More Evidence That Extreme Wealth Is Totally Indefensible

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
Once you know wealthy people’s spending habits, it’s obvious why their money should be going to better uses…



One thing I have never been able to understand about those who make millions of dollars a year is what they could possibly ever need that kind of money for. Separate from debates over the effects of tax rates on productivity, or whether CEO compensation accurately reflects their value, are simple questions I’ve never been able to answer: who could ever use that much? What are they even spending it on? Why do they actually want it?

This week, an elite lifestyle website called Refinery29 offers us some useful insight into these matters. As part of their “money diaries” series (which aims to shatter “the last taboo,” i.e. wealth), the site asked a woman who lives on a $1,250,000 combined salary with her husband to break down her monthly and weekly spending. The results are a useful data point in favor of the proposition that, as expected, nobody could possibly need that much money, and that the possession of extreme wealth is indefensible.

What does Anonymous Rich Person (ARP)’s week look like? Well, it involves $6,500 of spending in a family of three, which includes over $1,300 in food alone. A casual daily routine involves a $45 steak lunch, shopping for bags and wallets, and a $179 fish for dinner. In one week, ARP buys Hamilton tickets, a flight to Maui, Disneyland admission, and $500 in clothes. The $6,500 doesn’t include the recurring monthly expenses: $560 for the housekeeper, $110 for the pool man, $95 for the gardener, $175 in wine shipments, $350 in dry cleaning, $900 in utilities, $2,000 in preschool tuition, a $2,800 mortgage, and a $170 donation each to UNICEF, Doctors Without Borders, and the Los Angeles LGBT Center. If we assume that the week is representative of the norm (and it may not be, since it includes some special events), then the total average monthly expenses are $34,000 for three people.

It should be completely obvious that these people live in almost ludicrous luxurious excess. They make no effort to curb their consumption: when ARP wants something, like a piece of designer clothing or a fancy sushi dinner, she simply buys it. An expensive meal does not require an occasion; if the family wants to go out to a pricey restaurant, they just do it. The child attends a private preschool. They don’t have to do household chores: everything is taken care of by the housekeeper, gardener, and pool man.

I cannot fathom living like this. It’s so alien from my experience, and most people’s. I would feel strange eating a $45 lunch on a vacation as a treat, let alone as an unremarkable part of an ordinary workweek. But here’s the real crazy part: all this insanely indulgent spending, the $34,000 a month, still adds up to only $400,000 a year. This couple earn $1,250,000 a year. You could buy tickets to Hawaii and Disneyland every week, and still only spend ⅓ of what these people actually earn. They live like monarchs, and yet most of their income still just gets tossed into their savings account. This, then, is what is truly extraordinary: these people could keep spending exactly as they presently do, and have $200,000 a year to put into their retirements savings, even if 50% of their income was taken from them in taxes. You can argue whether increased taxes on the wealthy will have useful consequences. What I don’t think you can argue is that increased taxation would deprive people in any serious way.

One of the most notable parts of ARP’s spending breakdown is the “charitable donations” portion. This couple donate $170 per month each to three charities. This is approximately half of one percent of their annual income. And these people are liberals! (At least, if the fact that they are Californians who donate to the LGBT Center can be taken as an indication of political preference, which I think it likely can.) ARP gives a buoyant description of the family’s day-to-day habits without ever appearing troubled by the massive glaring inconsistency between their values and their spending habits. If you care about providing medicine to the needy and helping LGBT people, why don’t you donate some of the hundreds of thousands of dollars you have left over after your colossally wasteful spending binges? (It’s almost as if ARP cares far more about feeling like they are charitable than actually being charitable, but only a cynic would suggest that.)

First, of course, I don’t know how you can justify spending what this family spends every month. But then I really don’t know how you can justify keeping the rest of the money, in a time when there are literally billions of others out there who could desperately use it. One thing I think I can assume, though, is that ARP has very rarely encountered criticism for the moral aspects of this kind of life. In wealthy circles, everyone has a strong interest in allowing each other to feel like they are good people. So if this person mentions to a friend over a $100 fish dinner that they donate to Doctors Without Borders, the friend is unlikely to say “Well, how much do you donate?” and then exclaim “But that’s a pittance! How do you justify this sushi?” Rarely do elites tell other elites that it is wrong to be an elite, for obvious reasons. And the most contact this person has with the working class probably comes during chance encounters with the pool man, who is unlikely to voice any judgment he may secretly hold about their decadent bourgeois habits.

So we should all agree, then, that even $400,000 annually is far too much to live on. But some people don’t just make a bit more than that, they make so much more than that. It is difficult to even grasp the amount of money possessed by the 20 people who own more than half the country’s wealth. If it takes a lot of effort to fritter away $400,000 each year, imagine how the billionaires struggle to think of things to buy. That’s why their spending becomes outright ludicrous: they buy an $8 million shark corpse floating in formaldehyde, or a $58 million enormous balloon doggie, or all the houses in their neighborhood, or the world’s most hideous boat, or the entire island of Lanai. Once you go past the first million, there’s not really much more pleasure you can buy, so you have to resort to nonsense.

