Mexico Lab Ships Largest GMO Corn Seed Shipment to Haiti

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
started to do some research on the topic and found this white male shill that work to spread propaganda for GMO's or better yet biotech method/companies . The so called "land grant scientists" go by the name Kevin Folta

From his bio blog section:

" Land grant scientists exploring ways to make better food with less input, and how to communicate science. "

"Kevin M. Folta is a professor and Chairman of the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida. He teaches science communication workshop for science and ag professionals, and hosts the weekly podcast talking Biotech. "

Now check his "explanations" of the GMO seeds from the Mexico lab "Hugo" :

Now check this site that break his misleading and deceitful ways:

The Misleading and Deceitful Ways of Dr. Kevin Folta

Kevin Folta, Ph.D., professor and chairman of the Horticulture Sciences Department at University of Florida, has provided inaccurate information and engaged in misleading activities in his efforts to promote genetically engineered foods and pesticides.

His recent lawsuit against The New York Times is the latest in a long line of examples of Dr. Folta’s misleading and deceptive communications.

Dr. Folta sues NY Times and Pulitzer Prize winner for reporting his ties to Monsanto

On Sept. 1, 2017, Dr. Folta filed a lawsuit against The New York Times and Eric Lipton, a three-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, claiming they defamed him with a 2015 front-page article that described how Monsanto enlisted academics to oppose the labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Dr. Folta’s lawsuit claims the defendants “misrepresented him as a covertly paid operative of one of the largest and most controversial companies in America, Monsanto,” and that they did so in order to “to further their own ‘anti GMO’ agenda.” According to Dr. Folta’s lawsuit, Lipton “has almost singlehandedly silenced the scientific community from teaching scientists how to communicate.”

The lawsuit claims that Dr. Folta “never received” an “unrestricted grant” from Monsanto and that he “never received any form of grant, and never received support for him to ‘travel around the country and defend genetically modified foods.’” However, documents show that Monsanto provided Dr. Folta with, in their words, “an unrestricted grant in the amount of $25,000 which may be used at your discretion in support of your research and outreach projects.”

Emails indicate that Monsanto donated the money in response to a 9-page proposal from Dr. Folta, in which he asked Monsanto for $25,000 to fund his “three tiered solution” to the “biotech communications problem.” Proposed activities included traveling each month to a major domestic university to promote GMOs. The money was donated to a food bank after the documents became public.

Dr. Folta’s lawsuit also claims (point 67), “Dr. Folta does not discuss industry products of any sort, he teaches broadly about technology.” Yet he has vouched for the supposed safety of Monsanto’s RoundUp, going so far as to drink the product “to demonstrate harmlessness.” He has also said he “will do it again.”

In a Sept. 29, 2015 email, Janine Sikes, University of Florida Assistant Vice President of Public Affairs, wrote to a colleague about Lipton’s NYT story: “for the record I thought the story was fair.”

Quotes from NYT and Eric Lipton’s response to Folta’s lawsuit, from July 2018 motion for final summary judgement:

Mr. Lipton relied on Plaintiff’s own email communications, which were provided to him by UF in response to a public records request. While it may be that Plaintiff, a self-described “public” scientist, would rather not have his associations with industry giants like Monsanto examined, accurate reporting on the records documenting those associations cannot form the basis for a defamation lawsuit. (Page 1)

Among other things, (Folta’s) UF records documented: (1) Plaintiff’s actions in securing a $25,000 “unrestricted grant” from Monsanto—that Plaintiff told Monsanto would not have to be publicly disclosed—to fund talks about GMO science, including the discussion of industry products; (2) Plaintiff’s testifying before governmental bodies in favor of pro-GMO policies; (3) Plaintiff’s interactions with industry, including numerous email communications with industry representatives providing his thoughts about lobbying strategy and describing his efforts to communicate GMO science to the public; (4) his posts for GMOAnswers, an industry-sponsored website; and (5) travel expenses paid by industry, including expenses related to his trip to Monsanto headquarters. (Page 7)

Dr. Folta has repeatedly claimed no association with Monsanto despite his close collaboration with Monsanto

Dr. Folta stated numerous times that he had no connection to Monsanto. Yet emails reported by The New York Times established that he was in frequent contact with Monsanto and their public relations allies to collaborate on activities to promote genetically engineered foods.

The emails indicate that Monsanto and allies set up media opportunities and lobbying activities for Dr. Folta and worked with him on messaging. In August 2014, Monsanto informed Dr. Folta that he would receive $25,000 to further his promotional activities. The email exchanges suggest a close collaboration:

  • In July 2014, a Monsanto executive praised Dr. Folta’s grant proposal and asked four other Monsanto executives to provide feedback to improve it. He wrote, “This is a great 3rd-party approach to developing the advocacy that we’re looking to develop.”
  • In August 2014, Dr. Folta responded to the acceptance letter for his grant, “I’m grateful for this opportunity and promise a solid return on the investment.”
  • In October 2014, Dr. Folta wrote to a Monsanto executive, “I’m glad to sign on to whatever you like, or write whatever you like.”
Just weeks after the grant details were worked out, Dr. Folta asserted that he had “no formal connection to Monsanto.” He later said he received “no research or personal funding” from “Big Ag,” had “no financial ties to any of the Big Ag companies that make transgenic crops, including Monsanto,” and had “nothing to do with MON.”

Bayer Funding

9/18 Update: Dr. Folta contracted with the law firm Clifford Chance representing Bayer AG to serve an a consultant in an arbitration hearing at a rate of $600 per hour for up to 120 hours. Those documents were made public by Biofortified, Inc., a GMO promotion group that said it severed ties with Dr. Folta over his failure to fully disclose the potential conflict of interest.

