Ted Koppell Gets at Bill O'Reilly on O'Reill Factor: "You Created Trump By Destroying Journalism!"


All Star
May 6, 2015
Considering we are witnesses to the power of the media and the ignorance and hate it can spread the media is to blame. Who gives a fukk what the people want when you, the media, have the power to tell people what they want? There are bunch of rednecks out there who have a hatred towards people they have never had 1st person interactions with, why, because of Fox News and people like O'Reilly.

They are not giving people what they want they are planting seeds of ignorance in people to hate. The Irish used to get shytted on, the Italians did, then thru the Cold War it was the Russians, then the Arabs and now it's Mexicans and Muslims. You think the media had no propaganda like influence on any of that?

What's your explanation of Bill O'Reilly's high ratings then ( assuming that it's not giving the people what they want )?

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
What's your explanation of Bill O'Reilly's high ratings then ( assuming that it's not giving the people what they want )?

Because he caters to a certain demographic and plays off their emotions. It's successfully and highly acceptable practice if we are talking about sitcoms, broadcasting live sports event or late night talk shows but we are talking about the news, a program that millions of people watch to be informed of events and that's problem. People like Rupert Murdoch treat the news as if it is the Walking Dead and cater it to a certain demographic and play off their emotions. The problem is people don't look towards the Walking Dead or Seinfeld to be informed because it's fiction, the news is supposed to be non-fiction and fair and balanced.

I mean a lot of people look towards O'Reilly the same way are parents or grandparents looked toward Ted Koppel. It's like people have the same expectations and trust in the media they've always had (to be informed and fair/balanced) but it's the media that switched up, flipped the script and sold out for money. Now everything is sensationalized journalism, where it's more important to break the story first and get viewers and ratings than it is to get the facts straight first. The integrity of it's gone and that's the media's fault lowering it standards. I agree with Ted Koppel, the news is supposed to be boring, it's supposed to inform you and give you facts without the guy throwing his two cents in on story.

AV Dicey

All Star
May 6, 2012
Juan Roberto's bald spot
What's your explanation of Bill O'Reilly's high ratings then ( assuming that it's not giving the people what they want )?
this is the the eat your vegetables vs i'll buy you candy so that you think i'm the better parent argument...then the kid gets obese and enjoys all manner of fat related ailments like trumpism before keeling over and dying in their mid 30's like the republican party :yeshrug:
the media is complicit in what its feeding its audience, that's why the RTLMC were charged and convicted as perpetrators in the Rwandan genocide

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Considering we are witnesses to the power of the media and the ignorance and hate it can spread the media is to blame. Who gives a fukk what the people want when you, the media, have the power to tell people what they want? There are bunch of rednecks out there who have a hatred towards people they have never had 1st person interactions with, why, because of Fox News and people like O'Reilly.

They are not giving people what they want they are planting seeds of ignorance in people to hate. The Irish used to get shytted on, the Italians did, then thru the Cold War it was the Russians, then the Arabs and now it's Mexicans and Muslims. You think the media had no propaganda like influence on any of that?

Agreed. The news is a public service. It's sad to see that people hae forgotten that. Up until the '70s, they didnt even take ratings for news broadcasts, because news was just supposed to inform the public, NOT entertain us.

Two of the three media outlets you mentioned are also percieved as being biased in favor of liberal views and politics.

To be fair, CNN is only accused of being liberal by right-wing asshats.

What's your explanation of Bill O'Reilly's high ratings then ( assuming that it's not giving the people what they want )?

It's giving the people what they want, but news is supposed to be a public service, not commercial, which is what really happened after they got rid of the Fairness Doctrine in '86. It used to be law that you couldn't play fast and loose with facts like Fox does.