Ta-Nehisi Coates for 'The Atlantic': "I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye"


Aug 6, 2015

Kanye West wants freedom—white freedom.

I could only have seen it there, on the waxed hardwood floor of my elementary-school auditorium, because I was young then, barely seven years old, and cable had not yet come to the city, and if it had, my father would not have believed in it. Yes, it had to have happened like this, like folk wisdom, because when I think of that era, I do not think of MTV, but of the futile attempt to stay awake and navigate the yawning whiteness of Friday Night Videos, and I remember that there were no VCRs among us then, and so it would have had to have been there that I saw it, in the auditorium which adjoined the cafeteria, where after the daily serving of tater tots and chocolate milk, a curtain divider was pulled back and all the kids stormed the stage. And I would have been there among them, awkwardly uprocking, or worming in place, or stiffly snaking, or back-spinning like a broken rotor, and I would have looked up and seen a kid, slightly older, facing me, smiling to himself, then moving across the floor by popping up alternating heels, gliding in reverse, walking on the moon.

Nothing happens that way anymore. Nothing can. But this was 1982, and Michael Jackson was God, but not just God in scope and power, though there was certainly that, but God in his great mystery; God in how a child would hear tell of him, God in how he lived among the legend and lore; God because the Walkman was still uncommon, and I was young and could not count on the car radio, because my parents lived between NPR and WTOP. So the legends were all I had—tales of remarkable feats and fantastic deeds: Michael Jackson mediated gang wars; Michael Jackson was the zombie king; Michael Jackson tapped his foot and stones turned to light. Even his accouterment felt beyond me—the studded jacket, the sparkling glove, the leather pants—raiment of the divine, untouchable by me, a mortal child who squinted to see past Saturday, who would not even see Motown 25 until it was past 30, who would not even own a copy of Thriller until I was a grown man, who no longer believed in miracles, and knew in my heart that if the black man’s God was not dead, he surely was dying.

And he had always been dying—dying to be white. That was what my mother said, that you could see the dying all over his face, the decaying, the thinning, that he was disappearing into something white, desiccating into something white, erasing himself, so that we would forget that he had once been Africa beautiful and Africa brown, and we would forget his pharaoh’s nose, forget his vast eyes, his dazzling smile, and Michael Jackson was but the extreme of what felt in those post-disco years to be a trend. Because when I think of that time, I think of black men on album covers smiling back at me in Jheri curls and blue contacts and I think of black women who seemed, by some mystic edict, to all be the color of manila folders. Michael Jackson might have been dying to be white, but he was not dying alone. There were the rest us out there, born, as he was, in the muck of this country, born in The Bottom. We knew that we were tied to him, that his physical destruction was our physical destruction, because if the black God, who made the zombies dance, who brokered great wars, who transformed stone to light, if he could not be beautiful in his own eyes, then what hope did we have—mortals, children—of ever escaping what they had taught us, of ever escaping what they said about our mouths, about our hair and our skin, what hope did we ever have of escaping the muck? And he was destroyed. It happened right before us. God was destroyed, and we could not stop him, though we did love him, we could not stop him, because who can really stop a black god dying to be white?


Glenn Harvey
Kanye West, a god in this time, awakened, recently, from a long public slumber to embrace Donald Trump. He hailed Trump, as a “brother,” a fellow bearer of “dragon energy,” and impugned those who objected as suppressors of “unpopular questions,” “thought police” whose tactics were “based on fear.” It was Trump, West argued, not Obama, who gave him hope that a black boy from the South Side of Chicago could be president. “Remember like when I said I was gonna run for president?,” said Kanye in interview with the radio host Charlamagne Tha God. “I had people close to me, friends of mine, making jokes, making memes, talking shyt, now it’s like oh, that was proven that that could have happened.”

There is an undeniable logic here. Like Trump, West is a persistent bearer of slights large and small—but mostly small. (Jay-Z, Beyoncé, Barack Obama, and Nike all came in for a harangue.) Like Trump, West is a narcissist, “the greatest artist of all time,” he claimed, helming what would soon be “the biggest apparel company in human history.” And, like Trump, West is shockingly ignorant. Chicago was “the murder capital of the world,” West asserted, when in fact Chicago is not even the murder capital of America. West’s ignorance is not merely deep but also dangerous. For if Chicago truly is “the murder capital of the world,” then perhaps it is in need of the federal occupation threatened by Trump.

It is so hard to honestly discuss the menace without forgetting. It is hard because what happened to America in 2016 has long been happening in America, before there was an America, when the first Carib was bayoneted and the first African delivered up in chains. It is hard to express the depth of the emergency without bowing to the myth of past American unity, when in fact American unity has always been the unity of conquistadors and colonizers—unity premised on Indian killings, land grabs, noble internments, and the gallant General Lee. Here is a country which specializes in defining its own deviancy down so that the criminal, the immoral, and the absurd become the baseline, so that even now, amidst the long tragedy and this lately disaster, the guardians of truth rally to the liar’s flag.

