Trump polling at only 1 Percent with black voters. Makes you wonder about the coli

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
*cracks knuckles*

91% of the black vote going to Clinton is still despicable. :coffee:

At least you admitting that you were paying so little attention that you couldn't tell the difference between 99% and 91%....not to mention one implies NINE TIMES more dissenters than the other and is nothing like "North Korea-like" numbers, as you initially tried to imply.

400 years of the worst economic, social, educational and political abuse have somehow made the black community more keenly aware than any other demographic, you say? Get your Bagger Vance, magical negro bullshyt the fukk out of here. "The abuse made me stronger :skip:" . Come in here and look at the warped mind of a practitioner of plantation politics, everyone.
"Every demographic is lapping blacks in almost every metric, but we got the special sauce y'all :jawalrus: Them Hispanics and White women who are beating the shyt out of us in every economic and social metric are actually the dumb ones :skip:"

What sort of idiot shyt is this? Black people know what full-on White supremacy as practiced by racist American southerners look like. That is ALL I said.

What kind of wack bullshyt have you been smoking to get from there to that little rant? :mjlol:

You been voting Democrat for 50 years, and you'll continue to be voting Democrat until they put you in the ground.

Who the hell is "you"??? :martin:

I'm not a democrat, I don't vote democrat, and I won't be voting democrat in this election either. If you'd seen my posting history at all, you'd seen that long BEFORE Clinton was even the Democratic nominee I was taking shots at her, and I will continue to do so.

Sorry, you fail on that little supposed attack. :umad:


Get your head out of your fukking ass. People like you make me irrationally angry because the game is so fukking obvious yet you keep falling for it. Do you want to know why the black vote is a total fukking joke? Look in the mirror. You're the reason Democrats know all they have to do is come into the hood every 4 years and do a little dance and pat you on the head and you're charged up to get your Sinead "fight the real enemy" O'Connor on while they fukking laugh at you behind the doors of their corporate donor events.

I'm not a democrat, I don't vote democrat, and I won't be voting democrat in this election either. If you'd seen my posting history at all, you'd seen that long BEFORE Clinton was even the Democratic nominee I was taking shots at her, and I will continue to do so.

Sorry, you fail on that little supposed attack. :umad:

But because you are illiterate, you say "We needs ta truss missa Hillary when she say da illegal immigrants competin wiv us are are freinds! :skip:"

I'm not a democrat, I don't vote democrat, and I won't be voting democrat in this election either. If you'd seen my posting history at all, you'd seen that long BEFORE Clinton was even the Democratic nominee I was taking shots at her, and I will continue to do so.

Sorry, you fail on that little supposed attack. :umad:

Hi, Democratic strategist here. Thanks for confirming you are a one dimensional voter who reacts like a stuck bull seeing a matadors cape when I flash the word "racist" in front of you. Boy, you made it really easy to pitch my bosses on ways to keep the black vote tight to the leash while simultaneously yanking on their tail. :thumbsup:

I'm not a democrat, I don't vote democrat, and I won't be voting democrat in this election either. If you'd seen my posting history at all, you'd seen that long BEFORE Clinton was even the Democratic nominee I was taking shots at her, and I will continue to do so.

Sorry, you fail on that little supposed attack. :umad:

Before becoming President, the only thing Barack Obama had balanced was a checkbook. Funny how now Democrats demand candidates be titans of industry to be qualified.

I'm not a democrat, I don't vote democrat, and I won't be voting democrat in this election either. If you'd seen my posting history at all, you'd seen that long BEFORE Clinton was even the Democratic nominee I was taking shots at her, and I will continue to do so.

Sorry, you fail on that little supposed attack. :umad:

Is that really all you had in you? Point out Trump's clear racism and incompetence, and the only comeback is:
"But but but you must be a Democrat!" :dahell::mindblown:

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
Black people vote based on emotion. We really only care about how candidates make us feel.

This is why black people say dumb shyt like Trump will bring back slavery (we said that about Bush too) - what are we gonna harvest? They gonna make Lebron a slave? :mjlol:

shyt is silly man. Going in on Trump like there's actually a republican that we'll vote for :comeon:

I'm proudly staying my black ass at home this November

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
At least you admitting that you were paying so little attention that you couldn't tell the difference between 99% and 91%....not to mention one implies NINE TIMES more dissenters than the other and is nothing like "North Korea-like" numbers, as you initially tried to imply.
"...uh, actually it's 2/10, not 1/10" pointdexter ass :mjlol:

Oh nevermind then, I guess the black community isn't overwhelmingly supporting one candidate.
What sort of idiot shyt is this? Black people know what full-on White supremacy as practiced by racist American southerners look like. That is ALL I said.

What kind of wack bullshyt have you been smoking to get from there to that little rant? :mjlol:

The black community is undereducated and politically abused and you're trying to justify it by appealing to some alleged "deep slave wisdom". All that "knowledge" of full-on white supremacy has gotten the black community is a paltry pittance from the party fukking you in the ass instead of the mouth, yet you keep voting for them hand over fist.

