They Shootin': Gallows/Anderson speak on Heyman, AEW/WWE Negotiations, Absentee Dad being mad, etc.

Reality Check

Keepin' it 100
May 2, 2012
On Paul Heyman:

Gallows: It’s great to be a good charmer, but when you’re 100% full of bullshyt — we had this conversation in a rental car before we got on the phone with him. ‘All you ever read, all these guys that came before us, is that he’s a great charmer but the biggest bullshytter in the history of the business.’ We’re both going, ‘We hope he’s not bullshytting us.’ We have these big contracts, we’re rolling with AJ, you gotta think positive. To the end, he’s putting us over and telling us how good we are and ‘we’re gonna put the straps on you a month down the line, but you deserve them now, but you’re gonna go to Saudi and be the best tag team in the world. If you ever have a problem with creative or if I ever lie to you, go on social media and fukking bury me. fukking put me under the dirt because I fukking deserve it! I want those guys in the locker room to know that I can’t fukking be trusted!’ Guys in the locker room, he can’t fukking be trusted and I just buried him.

Karl Anderson: Getting that call, it didn’t feel good. It took me back to having these conversations with Triple H and he looks at me and goes, ‘Dude, I look at you and I see your kids. I think about, what if AEW doesn’t last? I can promise you one thing, WWE will always be here.’ We stopped being boss and employee at that point and we were, obviously not friends, but two humans talking. I’m not saying that Triple H could have stopped anything or even cared, but hearing that from your boss and then having it happen, it’s like damn, they don’t give a fukk. Trying to get to the bottom of it, because it did feel weird. Asking around, we heard ‘well, it was Paul Heyman inspired.’ ‘Really?’ We told AJ that. He asked somebody what they think of it. That person said ‘Yes......AJ went to Paul and said, ‘Did you fire these guys or put the word in?’ Paul said, ‘No, you have my word that I didn’t do this. If I would have known, I would have gone to bat for them.’ AJ went back to the same guy, asked again, and then went to Vince. AJ goes to Vince and said, ‘Tell me the truth, is Paul the one that said fire these guys?’ Vince told AJ, ‘They weren’t on my list, but yes, it was a Heyman thing.’

Gallows and Anderson Point Fingers At Paul Heyman For WWE Release: "He's A F***ing Liar And A Piece Of S**t"

On AEW/WWE negotiations:

Karl Anderson: We knew that AEW would be successful. We knew they would pop off. We just succumbed to the amount of money and promises, kept or unkept … but we signed because of the thought that this was going to be our last contract and we were ready to ride it out....I would say for a good six months we told the Bucks and Kenny we’re coming. We’re fukking coming. No matter what. Because we were that ready to go,” Anderson said when asked if their friends in AEW were unhappy with the decision. “There were some hard feelings, I think. Because I think people trusted the Bucks and they told other parties that we were coming, and then we didn’t come and it made them look like they couldn’t close the deal......Machine Gun music is gonna hit. I’m gonna come out. Gallows comes from behind. We walk to the ring. We too sweet The Young Bucks and Kenny. Turn around, everyone’s happy, and then we beat the fukk out of them,” he said while detailing the pitch. “It’s one of the biggest regrets of my life that that didn’t fukking happen. It kills me. Badly.

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows On Previous Talks With AEW, Say They Regret Re-Signing With WWE, Triple H Throwing Money At Them

On a certain terrible, absentee father in AEW being pissed off:

Karl Anderson: We have other friends in that company, we don’t have to drop a bunch of names. It’s not that kind of an interview, but it’s not hard to figure out. A friend who is in a high power position there and wrestler who was like, ‘what the fukk, guys?’ I think that he’s still a little offended by it and my answer to him, if he ever hears this or reads the transcript, was none of this was ever personal. We appreciated the offer and everything everyone was trying to do for us.

Chris Jericho Reportedly The Superstar Upset About Gallows and Anderson Not Signing With AEW

Bonus: The rumored original idea for their debut

The original plan was for Gallows and Anderson to attack then-Impact World Champion Tessa Blanchard in the main event of Slammiversary. It was apparently Gallows and Anderson's idea, as they felt it would generate major heat right off the bat. Obviously with Blanchard being released, everything has changed.