Nothing is new here. The tragedy is so old, but even within it there are actors—some who’ve chosen resistance, and some, like West, who, however blithely, have chosen collaboration.

West might plead ignorance—“I don’t have all the answers that a celebrity is supposed to have,” he told Charlamagne. But no citizen claiming such a large portion of the public square as West can be granted reprieve. The planks of Trumpism are clear—the better banning of Muslims, the improved scapegoatingof Latinos, the endorsement of racist conspiracy, the denialism of science, the cheering of economic charlatans, the urging on of barbarian cops and barbarian bosses, the cheering of torture, and the condemnation of whole countries. The pain of these policies is not equally distributed. Indeed the rule of Donald Trump is predicated on the infliction of maximum misery of West’s most ardent parishioners, the portions of America, the muck, that made the god Kanye possible.

And he is a god, though one born of a different time and a different need. Jackson rose in the last days of enigma and wonder; West, in an accessible age, when every fukk is a tweet and every defecation a status update. And perhaps, in that way, West has done something more remarkable, more amazing than Jackson, because he is a man of no mystery, overexposed, who holds the world’s attention through simply the consistent, amazing, near-peerless quality of his work.

He arrived to us with Bin Laden, on September 11, 2001—life emerging out of mass death—and I guess it is more accurate to say here that he arrived to me on that day, since West had been producing since at least five years before. All I know is when I heard his production on The Blueprint, I felt that he was the one I had been waiting for. I was then, still, an aesthetic conservative, a vulgar backpacker who truly and absurdly believed that shiny suits had broken the cypher, scratched the record, and killed my beloved hip-hop. My theme music alternated between Common’s “I Used To Love H.E.R.,” The Roots’ “What They Do,” and O.C.’s “Time’s Up.” Slick Rick’s admonition—“Their time’s limited, hard-rocks too”—was my mantra, so that on that day of mass murder, when Kanye West greeted me, chopping up the Jackson Five, drawing from Bobby “Blue” Bland, pulling from David Ruffin, arrived with Jay-Z, an MC who dated back to the Golden Age, I did not see myself simply in the presence of a great album, but bearing witness to the fulfillment of prophecy. This was insane, and it has been the great boon of my life that Twitter did not exist back then, to come of age in the last days of mystery, because Lord knows how many times I would have told you hip-hop was dead, and Lord knows how many times I would have said “Incarcerated Scarfaces” was the peak of civilization. Forgive me, but that is who I was, an old man before my time, and all I can say is that when I heard Kanye, I felt myself back in communion with something that I felt had been lost, a sense of ancestry in every sample, a sound that went back to the separated and unequal, that went back to the slave.

That was almost 20 years ago. It is easy to forget just how long West has been at this, that he’s been excellent for so long, that there are adults out there, now, who have never seen the sun set on the empire of Kanye West. And he made music for them, for the young and futuristic, not for the old and conservative like me, and so avoided the tempting rut of nostalgia, of soul samples and visions of what hip-hop had been. And so to those who had been toddlers in the era of The Blueprint, he became a god, by pulling from that generation raised in hip-hop’s golden age, and yet never being shackled by it. (Even after the events of the week, it would shock no one if West’s impending was the best of the year.)

West is 40 years old, a product of the Crack era and Reaganomic Years, a man who remembers the Challenger crash and The Cosby Show before syndication. But he never fell into the bitterness of his peers. He could not be found chasing ghosts, barking at Soulja Boy, hectoring Lil Yachty, and otherwise yelling at clouds. To his credit, West seemed to remember rappers having to defend their music as music against the withering fire of their elders. And so while, today, you find some of these same artists, once targets, adopting the sanctimonious pose of the arthritic jazz-men whom they vanquished, you will not find Yeezy among them, because Yeezy never got old.

Maybe that was the problem.

Everything is darker now and one is forced to conclude that an ethos of “light-skinned girls and some Kelly Rowlands,” of “mutts” and “thirty white bytches,” deserved more scrutiny, that the embrace of a slaveholder’s flag warranted more inquiry, that a blustering illiteracy should have given pause, that the telethon was not wholly born of keen insight, and the bumrushing of Taylor Swift was not solely righteous anger, but was something more spastic and troubling, evidence of an emerging theme—a paucity of wisdom, and more, a paucity of loved ones powerful enough to perform the most essential function of love itself, protecting the beloved from destruction.


