Obama On Why Democrats Lost In 2016


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
He's right tho. That's why only half the people eligible to vote came out. The options were that shytty.
The Democrat Party had no platform.

Donald Trump offered to bring jobs back, build the infrastructure, reduce capital gains tax for corporations, building a wall, deporting the undocumented aliens in this country.

When you can outline what you're going to do for the people, they will be excited enough to go out and vote for you. The Democrat Party had no platform that was appealing to the larger American public.

The only idiots satisfied with the Democrat party's platform are the conditioned African Americans who will vote Democrat at a 90% rate regardless of the results we receive.

Is that stupidity or Insanity?

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
The stupid motherfukker in that video going on about TPP/Wallstreet doesn't understand that those voters aren't looking at things from a fact/evidence based position. They'll vote republican in spite of the fact that policies put forth by democrats would greatly help them too. But they don't want that. They can't stand the idea of minorities benefiting too, so they choose racism. Anybody believing those Trump supporters can be reached or that we should try reaching out to them are only fooling themselves. There's still millions of other people out there.

But how did the Democrats miss the white working class in such great numbers, who clearly had these big economic issues? They have lost their jobs in industrial states. ...
It's not quite that simple, because this is not simply an economic issue. This is a cultural issue. And a communications issue. It is true that a lot of manufacturing has left or transformed itself because of automation. But during the course of my presidency, we added manufacturing jobs at historic rates, and think about it: In Michigan—

But, I mean—
Hold on. Let me finish. If you look at Michigan, which I won, not just in 2008 but in 2012, by a wide margin, we paid a lot of attention to manufacturing jobs, which is why the auto industry is on double shifts in plants that used to be shut down. If you look at minimum-wage laws or family-leave policy or the investments that we made in community colleges or, for that matter, the Affordable Care Act, these are all big investments for working families, white, black and Hispanic. The challenge we had is not that we've neglected these communities from a policy perspective. That is, I think, an incorrect interpretation. You start reading folks saying, "Oh, you know, working-class families have been neglected," or "Working-class white families have not been paid attention to by Democrats." Actually, they have. What is true, though, is that whatever policy prescriptions that we've been proposing don't reach, are not heard, by the folks in these communities. And what they do hear is Obama or Hillary are trying to take away their guns or they disrespect you.

One of the challenges that we've been talking about now is the way social media and the Internet have changed what people receive as news. I was just talking to my political director, David Simas. He was looking at his Facebook page and some links from high school friends of his, some of whom were now passing around crazy stuff about, you know, Obama has banned the Pledge of Allegiance.



Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
The stupid motherfukker in that video going on about TPP/Wallstreet doesn't understand that those voters aren't looking at things from a fact/evidence based position. They'll vote republican in spite of the fact that policies put forth by democrats would greatly help them too. But they don't want that. They can't stand the idea of minorities benefiting too, so they choose racism. Anybody believing those Trump supporters can be reached or that we should try reaching out to them are only fooling themselves. There's still millions of other people out there.

What policies put forth by democrats would greatly help anybody besides Planned Parenthood? Black Americans have been voting Democrat for the past 40 years and look at our family structure,employment rate, incarceration rate and crime rate within our communities.

You're just talking out of your ass.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
No fakkit, it's because you say shyt like "let it play out" when it comes to standing rock. You are the same as the other side, a corporate dikk taker. That's why the dems loss. Time for Obammer to get lost too.

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015
I shouldn't be wasting my time with your stupid ass, but I'm tired of you white Trump supporters. How's your mentoring program going, btw? :mjlol:

This notion that we should support Republicans - who are desperately trying to suppress our vote. Or Trump - who packing his cabinet with white supremacists the likes of Jeff Sessions and Steve Bannon.

The Democrat Party had no platform.

Donald Trump offered to bring jobs back, build the infrastructure, reduce capital gains tax for corporations, building a wall, deporting the undocumented aliens in this country.

When you can outline what you're going to do for the people, they will be excited enough to go out and vote for you. The Democrat Party had no platform that was appealing to the larger American public.

The only idiots satisfied with the Democrat party's platform are the conditioned African Americans who will vote Democrat at a 90% rate regardless of the results we receive.

Is that stupidity or Insanity?
Rank populism dressed up as policy. You can't show me any detailed plans put out by Trump.

Let's take Carrier as an example of "bringing jobs back"

They announced a deal a few days ago that will see Carrier shipping out 1300 jobs to Mexico. How is that bringing jobs back? I mean, yea, they're keeping 800 manufacturing jobs in Indiana in the short-term, but that was a deal made at the State level by Mike Pence. To do that they are being given more tax breaks which will come at the expense of the citizens. Where's the money going to come from to make up that shortfall? Are you fine with corporate welfare?

There's also another company - Rexnord - in the same State that's moving jobs to Mexico. Why isn't Trump doing anything there?

Let's look at his infrastructure scam... I mean plan to further enrich the already super-rich with massive tax-cuts and privatization.

Bernie Sanders Says Donald Trump's Infrastructure Plan Is a 'Scam'
Paul Krugman: Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan is one big scam

Instead, (the Trump team) calling for huge tax credits: billions of dollars in checks written to private companies that invest in approved projects, which they would end up owning. For example, imagine a private consortium building a toll road for $1 billion. Under the Trump plan, the consortium might borrow $800 billion while putting up $200 million in equity — but it would get a tax credit of 82 percent of that sum, so that its actual outlays would only be $36 million. And any future revenue from tolls would go to the people who put up that $36 million.

The man of the big corporations... I mean people!

Reducing capital gains tax. Cool. More money for the rich. Less social safety net for everybody else.

Building a wall is retarded and will solve nothing. And undocumented aliens are already being deported.

What was Trump's plan for the dying coal industry? And coal communities, btw?
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Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
Democrats lost because the "great majority" in this country was getting real sick of the catering towards minorities, LGBT, immigrants etc....And they wanted so badly a great White hope that cares about the "true" Americans.

Also, Clinton ran a shyt campaign. Her rapsheet didn't make it any better either.
Stop lumping black people with all these other groups which is the Democrat Party strategy.

We came here alone and we should stand and fight alone just like our ancestors.

If Black Americans can't survive by taking care of ourselves, then there needs to be a reassessment on the direction we are going in.

AV Dicey

All Star
May 6, 2012
Juan Roberto's bald spot
Democrats lost because the "great majority" in this country was getting real sick of the catering towards minorities, LGBT, immigrants etc....And they wanted so badly a great White hope that cares about the "true" Americans.

Also, Clinton ran a shyt campaign. Her rapsheet didn't make it any better either.
what 'great majority'? Last time I checked Hillary was plus near 2 mill in the popular vote.
They lost because his administration got caught up in a progressive maelstrom. What are the assertive moments you remember from his admin, Iran deal, LGBT rights to the point where they got involved in bathroom access politics :skip:, immigration. I cant think of much more, everything else they took his preferred formula of slow and steady.
There was a perception there that took hold in middle America and Hillary never even bothered to do anything about it despite being given a blue print from Bernie.

I'm a SJW progressive to the hilt and even I thought that safe spaces triggered shyt was way out there, shyt I've never met a transgendered person, those policies dont affect me so why would I not give a listen to the guy bs'ing me about bringing my job back.

Like he said in the interview, in elections there are human variables that have to be taken into account. :whew: