physically attacking Israelis and against the suspects’ families.

Residency revocations often effectively force Palestinians from East Jerusalem, who are protected by virtue of Israel’s occupation under the Fourth Geneva Convention, to leave the territory they live in. This constitutes forcible transfers when causing displacement to other parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and deportations when displacement takes place outside the country. The convention allows such measures only on a temporary basis for “imperative military reasons.” Failing to maintain a “center of life” in Jerusalem does not meet the convention’s restrictive standard.

Israel: Jerusalem Palestinians Stripped of Status

Let me guess...HRW is owned by the third cousin of the Qatari Emir, and hence there is no need for you to engage in it at all.


Oct 31, 2017
Once again, you choose to ignore the actual point raised, and simply attack the source like the maggot you are.

Are you able to dispute the assertion that this law violates international law?

Are you able to speak at all to the substance of the argument?

Or do you need to consult the Israeli Foreign Ministry? Or perhaps your Bnai Brith pamphlet?

The faccot attacks my source, but fails to provide one himself

If you accuse me of being Israeli operative, I can also accuse you of being a Palestinian operative. We cancel each other.
So don't go there buddy. Debate without histrionics and name calling.

Hows this p*ssy?

The government-sponsored law specifies three situations in which the interior minister can revoke permanent residency: If the status was granted under false pretenses, if the resident endangered public safety or security, or if he betrays the State of Israel.

Israel passes law allowing it to revoke permanent residency of East Jerusalem Palestinians

If Haaretz isnt Jewish enough for you, how about the Times of Israel?

That is where you got your quote from, after all.

I will set aside the fact that any concerns you have over the Al Jazeera bias applies just as well to the Times of Israel

Haha, this is what I posted. What is your issue ?

Also, better come out to the coli and tell them the truth: you are a fakestinian not a pakhtun.

Don't be ashamed of who you are.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
If you accuse me of being Israeli operative, I can also accuse you of being a Palestinian operative. We cancel each other.
So don't go there buddy. Debate without histrionics and name calling.

Haha, this is what I posted. What is your issue ?

Also, better come out to the coli and tell them the truth: you are a fakestinian not a pakhtun.

Don't be ashamed of who you are.

Once again you choose not to engage the points raised.

You came into this thread as soon as you saw the word Israel

You did not engage the points raised in the article. Instead you falsely labelled it as targetting Hamas

When presented with counter points, you chose to attack the source

AT NO POINT have you engaged the actual points raised

When shytted on, you then try to turn the discussion into something else

We are not going to play this game, faccot

The issue is the stripping of residency of Jerusalems Palestinians. You okay this because this apparently targets Hamas

When presented with evidence that Israel has a history of targetting the Palestinian populace, you remain quiet. You are oblivious to the double speak and hidden intentions of such a law

You are clueless and choose to ignore the problematic labelling of resistance to the Israeli occupation as terrorism

You are clueless and refuse to acknowledge Israels complicity in the fact that such resistance is even needed

You are a fukking troll.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
If you accuse me of being Israeli operative, I can also accuse you of being a Palestinian operative. We cancel each other.
So don't go there buddy. Debate without histrionics and name calling.

No faccot. Youre the one that refuses to debate. You run and hide like a p*ssy. Me and you are not the same.

We are talking about Jerusalems Arabs and Israelis policies towards it. This latest law is the latest in a long series of laws designed to institutionally discriminate against its Arab residents, force them out, deny them civic and national rights, and alter the demographics. My previous post, which you ignored like a bytch, details the context in which this latest law emerges

Between the start of Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967 and the end of 2016, Israel revoked the status of at least 14,595 Palestinians from East Jerusalem, according to the Interior Ministry. Authorities have justified most revocations based on a failure to prove a “center of life” in Jerusalem but, in recent years, they have also revoked status to punish Palestinians accused of attacking Israelis and as collective punishment against relatives of suspected assailants. The discriminatory system pushes many Palestinians to leave their home city in what amounts to forcible transfers, a serious violation of international law.