Exclusive News On Original Plans For Luke Gallows And Karl Anderson At Slammiversary, Their Deals - Wrestling Inc.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Just gonna throw this right here:

We should make a thread on this (if there isn't already one), but that podcast made them AJ, KA, and Gallows seem like three of the biggest marks in the business. Never has the old maxim about wrestlers being the biggest marks of all been proven so clearly.

Getting mad at Heyman for making a suggestion regarding Gallows and Anderson making too much money but not caring about Vince or Hunter actually acting on it. :mjlol:

AEW having an actual ready made feud for them with THE top guys in the promotion (two of whom were AJ's actual choices for tag team running buddies, by the way) but turning them down because Hunter said, "bu-bu-bu...what if AEW dies? You have to think about your kids, right?" even though Shahid Khan is worth literally four times as much as Vince. :mjlol:

Alienating everyone in your friend's company, including your friends who promised you to their bosses, only to get released like 6 months later and not be able to go back. :mjlol:

God, there were gems for days in that shyt.

Green Ranger

I Am Legend
May 24, 2012
Angel Grove California
One thing I've noticed from these shoots is no one really calls out Vince. It's always HHH or someone lower. Crazy.
If Vince wanted them there they would still be there point blank the buck stop with him. We all said when they gave Heyman & Bischoff these title they would be the one who would take the hit if shyt went wrong not Vince or anyone else.

Heyman I get it has a history of not being trust worthy but if you think Vince is being honest and is not lying to you or playing you I got a bridge to sell you.

Ask Punk about those iou or how guys/girls be ready to quit and how Vince sweet talked them into staying like Mark Henry or even Sasha
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Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Anderson on their early interactions with Heyman in creative: “We’d just formed the OC, right? We’d just beat the f**k out of Ricochet. Got a nice f**king pop, we’d just turned heel. It was pretty cool. I mean, the very next week, Creative sent us an email of what we were gonna do. And it had, Ricochet beat me in two seconds, Gallows comes in and gets beats in two seconds. And I remember reading it and going, ‘What?’ And I texted Triple H and I forwarded him this because I don’t know where he is with Creative. And I go, ‘I thought they would at least wait until three months in to kill us off.’ And that was he asked, ‘Well, did you talk to Paul Heyman?’ And I had not even — we had been so checked out from giving a f**k about what was going on on Raw because I thought we were leaving, I didn’t even realize Paul was now in charge of writing Raw. And I said, ‘No.’ And he said, ‘Paul’s calling you now.’ And then Paul Heyman called.”

“I’ll just go ahead and say it, we had a f**king great talk. I would have considered myself almost — I would have even said, I wouldn’t call myself a Paul Heyman guy, but I thought Paul Heyman was a big fan of mine. And I remember a couple times, Gallows said ‘F**k, Paul Heyman loves you.'”

Gallows on their dealings with Heyman at the time: “It’s great to be a good charmer, but when you’re just 100% full of bulls**t. And we had this conversation in a rental car in a parking lot before we got on the phone with him. And I was like, ‘Man, all you ever read and all these guys that came before us say that he’s a great charmer but the biggest bulls**ter in the history of the business. And we’re both going, ‘We hope the f**k he’s not bulls**ting us.’

“But we have these big contracts, we’re rolling with AJ. You’ve got to think positive, right? Because to the end he’s putting us over and telling us how good we are, and ‘We were gonna put the straps on you a month down the line, but you guys deserve them now. And now you’re gonna go to Saudi, and I know it’s Saudi but you’ll be the best tag team in the world. And if you ever have a problem with Creative, ever. Or if I ever lie to you’ — this is a quote. ‘If I ever lie to you, go on social media and f**king bury me. F**king put me under the dirt, cause I f*cking deserve it, and I want those guys in the locker room to know that I can’t f**king be trusted.’ So guys in the locker room? He can’t f**king be trusted and we’re online, and I just f**king buried him. Those are my words, not Karl’s.”

Anderson on being surprised by their release after the Boneyard Match: “We got text messages from Michael Hayes right before [the match] happened [on air]. He said, ‘Boys, I saw some of it already, and it’s — it’s incredible. Be ready.’ Triple H [texted] thanking us and saying, ‘What you guys did was special.’ And as soon as it was over, a text from Triple H, and a text from Michael saying, ‘That was unbelievable, you guys made history. And so you gotta understand, when we got fired two weeks later, it was like, ‘What the f**k?!?'”

