Predictions of the Mueller Investigation's Outcome


Nov 19, 2016
They'll ultimately determine many of them were duped.
Others they will determine were duped, but once finding out carried on.
They will determine that others appeared to be under influence.
They'll uncover a pay for play conspiracy involving foreign nationals.
A lot of wrist will be slapped.
A few people will do football numbers.
They'll conclude that votes weren't changed.

And they will determine Trump attempted to obstruct justice with regards to the investigation and comey firing.
Republicans will determine that is within the scope of presidential duties.
Trump will pardon a lot of folks and will be encouraged not to run again.

Berniewood Hogan

Aug 1, 2012
Low Quality Posting
Trump will be impeached, Pence will lose in 2020 to Hillary, and Hillary will pardon Trump.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Here's my predictions on Mueller's investigation.

1. On "collusion":

-Mueller will find that neither Trump nor his cohorts directed--or knew about--the cyber aspect of Russian meddling (i.e. the DNC hacks).
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were very open and willing to foreign support of Trump's campaign.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts actively sought foreign support of Trump's campaign from several sources, including Russia.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were aware that they may have been trying to work together with representatives of the Russian government.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were aware that they may have been committing a crime, or at least doing something improper.
-Mueller will find that Trump personally directed some of the contacts between his team and the Russians.

2. On the dossier allegations:

-Mueller will find that the Kremlin does indeed have blackmail material on Trump.
-Mueller will find that it's not a pee tape, though such salacious material may or may not exist.
-Mueller will find that the "kompromat" material is simply Trump being a willing money launderer for Russian oligarchs and known criminals, and has been for decades, via Trump's various real estate and business holdings.
-Mueller will find that the Russians cultivated Trump as an asset going back to the 80's--when I predict he may have started money laundering for the Russians.
-Mueller will find that Trump seeking real estate ventures in Russia, including his attempts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow—were an opportunity for the Russians to cultivate his views on foreign policy.
-Mueller will find that Trump used people such as Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort as proxies to communicate with Kremlin agents.

3. On obstruction:

-Mueller will find that Trump knew about Russian meddling, including cyber attacks and human engineering, very soon after the election.
-Mueller will find that not long after he was informed of Russian meddling and before the public was made aware of such, Trump privately expressed disbelief that Russia was responsible.
-Mueller will find that Trump spearheaded a concerted campaign to shut down the investigation as soon as possible, including coordinating with legislators, media personalities, and news organizations favorable to him.
-Mueller will find that Trump directed his cohorts to question, harass, and threaten potential witnesses.
-Mueller will find that Trump resisted the investigation publicly and privately.

Sounds about right.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Here's my predictions on Mueller's investigation.

1. On "collusion":

-Mueller will find that neither Trump nor his cohorts directed--or knew about--the cyber aspect of Russian meddling (i.e. the DNC hacks).
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were very open and willing to foreign support of Trump's campaign.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts actively sought foreign support of Trump's campaign from several sources, including Russia.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were aware that they may have been trying to work together with representatives of the Russian government.
-Mueller will find that Trump and his cohorts were aware that they may have been committing a crime, or at least doing something improper.
-Mueller will find that Trump personally directed some of the contacts between his team and the Russians.

2. On the dossier allegations:

-Mueller will find that the Kremlin does indeed have blackmail material on Trump.
-Mueller will find that it's not a pee tape, though such salacious material may or may not exist.
-Mueller will find that the "kompromat" material is simply Trump being a willing money launderer for Russian oligarchs and known criminals, and has been for decades, via Trump's various real estate and business holdings.
-Mueller will find that the Russians cultivated Trump as an asset going back to the 80's--when I predict he may have started money laundering for the Russians.
-Mueller will find that Trump seeking real estate ventures in Russia, including his attempts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow—were an opportunity for the Russians to cultivate his views on foreign policy.
-Mueller will find that Trump used people such as Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort as proxies to communicate with Kremlin agents.

3. On obstruction:

-Mueller will find that Trump knew about Russian meddling, including cyber attacks and human engineering, very soon after the election.
-Mueller will find that not long after he was informed of Russian meddling and before the public was made aware of such, Trump privately expressed disbelief that Russia was responsible.
-Mueller will find that Trump spearheaded a concerted campaign to shut down the investigation as soon as possible, including coordinating with legislators, media personalities, and news organizations favorable to him.
-Mueller will find that Trump directed his cohorts to question, harass, and threaten potential witnesses.
-Mueller will find that Trump resisted the investigation publicly and privately.

Sounds about right.


