@newworldafro Denies Reality

Is @newworldafro the worst troll in HL?

  • Absolutely

  • Not by a longshot

  • OP is a Democratic shill

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Black Panther

Long Live The King
Nov 20, 2016
This monumental L deserves to be highlighted and preserved for future generations. Take him off ignore and come look at this sh*t. :mjlol:

Here's the story: in the "'Alternative' Trump/Russia" thread, @Call Me James posts a Daily Beast article about Jerome Corsi retracting his statements on Seth Rich.

Seth Rich was a DNC staffer who was killed in 2016. He has been at the center of a right-wing conspiracy revolving around the DNC hack that occurred in 2015-2016.

The conspiracy alleges that the emails stolen and dumped to Wikileaks were stolen by Rich himself, not Russian hackers, and that Rich was effectively murdered by the DNC. This snipes at one of the key components of the Trump/Russia investigation, namely the major cyberattacks conducted by the Kremlin.

To proponents of this theory, this would prove that the DNC is scapegoating Russian hackers to save face from having their emails leaked. Not to mention covering up a murder. :picard:

I guess we can bush this

The people who started the conspiracy Are again admitting it was fake. :DameMJLol:


@newworldafro , assuming the story is false (most likely because he didn't read it), jumps in and deflects hardbody. :bpfacepalm:

Jerome Corsi doesn't work for InfoWars anymore.

So Infowars didn't retract anything. Jerome Corsi isn't the only writer for the site that talked about Seth Rich.

The author, who seems to be under some type of pressure just said he doesn't believe anything he wrote. :francis:

The Daily Beast article actually linked directly to an InfoWars article, written by Corsi, on 3-6-2019. :dead:

I decided to chime in. :stephena1:

This was posted on InfoWars website yesterday, written by Jerome Corsi. :gucci::mindblown:

Retraction of Dr. Jerome Corsi Regarding The Murder of Seth Rich

So unless he wrote than and was immediately fired afterwards, you're full of shyt :bryan:

@newworldafro doubles down, saying that the DB article is a lie--apparently not recognizing the blatant contradiction staring him in the face. :bpfacepalm:

Exactly. A September 2018 article says Jerome Corsi doesn't work for Infowars.

Keep being fooled, brehs.

So the article yall are reading in March 2019 is blatantly lying to you and you had no clue :sas2:

My brain nearly explodes at this brazen display of ignorance.

So wait, I'm confused.

Is the InfoWars article written by Jerome Corsi yesterday retracting his Seth Rich theories lying? :mindblown:

Cognitive dissonance is something else :dead:

What follows is the most pathetic spin job I've ever seen. :dead:

If you read closely, you can tell he knows he f*cked up, but can't admit it. :mjlolfacepalm:

They're posting it doesn't mean he is being paid by InfoWars. Listen. I actually listen to the show on the daily.

A.Jones has talked shiit about Jerome Corsi for over half a year now, saying they must have something on him, for him to flip the script in such a major way.

Yes, it's posted on InfoWars, but as the September 2018 article notes he at least was not working for them back then.

Doesn't change the fact that the story is odd.

I called him out on his sh*t. :bpufedup:

Do you recognize how inconsistent your argument is? :heh:

Jerome Corsi doesn't work for InfoWars anymore. So Infowars didn't retract anything.

They're posting it doesn't mean he is being paid by InfoWars.

Yes, it's posted on InfoWars, but as the September 2018 article notes he at least was not working for them back then.
"InfoWars didn't retract anything and Corsi doesn't work for them" :infocrazy:
"Ok, so InfoWars printed Corsi's retraction yesterday but that doesn't mean they paid him and if he wasn't paid he technically didn't work for them" :infocrazy:

"And Corsi was not working for InfoWars in September 2018 so I was somehow right despite a direct contradiction staring directly at me" :infocrazy:

It's be easier to admit you were mistaken, rather than twisting yourself into these logical knots. :francis:

And for the cherry on top, here's a tweet from Corsi, confirming the story's accuracy. :bpbanderas:

Doesn't change the fact that the story is odd.

If you have any other examples of this clown's sh*tty argumentation, feel free to post it here. :stephena1:
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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
You really felt the need to take a basic debate from an existing thread [Official] “Alternative” Perspective & News on Trump/Russia Scandal, and attempt to discredit me, you desperate joker you :krs: :mjlol: :laff:

This FOX News article title from November 2018, says Jerome Corsi is an ex-employee of InfoWars.
Former Infowars editor Jerome Corsi says he expects Mueller indictment soon: 'My only crime was that I support Donald Trump'

These are the facts.

I'm not denying reality.

If he wrote a retraction for InfoWars that's fine, but I'm proving that the relationship between A.Jones and Jerome Corsi has been on the skids.

Again. I actually listen to the radio broadcast, and on multiple occasions A. Jones has ripped into Jerone Corsi and has said he believes he is being pressured to change his mind.

I'm sharing what I have heard.

These are the facts.

Again. Jerome Corsi retraction doesn't take away from the oddities of the Seth Rich case.

I didn't realize this required a separate thread :dwillhuh:, but I guess since Robert Mueller's investigation is running out of steam, and everything I and other posters have said about Russian Collusion Delusion is coming true aka it's a Fairy Tale, OP is grasping for anything to make me look like the bad guy....:laff:.

OP is calling me a troll when I've been saying for 2+ years, Russian Collusion Delusion is a ploy/fairy tale, which real purpose is to censor the web, and that really starting feeling itself in December 2016, when Congress passed this law Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law.

Here is the thread I put out in the same month, in December 2016 which has been proven correct, damn near verbatim EU, Congress, and Silicon Valley Caught Political/Ideological Fade, Now Censoring Alt/Indy Media

It was after this law was passed you starting hearing more about Russian trolls and such..and the level of web censorship has been unprecedented....APPARENTLY the same trolls that a few weeks ago were saying Reparations supporting ADOS accounts were Russian trolls.

So Russian trolls are pro-Donald Trump in 2016 and pro-ADOS reparations in 2019?.......just let that marinate in your cerebral gumbo for about 30 seconds
I'm the troll though? :sas2:

It's over OP.

You can"t discredit the facts, which is all I attempt to present.
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Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
Apparently you still don't see the contradiction here. :dead:
:mjlol: @ referencing an article from a completely different agency while the agency in question literally prints Corsi's article...so Fox News knows IW's own staff better than it does?

If it wasn't so stupid it would be entertaining.