The US almost bought Dominican Republic to make it a resort?


Dec 16, 2015
Grant was a Radical Republican. He was more pro Black than Black leaders at the time. He zealously guarded African American rights and he oversaw the enforcement of the 13th amendment, but also the implementation and enforcement of the 14th 15th amendments. So not only did he defeat the South in the Civil War, but he also oversaw African American integration into free USA society and he fostered their role in "Reconstruction."

What people don't recall about Grant is that he crushed the Klu Klux Klan. The Klan did not regain strength until the 1920s.

President Grant Takes on the Ku Klux Klan​

Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site

"...In a letter to Speaker of the House James G. Blaine, Grant wrote, “there is a deplorable state of affairs existing in some portions of the south demanding the immediate attention of Congress. If the attention of Congress can be confined to the single subject of providing means for the protection of life and property in those sections of the Country where the present civil authority fails to secure that end, I feel that we should have such legislation.”

Congress responded with three “Force Acts” aimed at stopping the violence, especially within the Ku Klux Klan. The Enforcement Act of May 1870 prohibited “banding together” or “going in disguise upon the public highways or upon the premises of another” to violate a citizen’s constitutional rights. As the Klan was known for their disguises, this act called put them on notice. The Second Force Act of February 1871 put federal elections under federal supervision mainly by federal judges and U.S. Marshals. Finally, the Third Force Act of April of 1871 empowered President Grant to suspend Habeas Corpus and use the military to enforce these acts. The latter two Force Acts were also known as the “Ku Klux Klan Acts.”

:wow: grant and Tecumseh Sherman were some fools with it, then Andrew Johnson fukked it all up.

Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
No we don't lol

Haitians speak creole and those who don't, speak french, while dominicans speak only spanish. We don't even share words or slang in common. Haiti is almost like an alien culture right next to us.

Cuba, DR and PR are the ones who share the same history, language and culture. Also, the three nations (Cuba, DR, PR) are genetically interrelated, and to some extent Venezuela and the north coast of Colombia. For example, im 100% dominican, but i have distant relatives in Venezuela on my fathers side and PR on my mothers side, no relatives from Haiti. Simon Bolivar, the liberator of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador had dominican ancestors.

Its almost like 3 provinces of the same country, but with different political systems. There's more similarities between cubans and dominicans, than between two different regions of Colombia, just to put an example.

I know this goes against the Coli narrative, that dominicans and haitians are brothers, etc. But the truth is, dominicans share very little with Haiti, both culturally and language wise. Genetically, the only people who are of haitian descent are those who grew up in "bateyes" and or were born in DR from haitian inmigrant parents.

By the way, when i talk about cubans, don't think about the Miami cubans. They're not at all representative of the real cubans from the island.

You're right on the Miami Cuban vs Island Cuban divide. We came in 3 waves. The first wave was all white and the most racist, 2nd was Mariel (think Scarface) boatlift, 3rd was the 94' special period economic crisis and were going through a 4th right now. Hopefully the demographics and political thought process change cause right now Miami Cubans are by far and large held in a chokehold by the 1st group and their descendants.

Also Idk if you know but the Eastern part of Cuba, were the most Blacks and Mulattos, and Taino descendants are from, was helped founded by Dominicans. Santiago de Cuba was named after Santiago de Los Caballeros. More than 15,000 Dominicans came to Cuba to help fight for our independence from Spain and most stayed. The main rebel general, Maximo Gomez, was Dominican and he was going to be named the 1st president of Cuba but he refused because in his words "He bled for Cuba but his heart is Dominican." That same group of people was gonna go free Puerto Rico but then the US got involved.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
:wow: grant and Tecumseh Sherman were some fools with it, then Andrew Johnson fukked it all up.
Andrew Johnson was a Southerner from Tennessee so he was sympathetic to the South. Sherman was not really sympathetic to the slaves. Sherman just hated the arrogance of the Southern people committing treason against the USA. To make matters worse Sherman was a true military man that put mission over everything else and he was dedicated to punishing the South.

Grant on the other hand was completely against slavery and he felt it was morally wrong. Grant was much more vicious than Sherman and he created the concept of "total war" that Grant first employed in Vicksburg, Mississippi, when Grant captured Memphis, West Tennessee and Mississippi in the Western theater of the Civil War. Sherman was Grant's subordinate and he learned total war from Grant. Sherman carried out total war when he burned down Atlanta and beat the Hell out of the Confederacy in the Carolinas.

Total war is basically the concept of carrying out war not only on Confederate troops and politicians, but also on the Southern people that supported those troops and politicians. Grant believed that if you carried out war on Southern citizens then the those citizens would personally stop the war. He was right. So he bombed Southern towns and starve them out until they surrendered. If they didn't surrender then he would kill them. Regardless of whether they surrendered or not he still burned down their cribs and towns; destroyed the railroads; confiscated all of their cropsand cattle; free their slaves and then he armed those slaves and told them to bust caps if they saw any further resistance.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
is there a story on this thats complete and succinct? I've heard Gerald Horne make this argument several times.
I wrote a college paper on parts of this in 2009. I forget the name of the books but it referenced the relation btwn the Haitian Revolution in the beginnings of the American Civil War. The DR bits only made up a small part but it was included in a section that talked about the West's effort prevent what was called drapetomania or fugitive slavery madness.

I haven't been able to the book or author... plus I don't know of any books that outright frame DR in that way.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I wrote a college paper on parts of this in 2009. I forget the name of the books but it referenced the relation btwn the Haitian Revolution in the beginnings of the American Civil War. The DR bits only made up a small part but it was included in a section that talked about the West's effort prevent what was called drapetomania or fugitive slavery madness.

I haven't been able to the book or author... plus I don't know of any books that outright frame DR in that way.
find it and let me know


Dec 16, 2015
Andrew Johnson was a Southerner from Tennessee so he was sympathetic to the South. Sherman was not really sympathetic to the slaves. Sherman just hated the arrogance of the Southern people committing treason against the USA. To make matters worse Sherman was a true military man that put mission over everything else and he was dedicated to punishing the South.

Grant on the other hand was completely against slavery and he felt it was morally wrong. Grant was much more vicious than Sherman and he created the concept of "total war" that Grant first employed in Vicksburg, Mississippi, when Grant captured Memphis, West Tennessee and Mississippi in the Western theater of the Civil War. Sherman was Grant's subordinate and he learned total war from Grant. Sherman carried out total war when he burned down Atlanta and beat the Hell out of the Confederacy in the Carolinas.

Total war is basically the concept of carrying out war not only on Confederate troops and politicians, but also on the Southern people that supported those troops and politicians. Grant believed that if you carried out war on Southern citizens then the those citizens would personally stop the war. He was right. So he bombed Southern towns and starve them out until they surrendered. If they didn't surrender then he would kill them. Regardless of whether they surrendered or not he still burned down their cribs and towns; destroyed the railroads; confiscated all of their cropsand cattle; free their slaves and then he armed those slaves and told them to bust caps if they saw any further resistance.
that was more with what I was getting at, straight up ransacked atlanta, imagine him as the president after Grant.