Update: Dr. Folta received and disclosed receiving research funding from Bayer AG (which is in the process of acquiring Monsanto). According to a document obtained by US Right to Know via FOIA, Bayer sent an award letter to Dr. Folta on May 23, 2017 for a grant for 50,000 Euros (approximately $58,000), for his proposal on “New Herbicide Chemistries Discovered in Functional Randomness.”

Dr. Folta proposed hiding Monsanto money from public scrutiny

“My funding is all transparent,” Dr. Folta wrote in his blog, but his proposal to Monsanto to fund his GMO promotional activities concluded with a paragraph advising Monsanto how to donate the money to avoid public disclosure:

“If funded directly to the program as a SHARE contribution (essentially unrestricted funds) it is not subject to IDC and is not in a ‘conflict-of-interest’ account. In other words, SHARE contributions are not publicly noted. This eliminates the potential concern of the funding organization influencing the message.”

Monsanto sent the $25,000 donation as an unrestricted grant for Dr. Folta.
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Jun 24, 2012
solutions people...I know its the thing to complain but fukk complaining what are the solutions if this is such an issue?

what is the counter to all of this?



First you have to get the info out. 2nd is seeing if people will start boycotting, divest or sanctioning the industry. 3rd if all if fails pitch forks and torches.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The same biotech spokesmen " Kevin M. Folta " just last year that try to make us believe the GMO seeds from the Mexico lab to Haiti we're good and beneficial to the Haitian people just resigned after getting caught up with another investigation of him receiving Monsanto money

Pro-GMO Researcher Kevin Folta Resigns Amid Calls to Investigate Monsanto Money, Allegations of Spousal Abuse

By Nick Meyer On May 31, 2018

One of the most interesting developments in the ongoing debate over genetically modified organisms is the saga of Kevin Folta, one of the Biotech industry’s chosen spokesmen to sell the masses on the supposed benefits of its technologies.

Folta is a big-time believer in the alleged promises of GMOs, and his knowledge in this area has helped him to carve out a unique niche: as the industry’s unofficial chief PR head and social media damage control expert.

The fervor of Mr. Folta, and his ability to skillfully debate the many critics of Monsanto’s favored technology, has granted him access to millions, even landing him on some of the media world’s biggest stages.

But Folta’s run, at least in his current position, appears to officially be over as he has announced his resignation as the Chairman of Horticultural Sciences at the University of Florida.

Folta Resigns Amid Calls to Investigate Monsanto Money, Alleged Abuse Against Women

In a resignation email Friday, Folta said his decision was based in large part on damaging attacks from activist groups, as well as the personal difficulties of dealing with a divorce. He also has said he faced death threats as the result of his work.

According to the Facebook page and website GMO Free USA, a petition was launched earlier to the University of Florida to investigate Folta’s alleged misdeeds, which were exposed in a recent New York Times investigation.

According to the Times, Folta was exposed for lying about “having nothing to do with Monsanto.” He claimed not to take money from Monsanto even though the investigation said he took $25,000 from the company.

Similar allegations have also been brought up by his estranged wife, who has accused him of trying to “hide corporate monies” and thousands of shares involving tens of thousands of dollars, GMO Free USA said.

He has also allegedly been paid consulting fees from Bayer, which recently purchased Monsanto for more than $60 billion, the post continued.

Folta believes she is out to get him, and had the following to say in response to finance-related accusations.

“Her job is to destroy me now, so she’ll be doing this for years,” Folta said according to his Twitter account. “My finances are transparent and always will be. She just didn’t bother to read before writing her garbage.”

Hiding Corporate Money May Be the Tip of the Iceberg for Folta

In addition to the above concerns, Folta has also been accused of being abusive toward women in general, including his ex-wife, after a women’s shelter refused to accept his donations because their director allegedly saw him kicking her, according to a report from

These concerns were raised by a signed statement from the director of the shelter, who reportedly witnessed the assault and said that what Folta’s ex-wife described to her is “consistent with things I have heard from the hundreds of women I have counseled that have been abused and manipulated by their husbands.”

Folta has also been accused of abusive speech toward women on social media as well, according to the GMO Free USA post.

The organization made the following statement on Facebook:

“There is now much more awareness of domestic violence, sexual harrassment and the abuse of women. The country is speaking loudly in favor of zero tolerance for these dangerous and inappropriate behaviors. Dr. Folta is in a position of authority over students and faculty at UF. In this context, as well as that of public accountablity, it is not only UF’s responsibility to investigate, but its duty to do so.”

Folta said prior to his resignation that he did not have enough time to adequately carry out his job.

“(W)hen you have personal matters to take care of and are being targeted by these groups (specifically in this case, he said), it’s not fair to have to split my time that needs to be 100 percent devoted to my research, and to my faculty and to leadership,” Folta said.

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HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
They damn sure try but look at the nation and people behind it

Mexico . Mexican business magnate, Carlos Slim. Bill " Mr. EUGENICS " Gates . The Clintons

Read the article its not that long

smh...they trying to kill em with cancerous corn...

I guess its payback for what Haiti did to Napoleon


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

you're alias was Napoleon right?

And your East Asian right?
I'm NOT east asian. I'm a black male.

Furthermore, don't confuse this. Like 90% of this entire forum hasn't passed a single biology course, much less more advanced coursework/education.

Trust me on this. GMO is not inherently bad. Especially with things like corn.

Unless you want people to consume things like this:


Dwight Howard

May 24, 2012
People see “GMO” and think they’re bad, but really most are neutral-good. It’s just science, we’re getting better at creating food.