Residency revocations are part of a range of policies that include unlawful settlement expansion, home demolitions, and restrictions on building in the city that have shifted the demographics in East Jerusalem. This outcome reflects the Israeli government’s goal of “maintaining a solid Jewish majority in the city,” as stated in the Jerusalem municipality’s master plan (“Jerusalem Outline Plan 2000”), and limiting the number of Palestinian residents. Originally setting a target “ratio of 70% Jews and 30% Arab,” planners later acknowledged that “this goal is not attainable” in light of “the demographic trend” and adjusted to a 60-40 target. Palestinians constituted 37 percent of Jerusalem’s population in 2015, according to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics.

Here's why logical people with a semblance of morality and an understanding of the conflict are concerned about such laws. They see right through it:

Israeli authorities have also in recent years revoked the status of Palestinians in East Jerusalem under the Law of Entry for violating their “minimal obligation of loyalty to the state of Israel.” First used against four Hamas members elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council in 2006, authorities have, following an October 2015 government decree, invoked this justification against individuals accused of physically attacking Israelis and against the suspects’ families.

Residency revocations often effectively force Palestinians from East Jerusalem, who are protected by virtue of Israel’s occupation under the Fourth Geneva Convention, to leave the territory they live in. This constitutes forcible transfers when causing displacement to other parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and deportations when displacement takes place outside the country. The convention allows such measures only on a temporary basis for “imperative military reasons.” Failing to maintain a “center of life” in Jerusalem does not meet the convention’s restrictive standard.

Israel: Jerusalem Palestinians Stripped of Status

My other post touched, simply touched, upon how stupid and asinine it is to use the "Hamas" card in the context of this most recent law

Even assuming only Hamas would be the target...lets run through this understanding...

Somehow in your twisted, infantile, elementary mind, the following makes sense

Launch a concerted, intentional act of ethnic cleansing,

Follow it with decades of occupation against the defeated people

Support Islamic militants within the defeated people as a counter balance to the relatively secular resistance of the defeated people

Continue the occupation, launch several armed attacks on the people, deny them civic rights, violate their human rights

When said people turn to the Islamic militants you helped and assisted, due to the failure of the secular resistance you crushed

Then you pass a law targeting the defeated people, under the guise of attacking the Islamic militants


You ignored both posts. Address the points or suck a dikk


Oct 31, 2017
You came into this thread as soon as you saw the word Israel

And you did the same and rushed in here :mjlol:

Talk about lack of self awareness.

AT NO POINT have you engaged the actual points raised

You very obtuse. I already addressed it: this law targets terrorists and their accomplices whether Hamas or not.
If you are fighting against the state then you should be expelled. That is why I support the European countries who want to strip citizens who fight for terror groups abroad. The peaceful populace is not being affected in any way.
They like it under Israeli sovereignty because of the wealth, standard of living and the rule of law unlike the Palestinian and Arab jungles of the middle east.

If you want to look for real oppression, then look at Syria, Turkey, and the myriad Arab/Muslim states that have no moral compunctions whatosever. Y'all still adhere to medieval precepts, so I find it funny and rich when you bring up International law :picard:

Resistance :russ:

I see you Falas dizi :hhh:


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
You very obtuse. I already addressed it: this law targets terrorists and their accomplices whether Hamas or not.
If you are fighting against the state then you should be expelled. That is why I support the European countries who want to strip citizens who fight for terror groups abroad. The peaceful populace is not being affected in any way.
They like it under Israeli sovereignty because of the wealth, standard of living and the rule of law unlike the Palestinian and Arab jungles of the middle east.

If you want to look for real oppression, then look at Syria, Turkey, and the myriad Arab/Muslim states that have no moral compunctions whatosever. Y'all still adhere to medieval precepts, so I find it funny and rich when you bring up International law :picard:

Resistance :russ:

I see you Falas dizi :hhh:

Do you understand the difference between Europe and its relationship with its Muslim immigrant population, and Israel, where the Palestinians are NOT immigrants?

Do you realize that in Europe, the acts of terrorism are not the same as in Israel, which engages in a military occupation (which cannot be denied), launches wars (which cannot be denied), arbitrarily detains (which cannot be denied), tortures (which cannot be denied) and denies civic and human rights (which cannot be denied) to the Palestinian population that PRE-DATES the Israeli one. These are facts, that you ignore like a bytch.