Again, the tax policy implications of this can be debated. But I think it’s uncontroversial to conclude that the possession of enormous wealth, especially in a time of great suffering, is just indefensible in every way. Even $400,000 a year provides enough to live in extreme luxury. Anything over that is just obscene.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
It is indefensible. And that is really tame example, that's pretty basic spending. Always has been. I don't even have that entry level wealth 1 million a year type of money, but I feel guilty all the time anyway. Guilty for buying designer shoes or 5 star hotels, or just the casual way I spend money throughout the week, in complete reversal of how someone on, say 50k, or 40k, or even higher must spend.

That's one level, and my personal feelings about it, I can't really give much without sacrificing what I consider a lot, so in theory I understand the wealthy, but it's still not defensible. No one needs 200 million a year to live, but see, these people live in their own bubbles, and become more and more convinced of their own greatness and place in the world is all earned, and not chance or accident.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
:beli:Is this that fixed pie sh*t again?

You know, when Trump is proposing massive tax cuts for the wealthy, without paying for it in the budget, and you know without any doubt that those tax cuts are going to be funded by screwing over the poor and middle class in the future...then hell yeah, the pie is clearly partially fixed.

Not to mention the degree to which money is determining politics (not just candidates, but position elections and lobbyists and all that) such that making the ultra-rich even richer continues to give them more and more control over the political process.

Not to mention that most of the wealthy have gotten there simply by being wealthy, by making their money "work for them" (meaning leveraging your unfair advantage in meaningless paper wealth to capture the gains of other people's labor and skills) or by taking advantage of the additional power that having money brought you in order to get more money, and then more power.

Everyone can see that the trinkle-down nonsense is bullshyt. Everyone can see that the wealthy are capturing greater and greater proportions of total wealth and power, through more and more useless endeavors (what % of the American economy is simply pushing money around now?), and that the world is going to crap because of it.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
"In spite of the holy promise of all people to banish war, once and for all, in spite of the cry of millions 'Never a war again,' in spite of all the hopes for a better future, I have this to say: If the present monetary system, based on interest and compound interest, remains in operation, I dare to predict today, that it will take less than 25 years for us to have a new and even worse war. I can foresee the coming development clearly. The present degree of technological advancement will quickly result in a record performance of industry. The buildup of capital will be rapid in spite of the enormous losses during the war, and through its over-supply will lower the interest rate. Money will then be hoarded. Economic activities will diminish and increasing numbers of unemployed persons will roam the streets ... within the discontented masses, wild, revolutionary ideas will arise and also the poisonous plant called "Super-Nationalism" will proliferate. No country will understand the other, and the end can only be war again."

That's Silvio Gesell, writing in 1919. You should read up on him. Of course, the world has already declared him a prophet once, but the crazy thing is to watch the cycle simply repeat itself again.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
"In spite of the holy promise of all people to banish war, once and for all, in spite of the cry of millions 'Never a war again,' in spite of all the hopes for a better future, I have this to say: If the present monetary system, based on interest and compound interest, remains in operation, I dare to predict today, that it will take less than 25 years for us to have a new and even worse war. I can foresee the coming development clearly. The present degree of technological advancement will quickly result in a record performance of industry. The buildup of capital will be rapid in spite of the enormous losses during the war, and through its over-supply will lower the interest rate. Money will then be hoarded. Economic activities will diminish and increasing numbers of unemployed persons will roam the streets ... within the discontented masses, wild, revolutionary ideas will arise and also the poisonous plant called "Super-Nationalism" will proliferate. No country will understand the other, and the end can only be war again."
jesus christ :wow:


Nov 19, 2016
It seems the issue should be with the institutions who are paying them these exorbitant amounts of money. The issue isn't that they are spending money (we want them to spend their money), the issue is that they are still able to still horde so much of it.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
It seems the issue should be with the institutions who are paying them these exorbitant amounts of money. The issue isn't that they are spending money (we want them to spend their money), the issue is that they are still able to still horde so much of it.

It seems that she works in finance. The comments on the original story include other people also working in finance who talk about reaching similar baseline salaries in a very short amount of time. Read up and you'll see that "Financial Services" is considered the #1 sector to become a millionaire and is an ever-increasing percentage of the American economy.

The 16 Industries most likely to make you a millionaire

"1. Financial Services — There's a reason bankers are generally very rich. 35.7% of respondents to the World Wealth Report said that finance was in their top three sectors most likely to create more millionaires. With senior bankers on Wall Street and the City of London paid well above £1 million ($1.3 million) on average according to the Guardian, it's still the best industry to get into if you want to make a lot of money — and are willing to work hard for it."

How Billionaires Get Rich: Which Industries Make The Most Mega-Fortunes

"The best industry for building billions: finance and investments, which makes up 267, or about 15%, of the world’s 1,810 billionaires. This includes mutual fund and brokerage company founders (and their families), like Charles and Rupert Johnson (behind Franklin Templeton) and Charles Schwab, plus hedge fund managers like David Tepper and George Soros. The principle here is simple: making money for others, especially people who already have a lot of money, can lead to huge fortunes."

And it's literally just rich people pushing around other rich people's money in order to make them even richer. That's a noble pursuit today.
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