Glenn Harvey

Full Article: I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye
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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

What Kanye West seeks is what Michael Jackson sought—liberation from the dictates of that “we.” In his visit with West, the rapper T.I. was stunned to find that West, despite his endorsement of Trump, had never heard of the travel ban. “He don’t know the things that we know because he’s removed himself from society to a point where it don’t reach him,” T.I. said. West calls his struggle the right to be a “free thinker,” and he is, indeed, championing a kind of freedom—a white freedom, freedom without consequence, freedom without criticism, freedom to be proud and ignorant; freedom to profit off a people in one moment and abandon them in the next; a Stand Your Ground freedom, freedom without responsibility, without hard memory; a Monticello without slavery, a Confederate freedom, the freedom of John C. Calhoun, not the freedom of Harriet Tubman, which calls you to risk your own; not the freedom of Nat Turner, which calls you to give even more, but a conqueror’s freedom, freedom of the strong built on antipathy or indifference to the weak, the freedom of rape buttons, p*ssy grabbers, and fukk you anyway, bytch; freedom of oil and invisible wars, the freedom of suburbs drawn with red lines, the white freedom of Calabasas.

It would be nice if those who sought to use their talents as entrée into another realm would do so with the same care which they took in their craft. But the Gods are fickle and the history of this expectation is mixed. Stevie Wonder fought apartheid. James Brown endorsed a racist Nixon. There is a Ray Lewis for every Colin Kaepernick, an O.J. Simpson for every Jim Brown, or, more poignantly, just another Jim Brown. And we suffer for this, because we are connected. Michael Jackson did not just destroy his own face, but endorsed the destruction of all those made in similar fashion.


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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
fukk Ta-Nehisi Coates:yeshrug::scust:
Why so you can boast about someone on The Root?

Coates ain’t perfect but he’s not a c00n and he’s done more to advance public dialog about black plights that most authors and done so credibly and respectfully.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
Why so you can boast about someone on The Root?

Coates ain’t perfect but he’s not a c00n and he’s done more to advance public dialog about black plights that most authors and done so credibly and respectfully.

People hate Coates because he doesn't offer a way for redemption for black Americans in their prison country. Also, he trashed Hilary :troll:


Aug 6, 2015
Calling Kanye (or any man/woman) a "God of his time" is doing way too much for me. Kanye is "not dying to be White" - he is dying for White validation and acceptance. For himself and his bi-racial children.

Kanye wants full White acceptance - and hates that the color of skin he inherited from his ancestors makes that impossible.

Therefore, he disrespects and blames his ancestors -- when he should be blaming those whose ancestors enslaved and subjugated his -- and set up the system of White Supremacy. And whose descendants have done everything in their power to make sure that system stays in place. Including the family he married into.

Ta-Nehisi is very well versed on Black American history -- he could have really aided in educating Kanye and others with his mindset.


Aug 6, 2015
Coates writes Black victimhood erotica for white liberals

"We need to do something about this like Kony 2012 :troll:"


As for Kony - that was him trying to include himself in non-Black American business -- he should have let that to an Ugandan or African writer to cover.

Coates writes about Black American experience/history with -- and the effects of it on their descendants in America.

He doesn't write "Black Victimhood" -- he writes the real raw story and/or opinion with no false hope included.

"It is what it is" type of writing.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra

As for Kony - that was him trying to include himself in non-Black American business -- he should have let that to an Ugandan or African writer to cover.

Coates writes about Black American experience/history with -- and the effects of it on their descendants in America.

He doesn't write "Black Victimhood" -- he writes the real raw story and/or opinion with no false hope included.

"It is what it is" type of writing.

I think the author was referring to how cacs interpret his works. Cacs read his work, feel "woke" and then go back to benefiting from colonization and segregation. It's not Coates' fault, but he's serving as a salve for their exploitation.
May 6, 2012

As for Kony - that was him trying to include himself in non-Black American business -- he should have let that to an Ugandan or African writer to cover.

Coates writes about Black American experience/history with -- and the effects of it on their descendants in America.

He doesn't write "Black Victimhood" -- he writes the real raw story and/or opinion with no false hope included.

"It is what it is" type of writing.

Coates at his best is him speaking on reparations

He had Obama's ears on that but he simply told him "No"

"It is what is" type of writing only works with an end goal i.e. Reparations or a political agenda

Without an end goal its simply entertainment and some people get off on it :yeshrug:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Calling Kanye (or any man/woman) a "God of his time" is doing way too much for me. Kanye is "not dying to be White" - he is dying for White validation and acceptance. For himself and his bi-racial children.

Kanye wants full White acceptance - and hates that the color of skin he inherited from his ancestors makes that impossible.

Therefore, he disrespects and blames his ancestors -- when he should be blaming those whose ancestors enslaved and subjugated his -- and set up the system of White Supremacy. And whose descendants have done everything in their power to make sure that system stays in place. Including the family he married into.

Ta-Nehisi is very well versed on Black American history -- he could have really aided in educating Kanye and others with his mindset.

The thing is that there is no educating for Kanye. Black people (in this case those of us in America) always think there is "saving" of someone, and this gets us killed. Kanye needs to be dealt with point blank. His mindless rants are putting batteries in the backs of white supremacists and other c00ns, because he is validating them. Due to the position black people are in there is no mechanism of "punishment" for those who commit these acts of treason, which is why they let these c00ns run wild in the media.