Toxi Lahren to Beyonce: Your Husband was a drug dealer for 14 years he sold crack cocaine.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
25 seconds into the first video.

Okay, I'm white, but I gotta ask. When white people think that Black Lives Matter somehow means All Lives Don't Matter, or that Only Black Lives Matter....... :mindblown:

Seriously? Or am I not being cynical enough and they understand, but just are trying to cloud the issue?

The people that respond with the "All Lives Matter" thing I just will never understand. Black Lives Matter IS saying that all lives matter...because everyone else's lives seem to matter except for black people's lives. That's who is being killed out here by the people supposed to protect and serve.

That's the fukking point, right? Black Lives Matter = Everyone's life matters. Are the "All Lives Matter" crowd that dumb that they needed it to be called "Black Lives Matter Also" ? I thought the point was "Hey, there's a system of institutional racism here that is killing us, and our lives matter too! You shouldn't have to be white to not worry about getting shot when a cop pulls you over. Our lives matter too!"

How do people not understand this? How has that been equated to "Black Lives Matter is a dangerous movement that is saying that all lives don't matter" ? :mindblown:

How is The Black Panther Party being compared to the Ku Klux Klan?

This white lady is on here sounding angry as fukk talking about privilege?

Again, people must be dumber than I thought and have fukked up agendas they're trying to push, because this shyt should be self explanatory.

No dude. White people KNOW what BLM is about, they don't want to change the system for black people to go 0-100 on them in ever sectors on the planet. That's why I say let whites continue to play dumb until black people wake up and wipe them out or straight dominate them and do what they did to us for 400yr. I would love to strip the indentity of a European and give them mental anguish of no return just like they did us.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Does she realize she said, " overthrow of white domination"? That right there cancels out everything else she had to say. She admitted right there that white supremacy rules and has ruled in this country from day one.

How does she know how long Jay sold drugs for?

She asked, "Why be a cultural leader, when you can play the victim?", that's what her and Jay are trying to do, be cultural leaders for the VICTIMS that are young black kids being killed by cops left and right and it's being glossed over, we've actually become desensitized to it so much that we expect it at this point. I'm white, and what I see is a country full of a majority of entitled white people who need a HUGE wake up call, and people of all races need wake up calls about many other issues, but when it comes to police brutality and inequality in terms of the justice system, white people need the biggest wake up call.

As for income inequality we all need to work together because poor and middle class people of all races are being left behind by the super wealthy, but as far as the previous issues I listed white America needs to wake the fukk up and stop acting like it's all in black people's imaginations, this shyt is real and something needs to change. Even if slavery and racism weren't a part of our history, just what's happened recently is alarming enough, but that's not the case and slavery did happen and racism is ingrained in the founding of America, which is a white supremacist country, it's made progress but anyone trying to deny that is lying to themselves.

Our justice system needs a complete overhaul, and the oppression of us all needs to stop, but the oppression of blacks and other minorities first and foremost needs to be addressed. And I'm not saying this out of white guilt, or pandering, this is objective thinking and real frustration and anger. And this situation is pissing me off even more, Beyonce was the fukking Queen in this country, she makes 1 political statement and white America is ready to turn on her that quick. It's a fukking joke, and it's the media pushing this agenda and doing everything they can to promote a race war.

nah, you whites cannot be saved. Y'all should of though about that when you left Europe. Keep being racist so us Africans can wipe you out.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Hahaha, I knew you hotep fakkits was full of shyt. You don't give a rat's ass about the community, defending this old ass crack dealing bozo like he's your father. This shythead and his wife'll drop an album about selling dope and shooting nikkas tomorrow and you wankers'll be dabbing and whipping yourselves into a seizure, talking bout Black Excellence.

Swear to God, worst most lacking in self-awareness yet fake earnest acting ass generation ever. At least we knew Nino Brown wasn't a community hero.

Don't you got a republican swingers party you got to attend, Sambo?

Travellin' Man

Feb 14, 2014
man, fukk them fox news and extension of fox news cacs. they ain't shyt but some gotdamn racist clowns and trolls :pacspit::camby: