The L.O.X. performing on Nickelodeon

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
Its crazy how now we supposed to be woke to black culture shyt but when you see it displayed it all seems fake compared to what we had in the 90s. From the music, to the shows, and fashion. Like alot of the displays of blackness now feels soulless compared to the 90s. Like the tvs shows supposedly written by black folks or mostly black casts feel like watered down versions of blackness compared to shyt like Martin, Fresh Prince, Different World, etc.

I've been thinking this for a while and it's not something people want to hear. It's in television all the time now. Instead of just showing black people doing what they do, it's like they have to scream at you how black they are and how they listen to black music and that it's really hard to be black. Did we mention to you that we're black? You wouldn't know it just by looking at us. :troll:

These new content creators don't understand that if you're making entertainment, you have to entertain. You can't use your identity as a way to draw people in, that's never worked. Those shows you mentioned all succeeded because in addition to showcasing all-black casts and highlighting black culture (which was something very few sitcoms were doing at the time), they were well-written with fully realized characters and A1 comedy. The black consciousness was layered into these shows implicitly, it wasn't mentioned every five minutes. Same thing with films. It's why people see the original Boomerang as a classic, and nobody will remember the series they made based on it in a few years.


Jun 11, 2012
Funny how folks appreciate it now. I remember at one point in the 2000s like between 2001 to 2012, if you had any appreciation for the 90s. Folks thought you were a has been or out of style. Same people now wanna show their appreciation now because its "acceptable". The reason why i often would reminisce and bring that shyt up was because in the 2000s, a lot of the media is TRASH. A lot of music, tv shows, forms of entertainment are TRASH. The 90s had a level of energy and freedom that disappeared when 2000 happened. It was like y2k REALLY did happen culturally. Technology took over for real.