The US almost bought Dominican Republic to make it a resort?


All Star
Jul 2, 2018
Uptown NY
I read about this a couple of years ago. there were :mjpls:lawmakers in the U.S. who opposed this because DR was a mixed population. they didn't want people in the U.S. to get any ideas

Fill Collins

I like the one that says shum pulp
Jun 19, 2019
What does Bantustan mean?
They were reservations of scrubland left over for Black ppl in Apartheid-era South Africa

The government claimed they were independent nation-states, but they installed c00ns as leaders and again, took all the arable land for themselves

Going on a tangent here, but in 1994, one Bantustan, Bophuthatswana had a minor skirmish with the transitional government, and the "president" actually called in help from boer nationalists, but Bop's army turned on the cacs, three even got murked on live TV :wow:


Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Was once hearing one of those maga guys on youtube stating something to the effect of "china owns a whole state in the us"
tomato potato


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
School us dont just make a statement back it up with facts you just want to turn this thread into a DR/Haiti war.
Meanwhile both countries are being raped by europe, china and the US. shyt like this is why reparations is never going to come because the colonists cac's keep us busy with these Diaspora wars. We all were removed forcibly from one continent stripped of our identity and brought here. And now they keep us fighting. You should keep that energy for France which was the nation that been longdikking Haiti for centuries.

All Hatians should have French nationality and papers just like all Dominicans should have Spaniard ones and a grip of cash for all the forced labor and genocide of our ancestors.

This sounds stupid as fukk but if you have any proof, I'm all ears.
The island Haiti is on, is called Hispaniola. The same Hispaniola Columbus "founded". It held the most profitable European colonies up until the the end of the French revolution. It was morr profitable than the 13 American colonies. Everyone wanted a piece and those already had a piece fought wars and spent millions to keep it. France owned western Hispaniola while Spanish owned the east, for the most part.

After French Haiti won its freedom, their leaders made it illegal for non Haitians to own land...effectively cutting of Europe from that part of Haiti. Over the years, mixed race and white French loyalists would support/fund regimes to end Black leadership in Haiti. Many of these effort had European backers. This leader to French Haiti being split several times.

Meanwhile in Spanish Haiti, these future Dominicans rebelled against the Spanish. Shortly after becoming independent, the French Haitis annexed Spanish Haiti unite the island. Afterb20 years, the Dominicans rebelled because they didn't want to be part of the economic walls Europe placed in Haiti. France forced, through further economic warfare, Haiti to pay a yearly fine for liberating itself. It was a death blow to the nation's development.

Over the next lime 40 years, Haiti tried to secure Spanish Haiti but the Dominicans held them back with the help of the US, France and England. Eventually Spanish get Spanish Haiti back....the shyt is convoluted as fukk but this is where the US comes in with the option to buy but doesn't.

Main idea is, Europeans have historically used the DR as a buffer against Black Haitians. DR has been owned/funded by the Spanish, French, Black Haitians, Spanish Haitians, almost the Columbians, the US and finally the Dominicans in less than 100 years. This musical chairs of ownership only exists because Black Haitians wanted to end Slavery and kill off most white adjacent people

The DR as we know it wouldn't exist if Whites didn't want to stop the spread rebelling slaves. England for example nearly bankrupted itself sending men and supplies to the Caribbean, while fighting Nap, because they didn't want to lose their colonies to Haiti revolutionaries.


May 2, 2012
The island Haiti is on, is called Hispaniola. The same Hispaniola Columbus "founded". It held the most profitable European colonies up until the the end of the French revolution. It was morr profitable than the 13 American colonies. Everyone wanted a piece and those already had a piece fought wars and spent millions to keep it. France owned western Hispaniola while Spanish owned the east, for the most part.

After French Haiti won its freedom, their leaders made it illegal for non Haitians to own land...effectively cutting of Europe from that part of Haiti. Over the years, mixed race and white French loyalists would support/fund regimes to end Black leadership in Haiti. Many of these effort had European backers. This leader to French Haiti being split several times.

Meanwhile in Spanish Haiti, these future Dominicans rebelled against the Spanish. Shortly after becoming independent, the French Haitis annexed Spanish Haiti unite the island. Afterb20 years, the Dominicans rebelled because they didn't want to be part of the economic walls Europe placed in Haiti. France forced, through further economic warfare, Haiti to pay a yearly fine for liberating itself. It was a death blow to the nation's development.

Over the next lime 40 years, Haiti tried to secure Spanish Haiti but the Dominicans held them back with the help of the US, France and England. Eventually Spanish get Spanish Haiti back....the shyt is convoluted as fukk but this is where the US comes in with the option to buy but doesn't.

Main idea is, Europeans have historically used the DR as a buffer against Black Haitians. DR has been owned/funded by the Spanish, French, Black Haitians, Spanish Haitians, almost the Columbians, the US and finally the Dominicans in less than 100 years. This musical chairs of ownership only exists because Black Haitians wanted to end Slavery and kill off most white adjacent people

The DR as we know it wouldn't exist if Whites didn't want to stop the spread rebelling slaves. England for example nearly bankrupted itself sending men and supplies to the Caribbean, while fighting Nap, because they didn't want to lose their colonies to Haiti revolutionaries.
What a twisted version of events give us dates years dont talk about the 100 years talk bout what happend specifically between 1822 and 1844 between the 2 sides that became one. Did the people on the east side have the same rights as the ones from the west. Could the practice their religion or own land? Please school us. Cause you left a lot out casually using the word annexation when it really was and invasion and dictatorship for 22 years


I'm the REAL Zucotti Manicotti
Mar 25, 2017
After 20 years, the Dominicans rebelled because they didn't want to be part of the economic walls Europe placed in Haiti
I wish it that was true. The Dominicans had a separate "Spanish" identity but the real reason is that they didn't want to be ruled by men of pure African descent.