Jul 25, 2015
Goon Squad - Catset
they find he was personally responsible for obstruction of justice. don jr and kushner might catch charges based on russian ties. republicans win the house in nov again and nothing happens to trump. he runs again in 2020. most likely wins with a degree of russian interference and republicans also take the house, maybe the senate.
thats when things will get really bad.
edit: most republicans will also call whatever mueller finds "politicized" and condemn the investigations findings.


Nov 21, 2017
Central VA
I think only a few GOPers, NRA, and Trump loyalist like Manafort, Kushner, Don Jr will be actually found to be working with Russian agents to compromise the DNC even if they weren't sure of the complete plan.

The obstruction of Justice charge is where Trump will be in trouble.

I think Trump will try and use the 2019-2020 election season to squash any attempt to bring charges against him as an attempt to overthrow his administration which is where we will end up with Republicans going back to his corner. There won't be enough Rethuglicans in the Senate to impeach and remove him from office.

Dems will have the House and Senate which will basically end up with a "lame-duck" presidency of Trump if he wins in 2020.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
-What are your predictions about what Mueller will find ("collusion", obstruction, etc.)?
Trump will be accused of Obstruction of Justice in a report sent to Congress. Mueller will find conspiracy with Trump campaign members and the Russians. Since the indictment of the Russians for the DNC, DCCC and Clinton campaign hack was so detailed, Trump campaign members who conspired here in America with the Russians don't stand a chance.

-What pieces of evidence are the most important?
-Cohen paying the hackers (if Mueller can verify that. It was mentioned in the dossier)
-The Trump campaign knowing the Russians were hacking the DNC. (As mentioned in the dossier)
-Roger Stone's contacts with Guccifer 2.0 and Wikileaks.
-Don Jr's contacts with Wikileaks and the Trump Tower meeting. Even though Don Jr, Manafort and Kushner was supposedly disappointed when the Russians didn't come through with the dirt on Clinton at the meeting, they probably made plans to get the dirt later on.
-Manafort managing the conspiracy through intermediaries.

-Does "collusion" have to be successful to be considered a crime?
Yes. The legal term is conspiracy.

-Will Trump himself be charged? If not, who will be?
Trump will not be charged because of DOJ policy that a sitting President cannot be indicted. However, the Trump Organization can be indicted for Money Laundering with the Russians. The people charged: Manafort, Cohen (might try his hardest to cut a deal to escape the wrath), Don Jr, Roger Stone and possibly Kushner. Flynn may have immunity if he had any involvement due to his cooperation. I'm not sure what will happen to Carter Page & Jeff Sessions. Sessions might get off free somehow.

-How will they be sentenced?
Trump will pardon Don Jr, Manafort and Kushner. Flynn, Gates and George Papadopolous will not get pardoned because they turned against him. If Trump is removed from office, Pence will pardon him.

However, Manafort, Don Jr, Kushner and Trump Sr may get the hammer from New York State Law. There is currently a bill in the New York State Congress that would allow New York State to charge anyone with state crimes after they've been pardoned from federal crimes by Trump. As we know, only the governor can pardon state crimes.

Here is a link to the bill: New York State Assembly | Bill Search and Legislative Information
The bill has been sitting there for now, but when Trump starts pardoning people I expect that bill to get passed quickly.

-How will Trump react to the findings?
Call it fake news. Start abusing his power, doing wild shyt and go down kicking and screaming. Wouldn't be surprised if he did something outrageous like demand that Obama or Clinton be arrested. :troll:Might even tell his fanbase to come to Washington DC to riot.

-If referred for impeachment, how will Trump behave in front of the Senate during impeachment hearings?
Like a child. He'll embarrass himself in front of everyone and do the classic Clinton deflection and do the white/Trump victimization thing.


Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
Like I've said many times, the biggest impediment to Mueller's investigation is House Republicans.

Mueller is likely to find some sort of collusion, and it's hard to imagine how firing Comey wasn't obstruction. Cohen and Kush are likely to get charged, maybe Jr. Trump may try to pardon them. But I'm not too confident Trump himself will be because he's a sitting president and I don't see Republicans in Congress impeaching him regardless of Mueller's findings.

So basically, I think Trump and his people are guilty as fukk and Mueller knows it, but Republicans are likely to protect Trump and Trump is likely to try to pardon whoever else gets charged. So I'm not too confident that many of these guys will actually go to jail. Things could go better if the Dems win Congress, but between gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian interference, and Dem voters' general tendency to make excuses not to vote, I'm not too confident that'll happen.
I tend to think it will be along the lines of this. It's all about what happens now and between the midterms. Trump is the biggest attention whore and the house republicans only care about their constituency who are die hard supporters of him. IF republicans come out looking good in miderms trump will run again and probably win easily...