Anderson on finding out they were being released: “We’re in a text group with people and they were a little worried. And I literally looked at my wife and I go, ‘Vince sent us all a video and was saying they are going to lay people off. But I mean, I’m going to be honest, I feel highly confident about anything.’ And I was feeding my baby, about to put him down for his nap … and I look at my phone and I see Mark Carano calling me. And I go, ‘…no!’

So Mark calls me and says, ‘Hey, bud.’ And I go, ‘F**k. You busy today?’ And he’s like, ‘Yeah, and I’ve unfortunately got bad news for you.’ And I was like, It’s just business, bro.’ I was ready, I just wanted him off the phone. And he was very nice, I’m cool with Mark, you know. It is what it is. But I just wanted him off the phone. And he goes, ‘Well, I gotta call your partner now’ and I just hung up. He calls Gallows … Gallows says hello, Mark goes, ‘I just got off the phone with your partner.’ and Gallows goes, ‘For what?'”

Gallows on his release: “I go, ‘For what?’ And he goes, ‘Bad news.’ And I go, ‘Are you f**king kidding me? Us?’ And he goes, ‘I’m sorry, buddy.’ And I go, ‘…Jesus Christ, all right.'”

Anderson on finding out Heyman was involved: “You know, trying to get to the bottom of it then, because it did feel f**king weird. And so we started kind of asking around, like, ‘What the f**k happened.’ And then we heard ‘Well, it was Paul Heyman-inspired.’ And it was like, ”Really?’ So then we told f**kin’ AJ that. And AJ goes in, and he asked somebody what they think of it … He went to somebody and asked, is that what happened? And that person said ‘Yes.’

“So AJ goes into Vince, and he says, ‘You gotta tell me the truth, is Paul the one that f**king said fire these guys?’ And Vince told AJ, ‘Listen, they weren’t on my list but yes, it was a Heyman thing … [Between the first person and Vince] AJ went to Paul Heyman and said, ‘Did you fire these guys or did you put the word in to fire them?’ And Paul said, ‘No, you have my word that I did not do this. If I would have known, I would have gone to bat for them.’ And AJ went ‘Okay.’ He back to the same guy, asked again, and AJ went to Vince, and that’s when Vince told the story right.”

Gallows on why Heyman targeted them:“Apparently he thought we were making too much money for what we were doing, and he’s a f**king liar and he’s a piece of shyt.”
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All Star
May 1, 2012
Parts Unknown
The thing this shows is that your boss/management is not your friend. It's best to soak up game if its available, do your job, and put your self in good spot.

The thing is everything he said could of been true but at the end of day Paul's job was to book RAW and get the ratings up and he probably figured he could lose a gallows and Anderson and maybe save cats who were figured into his plans like MVP, Ricohet, Cedric, Appolo, or the profits.


Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014
I thought they wanted the flexibility to work NJPW freely, as well. AEW still ain't playing that shyt, for whatever reason.

I mean Mox did last year's G1 and was all in the video for both nights of Wrestle Kingdom and got off a match with Minoru Suzuki. He's still their current US champion in his second run.

AEW are fine with it, for certain people, as long as they don't do their US shows.

Gallows and Anderson got played though. Man really thought they were cool with HHH because he teamed with them in Japan (he always teams with whoever is hot in certain places to get himself over) and because he asked about their kids.:mjlol:

Brad Piff

The Money & The Miles
May 1, 2012
San Diego
It’s all about the game, and how you play it.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
The thing this shows is that your boss/management is not your friend. It's best to soak up game if its available, do your job, and put your self in good spot.

The thing is everything he said could of been true but at the end of day Paul's job was to book RAW and get the ratings up and he probably figured he could lose a gallows and Anderson and maybe save cats who were figured into his plans like MVP, Ricohet, Cedric, Appolo, or the profits.
Out of this group only Street Profits and Ricochet are worth saving. The rest are has beens and underachieving.

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Lmao @ Triple H What if AEW doesn't last.

And they took that shyt and ate it up. What a bunch of idiots. How is AEW gonna go out of buisness so quickly? TNA is still going lol
Just gonna throw this right here:

What does this matter? Yes he’s a billionaire. And you know how people stay billionaires? By not draining money in a failed product. Not to say that’s what AEW is but you never know what will happen 3-5 years down the line. So it makes sense from their perspective to stay with the guaranteed money