Haiti had the military advantage on paper and lost and then yes, the Dominican Republic has been used as an example of "the good child" but US intervention hurt both countries.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
What a twisted version of events give us dates years dont talk about the 100 years talk bout what happend specifically between 1822 and 1844 between the 2 sides that became one. Did the people on the east side have the same rights as the ones from the west. Could the practice their religion or own land? Please school us. Cause you left a lot out casually using the word annexation when it really was and invasion and dictatorship for 22 years
:gucci: I'm not writing a novel on the Haitian and Dominicans revolutions. No one wants to read that and I'm no expect. Most of that shyt was off the dome. It doesn't matter why Haitians- Dominicans kept fighting in each other in 1800s. Europeans put the batties in the backs of the Dominicans. It was a prelude to what was done in the Middle East and Asia....the first time the United States began seriously exercising its foreign powers via the Monroe Doctrine. DR and Haiti are on the same island. Have the same history. These nations share many of the same languages and cultures yet one is significantly less stable and poorer than the other. That's by design.

Western powers have sought to cripple Haiti since its liberation while DR has for the most part experienced the opposite.

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Europeans have historically used the DR as a buffer against Black Haitians.

Not trying to spark a diaspora war.... but youre correct - DR has always been used as a landing spot for invading forces to enter Haiti.

Starting with the French army setting up shop in 1805 and kidnapping Haitian children in border towns to sell them back into slavery.

And recently as last year when the "foreign mercenaries" landed in DR and crossed into Haiti to murder the President.

I support DR building the wall because that country has been a threat to Haitian sovereignty for 200+ years.


May 2, 2012
:gucci: I'm not writing a novel on the Haitian and Dominicans revolutions. No one wants to read that and I'm no expect. Most of that shyt was off the dome. It doesn't matter why Haitians- Dominicans kept fighting in each other in 1800s. Europeans put the batties in the backs of the Dominicans. It was a prelude to what was done in the Middle East and Asia....the first time the United States began seriously exercising its foreign powers via the Monroe Doctrine. DR and Haiti are on the same island. Have the same history. These nations share many of the same languages and cultures yet one is significantly less stable and poorer than the other. That's by design.

Western powers have sought to cripple Haiti since its liberation while DR has for the most part experienced the opposite.
Thats what you just did write a novel. Concentrate on getting restitution from the colonizers not creating more division. You will never build anything if you keep destroying.
Dec 22, 2016
:gucci: I'm not writing a novel on the Haitian and Dominicans revolutions. No one wants to read that and I'm no expect. Most of that shyt was off the dome. It doesn't matter why Haitians- Dominicans kept fighting in each other in 1800s. Europeans put the batties in the backs of the Dominicans. It was a prelude to what was done in the Middle East and Asia....the first time the United States began seriously exercising its foreign powers via the Monroe Doctrine. DR and Haiti are on the same island. Have the same history. These nations share many of the same languages and cultures yet one is significantly less stable and poorer than the other. That's by design.

Western powers have sought to cripple Haiti since its liberation while DR has for the most part experienced the opposite.

No we don't lol

Haitians speak creole and those who don't, speak french, while dominicans speak only spanish. We don't even share words or slang in common. Haiti is almost like an alien culture right next to us.

Cuba, DR and PR are the ones who share the same history, language and culture. Also, the three nations (Cuba, DR, PR) are genetically interrelated, and to some extent Venezuela and the north coast of Colombia. For example, im 100% dominican, but i have distant relatives in Venezuela on my fathers side and PR on my mothers side, no relatives from Haiti. Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador had dominican ancestors.

Its almost like 3 provinces of the same country, but with different political systems. There's more similarities between cubans and dominicans, than between two different regions of Colombia, just to put an example.

I know this goes against the Coli narrative, that dominicans and haitians are brothers, etc. But the truth is, dominicans share very little with Haiti, both culturally and language wise. Genetically, the only people who are of haitian descent are those who grew up in "bateyes" and or were born in DR from haitian inmigrant parents.

By the way, when i talk about cubans, don't think about the Miami cubans. They're not at all representative of the real cubans from the island.


Dec 16, 2015
Wonder how platano Twitter feels about this

In 1871, the US almost acquired the Dominican Republic. President Ulysses S. Grant hoped that 'the entire colored population of the United States' would move to the island.

Banana Wars - Wikipedia
Puerto Rico
U.S. could've had a lot of colonies in the Caribbean, I will say that if they still owned them today, most would be where Puerto Rico is at right now (take that for what you will)


Dec 16, 2015
I thought Grant was one of the Radical Republicans whose for Black enfranchisement?
he was, didn't read the article but he could've thought it was better as there were no southern white people he had to worry about who would either A. (start an insurrection and prolong the U.S. from going back being a unified nation and keeping union soldiers in the south. B. He still had to work with southern democrats who openly opposed giving slaves rights.