Here's my problem with the whole thing:
Democrats are not being aggressive, they're trying to counter and once again making EVERYTHING a referendum on Trump. We have had 46 US presidents and more Americans voted for HRC than any other losing president candidate in US HISTORY!!!!! Almost by 3 million votes. That's INSANE!

It tells me that the problem is/was cockiness by the democrats and not fully understanding the silent majority. She shouldn't have lost to him. Same way Kerry shouldn't have lost to bush when afterwards democrats could've done something about the stupid ass electoral college.

45% of the country WILL NOT vote for trump or any republican at the top of the ticket. But 35% would support him even if he started lynching people in the middle of time square. So fukk them, don't worry about them, they are deplorable, mostly poor and/or racist who will vote against their own interest to maintain white supremacy.

But that other moderate 20% is what you are fighting for. You FIRST have to energize that 45% to actually VOTE, and convince that that 15 of that 20 to come out and vote democratic as well.

The glaring problem I see is liberals, democrats sitting around praying, hoping and wishing that Mueller ascends from the clouds and drops the hammer on Trump and gets him out of there ASAP. But what if that doesn't happen? What's the gameplan?

Everyone knows trump is lying, disgusting, hoebytch. But I think democrats should be mobilizing in a lot of places and turning out the vote for midterms. Because if they can get control of house/senate then he instantly becomes a lame duck president and it's more likely that indictment will come then while he's on his way out. That's poetic justice....


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
I tend to think it will be along the lines of this. It's all about what happens now and between the midterms. Trump is the biggest attention whore and the house republicans only care about their constituency who are die hard supporters of him. IF republicans come out looking good in miderms trump will run again and probably win easily...

Here's my problem with the whole thing:
Democrats are not being aggressive, they're trying to counter and once again making EVERYTHING a referendum on Trump. We have had 46 US presidents and more Americans voted for HRC than any other losing president candidate in US HISTORY!!!!! Almost by 3 million votes. That's INSANE!

It tells me that the problem is/was cockiness by the democrats and not fully understanding the silent majority. She shouldn't have lost to him. Same way Kerry shouldn't have lost to bush when afterwards democrats could've done something about the stupid ass electoral college.

45% of the country WILL NOT vote for trump or any republican at the top of the ticket. But 35% would support him even if he started lynching people in the middle of time square. So fukk them, don't worry about them, they are deplorable, mostly poor and/or racist who will vote against their own interest to maintain white supremacy.

But that other moderate 20% is what you are fighting for. You FIRST have to energize that 45% to actually VOTE, and convince that that 15 of that 20 to come out and vote democratic as well.

The glaring problem I see is liberals, democrats sitting around praying, hoping and wishing that Mueller ascends from the clouds and drops the hammer on Trump and gets him out of there ASAP. But what if that doesn't happen? What's the gameplan?

Everyone knows trump is lying, disgusting, hoebytch. But I think democrats should be mobilizing in a lot of places and turning out the vote for midterms. Because if they can get control of house/senate then he instantly becomes a lame duck president and it's more likely that indictment will come then while he's on his way out. That's poetic justice....

There's a disconnect.

The enthusiasm Democrats have right now is all over the country. People are fired up, running for office, working on campaigns, volunteering... at levels I've never seen in my life.

The mainstream media isn't going to show you this. In fact, Thom Hartmann's radio show always brings up that the only times Dems are on cable news is to talk Trump or Russia. It's terrible. And there's certainly people like you described who are sitting around hoping for a Mueller bomb to drop.

Dems have to register people and get people who don't vote to vote. 37% of eligible voters voted in 2014 midterms. If that goes up 10-15% this year, they'll exceed expectations.

MR. Conclusion

All Star
May 30, 2012
This shyt will be over before Mueller completes the case. I have a strong feeling that something will drop from now and probably fall that will get Trump the fukk outta here with the RNC. I think our intelligence agencies are sitting on treasure troves and is just waiting the right time

I agree. As we saw last Friday, thr DOJ waited until right before his meeting with Putin to drop those indictments. I think they're just waiting for the right window of opportunity to go open with everything.
May 1, 2012
I think there's enough energy out there where if the Presidential election was held today enough Democrats, moderates, Hispanic population etc. would run to the polls to try to get Trump out.

But instead it's the midterms and people still don't understand the importance; I'd be surprised to see any real changes in the overall landscape of the house or Senate.

So with that, nothing will actually come of the Mueller investigation because the Republicans in office will try to undermine it and sweep it under the rug. They'll be confident enough to stomp it out.

The reason they haven't gotten rid of Mueller yet is because they want to seem 'fair' and play ball until November. After November you won't be able to tell Republicans shyt.