Fight against the state? The state is simultaneously denying the Palestinians a state of their own, and also denying them citizenship within their own country, which engaging in a military occupation. Fight against the state doesnt exist. This isnt fukkin Isis launching attacks against Canada.

Why do you make that comparison? Again, are you simply stupid or are you a hack?

Why did you, once again, ignore the context, in which this law was created. Israeli has a history of targetting the Palestinian population, with collective punishment and using state resources to find excuses to deny Palestinian rights. I already pointed out the context, with the HRW Report. You ignored it like a bytch.

This is not about Hamas. Even if it was, I already pointed out the stupidity in using the Hamas card. You ignored it like a bytch.

The fact that elsewhere in the world crimes are committed has nothing to do with this conversation faccot, i dont know why you bring it up. No one made reference to it, justified it or rationalized it. Typical hasbara distraction.

There are countries in Africa that subscribe to cultural practices and behaviours, that by your standard could be described as "medieval". Should international law not apply to them? Only white folks right?

But let me guess, youre not Israeli. You just root for the underdog? :heh:

dumb bytch


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
This faccot comes in here, and pretends Israel is a normal country and its Arabs are marauding murdering immigrants a la Europe, and that this law is simply a normal law and order law against those who rise up against the state. Completely devoid of any fact, historical context etc.

But then turns around in other threads and says shyt like this

That is why to this day I'm wary of doctrinaire positions and absolutes. Our world is too complex and messy for cookie cutter solutions. There is historical injustices, life's vicissitudes, simple bad luck, human greed and evil that you have to account for.

Yeah no shyt, faccot,


Oct 31, 2017
Do you understand the difference between Europe and its relationship with its Muslim immigrant population, and Israel, where the Palestinians are NOT immigrants?

Very well. I think they is nothing wrong in expelling troublemakers even those born and bred and not migrants or descended from migrants. Kuwait and Bahrain have withdrawn passports from citizens who engaged in high treason. There is a precedent. Democratic governments have been stymied far too long in fighting Islamic thugs, no more, governments world wide are getting tougher on them.

Do you realize that in Europe, the acts of terrorism are not the same as in Israel, which engages in a military occupation (which cannot be denied), launches wars (which cannot be denied), arbitrarily detains (which cannot be denied), tortures (which cannot be denied) and denies civic and human rights (which cannot be denied) to the Palestinian population that PRE-DATES the Israeli one. These are facts, that you ignore like a bytch.

France, UK, Spain and other European countries are guilty of the same charges. Should I remind you of Libya, iraq, Syria etc. Spain is occupying Moroccan land. France is occupying too.

Fight against the state? The state is simultaneously denying the Palestinians a state of their own, and also denying them citizenship within their own country, which engaging in a military occupation. Fight against the state doesnt exist. This isnt fukkin Isis launching attacks against Canada.

???? explain that.

There are countries in Africa that subscribe to cultural practices and behaviours, that by your standard could be described as "medieval". Should international law not apply to them? Only white folks right?

Leave Africa out of this you fukking racist. Worse things happen in your arab countries just look at syria where the slaughter is surpassing 1 million souls.
Fact is you arabs still adhere to medieval laws of war of conquest and think blacks can still be enslaved like the past. you treatment of women is shameful, you have no concept of rule of law and think terrorism will get you what you want. it won't happen.


Oct 31, 2017
This faccot comes in here, and pretends Israel is a normal country and its Arabs are marauding murdering immigrants a la Europe, and that this law is simply a normal law and order law against those who rise up against the state. Completely devoid of any fact, historical context etc.

But then turns around in other threads and says shyt like this

Yeah no shyt, faccot,

What is wrong with that ?

Personally I think the best solution is for Arab and Muslim countries to take in all the Palestinians and settle them and for monetary compensation to be paid to them by Israel and the international community.
Israel is too small to be a country for two peoples.
Historically it was a Jewish land, and the Arabs however long their sojourn are the interlopers if you want the truth.
There are 22 Arab states, there is only 1 Jewish state. I don't believe in having 23rd Arab state in place of the lone Jewish state. :yeshrug:

Tough luck for them. I have no particular affection for Arabs seeing how they treat my people.
Moreover, on the grievance scale they rank at the bottom of dispossessed peoples: Kurds, Aborigines, Native Americans are far more deserving of our sympathy and solidarity. Despite this, they have a UN agency dedicated to them, Arab keep bytching about their cause, EU kisses their ass and you have clueless African states equating their struggle to apartheid.

