Thor vs Storm(Thor got his ass beat by Wolverine)


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015

Weather Control Thor

Thor as the god of thunder and son of Gaea was born with the natural ability to control weather since birth. Thor normally relies on Mjölnir to control the weather with devastating degree and release blasts of lightning. Mjolnir allows him better more precise control over his powers and allows him to better regulate his power output, and can act as a shortcut to access his natural powers. This is compared to using his powers without Mjolnir which seemingly require more effort to summon and are more raw and unregulated in their nature. He is able to summon huge storms, rain and lightning from the sky and also creating weather to there where normally isn't any. He has also the ability to create unnatural weather like fire rain on a barren planet. Thor can also discharge lightning bolts from his hands that are lethal and raw in power, also engulfing his hands in lightning to amp his punches.

Earth Control

After Thor was resurrected he came to terms with the fact that he was the son of the Elder Goddess Gaea and was granted the ability to control the Earth and has displayed this ability by creating very powerful earthquakes. Thor also displayed this ability when he created a chasm in Africa between two different areas to prevent the enemies of one side from entering the territory of the other.

Weather Manipulation Storm

Multiple times over the years Storm has been called a "sculptress". This is one of many ways to describe her absolute mastery and dominion over the forces and elements that govern weather. In the blink of an eye, Storm can alter her perception to perceive the elements of nature, including the planet's magnetic and electromagnetic field, and the ozone layer, as patterns of force and energy. She becomes one with these forces and can mold them to her will for a variety of effects. These atmospheric forces include (but are not limited to) air, moisture, temperature, pressure, and electrical energy. Through molding these forces Storm can manifest any meteorological tempest, weather effect, and other atmospheric phenomena with a thought. This also includes control over ocean currents.

She has summoned powerful blizzards, thunderstorms, monsoons, tornadoes, hail, and hurricanes, as well as disbursed natural storms to create clear weather. Her range has been shown to be planetary but she can also localize the weather effects to a specific area or target, even refined enough control to manipulating air and electrical forces inside a target’s body. Storm has also shown that she can channel these elemental forces through her own body, allowing her to project weather-effects in a beam-like path from her hands, such as lightning, wind, thermal energy, and moisture. Her control over air also gives her the power of flight.

Due to her powers being tied to her emotions and because she is completely in-tune with the environment, she must keep a tight rein on her emotions to avoid them influencing the surrounding weather. Being acutely attuned with the biosphere of the planet Storm can sense various changes within the atmosphere and earth, including unnatural shifts in the air, movement within the earth, changes in the earth's electromagnetic field, or shifts within the water's currents. She has sensed objects as small as a snowball being tossed her way or the Blackbird cutting across the atmosphere from thousands of miles away.


As Storm goes into different environments her powers adapt, including other planets and dimensions, allowing her control over the atmospheres in these different environments. For example, in space, she can manipulate energies of stars and the solar wind. She can also summon atmospheric lightning while in space (though she can generate bioelectric lightning bolts through her metabolism). When in space she needs no medium for her lightning to travel and the raw power of her bolts are significantly enhanced and has summoned a bolt big enough to cover a spaceship

Me personally I think Storm would fukk him up. Even if you add his Asgardian physiology into the equation but we'll just keep it at weather manipulation only.



All Star
Oct 31, 2017
I hate to say this but Thor is taking this easily. Storm is extremely powerful, but so is Thor. The main difference is that Thor could dish it out and take it, but Storm doesn't have enough durability. :francis:
This battle would've been closer if you chose Blue Marvel instead of Storm because he's strong both offensively and defensively. He can possibly vaporize Thor with his anti-matter powers.

One thing I did notice is that both Marvel and DC don't have an extremely powerful black Superhero like Franklin Richards (M) or Michael Demiurgos(DC)---both can warp all reality and destroy universes---.
The strongest black superheroes of both those companies would be easily beaten by the strongest white heroes and it ain't even close. :stopitslime:


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
You really think storm could defeat Thor? Lmao. He took the force of suns to his body. What can storm do to replicate that?
People forget one of Storms powers is Immunity to extreme temperatures. She can walk butt naked in Antarctica and be comfortable. That's just the tip of the iceberg. She can handle extreme heat too

ben anderson

Sep 25, 2014
People forget one of Storms powers is Immunity to extreme temperatures. She can walk butt naked in Antarctica and be comfortable. That's just the tip of the iceberg. She can handle extreme heat too
Storm cannot handle a sun. Stop. And ok? Thor has an axe and super strength. Storm hasn’t never displayed any defensive abilities to make me think she can survive even Thor just giving her a basic combo


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
chill thor ended all existence at one point*

I hate to say this but Thor is taking this easily. Storm is extremely powerful, but so is Thor. The main difference is that Thor could dish it out and take it, but Storm doesn't have enough durability. :francis:
This battle would've been closer if you chose Blue Marvel instead of Storm because he's strong both offensively and defensively. He can possibly vaporize Thor with his anti-matter powers.

One thing I did notice is that both Marvel and DC don't have an extremely powerful black Superhero like Franklin Richards (M) or Michael Demiurgos(DC)---both can warp all reality and destroy universes---.
The strongest black superheroes of both those companies would be easily beaten by the strongest white heroes and it ain't even close. :stopitslime:

Thor fukks her up on both counts.
Storm has a stronger connection with nature than Thor. Nature protects and reacts to her even when she doesn't have access to her powers.



♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Storm cannot handle a sun. Stop. And ok? Thor has an axe and super strength. Storm hasn’t never displayed any defensive abilities to make me think she can survive even Thor just giving her a basic combo

Storm can manipulate the energies of stars when she is in space. The sun is nothing but a star. Storm has enough defensive abilities to take on Hulk and Juggernaut. Both of them have gone toe to toe with Thor.