Personally I believe if they were not as violent as they are Israel would have reached some form of accomodation with them long time ago. Israelis are smart and just want to concentrate on making their economy and country better. But just look at Gaza, when israel withdrew unilaterally Hamas took over and started a war on Israel.
They are not a normal people, even their brothers; the Arabs will tell you that. The why no Arab country accepts them, they have a stigma they come with a violence package and trouble.

I know it hurts your falas dizi psyche but your people ain't shyt :manny:

I normally have a thing for underdogs as I said, Tibetans, Native Americans, and other dispossed indigenous peoples are far more deserving of my sympathies than a spoiled muslims. I rarely sympathize with Muslims knowing how shytty their beliefs are and their intolerance.


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Very well. I think they is nothing wrong in expelling troublemakers even those born and bred and not migrants or descended from migrants. Kuwait and Bahrain have withdrawn passports from citizens who engaged in high treason. There is a precedent. Democratic governments have been stymied far too long in fighting Islamic thugs, no more, governments world wide are getting tougher on them.

You possess the intellect of an aborted fetus.

How does one use language like "trouble makers" when you have a country that has been formed on the back of ethnic cleansing, and the remnants of the cleansed population are neither given their own country, nor are they incorporated into the country that displaced them, but instead are subject to a military occupation going on six decades. This is a very simple fact that seems to go over your uneducated simple fukking head.

Second, you dumb donkey, treason doesnt apply because, again, you have a country that has been formed on the back of ethnic cleansing, and the remnants of the cleansed population are neither given their own country, nor are they incorporated into the country that displaced them, but instead are subject to a military occupation going on six decades. They are denied citizenship and their own state, how does resisting a military occupation make you treasonous. You seem to have an issue with people who fight back. Its clear your father had a clitoris and he raised you to be a moist p*ssy. Id run your pockets in real life, with that mentality.

Furthermore, referring to democratic govts in the same sentence you refer to Kuwait and Bahrain is never a good luck, retard.

France, UK, Spain and other European countries are guilty of the same charges. Should I remind you of Libya, iraq, Syria etc. Spain is occupying Moroccan land. France is occupying too.

At this point, overwhelmed in a conversation in which you have no knowledge, you begin foaming at the mouth and spewing nonsense. How the fukk is this a response to:

Do you realize that in Europe, the acts of terrorism are not the same as in Israel, which engages in a military occupation (which cannot be denied), launches wars (which cannot be denied), arbitrarily detains (which cannot be denied), tortures (which cannot be denied) and denies civic and human rights (which cannot be denied) to the Palestinian population that PRE-DATES the Israeli one

You are trying to draw a parallel between European countries taking action against its citizens who joined ISIS, with this recent Israeli legislation targetting Palestinians. Please explain to the coli how Sweden or Germany passing similar laws against an Iraqi immigrant to their country is the same as Israel vis a vis its Palestinian subjects.

???? explain that.

If you werent an idiot, no explanation would be required. The domestic criminal/terrorist context doesnt apply in Israel, where the Palestinian is a colonial subject, with an occupation imposed on him. The standards are different nitwit.

Leave Africa out of this you fukking racist. Worse things happen in your arab countries just look at syria where the slaughter is surpassing 1 million souls.
Fact is you arabs still adhere to medieval laws of war of conquest and think blacks can still be enslaved like the past. you treatment of women is shameful, you have no concept of rule of law and think terrorism will get you what you want. it won't happen.

Here comes the race card :heh:

Please dont impose your elementary, racist, uneducated, ignorant views on me. I have more degrees, speak more languages and have lived in more countries than you can count. I am simply highlighting the frailty of YOUR prejudiced "logic". You scoff at my references to international law, based on the fact that the victims here, Palestinians, are Muslims. Your insinuation is that their beliefs, being "medieval", means they are not deserving of international law and its protections.

So you fukking donkey, when the same argument is made against other parts of the world, whose beliefs may seen "primitive" or "medieval", relative to the West (which is, after all, your standard isnt it), now your p*ssy is moist with anger, isnt it?