I'm not a democrat, I don't vote democrat, and I won't be voting democrat in this election either. If you'd seen my posting history at all, you'd seen that long BEFORE Clinton was even the Democratic nominee I was taking shots at her, and I will continue to do so.

Sorry, you fail on that little supposed attack. :umad:
You sure as hell are carrying their water by confirming all their worst assumptions about the black vote. Namely, that all they have to do is point to the other guy and whisper in your ear "He's a raciss :wtb:" and your eyes widen and your mouth froths. Forget the institutional degradation of the black community, Trump's dad was in the Klan, we riding with the Dems. I tried to to you a courtesy by assuming your argument was "deeper" than just "David Duke likes Trump so I don't like Trump :skip:" but if you're determined to be stuck on stupid, I'm not gonna stand in your way. That's called reactionary voting and it'll get ya killed, slowly but surely.

Is that really all you had in you? Point out Trump's clear racism and incompetence, and the only comeback is:
"But but but you must be a Democrat!" :dahell::mindblown:
Are you lost? This is the United States of America, a country founded on the backs of slaves, and you're in here trying to parse which candidate disliked blacks more. :dahell:

This is the reality tv generation, y'all. Enthralled by superficial shyt. "Trump dad was in the Klan, so i'm not going to support protectionist policies that will disproportionately aid the black community :skip:"


Jun 22, 2014
Man I wish more people would realize that no matter who's the face of the new 4 years, it's the same hidden hands still pulling strings.

fukk em both, fukk Hiliary :pacspit: fukk Trump :pacspit: they both pawns, yall caught up in the look of the system but none of yall worried about the behind the scenes. same people who ran shyt for 8 years while President Obama was in office is going to be running shyt when Trump or Hiliary is in office.

:snoop: come on man
Congress? Almost all of Congress is up for reelection this time around too :sas2:


Jun 22, 2014
The conservative ideology is the ideology for the black man. Preserving jobs and wealth within one's families and enclaves and shunning government dependence and subsequent intrusion? Enforcing immigration laws to prevent the mass importation of competition in a struggling labor market?

nikkas swear to God we live in a white supremacist system, then turn right around and vote to go beg this system for handouts. Solely based on "bu bu but these white folks like us!"

Economic protectionism to bring jobs back, and immigration enforcement to make sure American communities hurting the most get those jobs.

One percent of negroes support Trump because one percent of negroes understand the game. The Germans came and usurped us, then the Irish, then the Jews, Poles, Italians, and Asians. Now we got Hispanics and even Arabs moving in, history keeps repeating itself.

nikkas are about to be a permanent underclass cause instead of demanding their piece of the pie, they are using their vote to demand half of their piece be outsourced, and the other half be given to a motherfukker who's not even legally supposed to be here.

Then wonder why police keep shooting them when they are forced to go out and commit crime to acquire a piece and defend it. nikkas have no business being liberal; how the fukk you gon be liberal with shyt you don't even own?!?

You ain't got no wealth to share and you ain't even got all your motherfukking rights! fukk you doing advocating for all these new made-up ass groups that keep eating up your piece of the pie?!?

Like I said in another thread: Notice at the DNC you saw immigrants and anchor babies telling stories about achieving the American dream in finance, education, and politics. But when nikkas hit the stage they were either advocating for immigrants, or giving speeches and singing songs begging police not to shoot them. Because that's what the Democratic party has decided is going to be negroes' political platform- begging cops not to shoot them.
Let all that success trickle down :blessed:

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
Not fukking with either of them still makes immeasurably more sense than 99% of the black vote going to the woman who says "Your jobs aren't coming back because you were either too stupid or poor to adapt to the new global economic order I helped usher in. Oh by the way, you know the 12 million people illegally residing in the country that are competing with you for your jobs and lowering your wages? Yeah, we're gonna legalize them." :heh:

Even if Trump's economic policies don't have the crossed Ts and dotted Is that Hillary's do, at least he's trying to forestall this shytstorm. Hillary put a brick on the gas pedal and strapped blacks in to the front seat :mjlol:

shyt, even a majority of the black vote going to Hillary would be understandable, but 99% :dahell:? Those are some North Korean election numbers :heh:. No demographic should be that beholden to one party, especially one as diverse and numerous as African-Americans. Gays, Hispanics, the poor, the rich, the educated, the uneducated, women, the young, the old, etc. None of them are voting for one party in those numbers. Something stinks here :scusthov:.
:mjlol: the coli y'all

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Black people not voting in line with White Supremacist is not a loss.

Black folk are drowning and you're telling them to reject the hand reaching out to lift them up because it's got dirt on it. I have yet to hear how amnesty for illegal immigrants is a pro-black policy. I have yet to hear how TPP is a pro-black deal. I have yet to hear how incentivizing the industries that disproportionately employ black people to pick up shop and move to Vietnam or Mexico so they can legally pay starvation wages is a policy that helps black people. All I'm hearing from y'all is "...ok but Trump is a racist :skip:"

See, you'd rather be stabbed in the back with a smile than helped up with a frown. Until now, Republicans and Democrats were putting these policies in place side by side so black folk were damned if they do damned if they don't, but now when someone proposes a radical change to the economic status quo that has fukked black people over, you reject it because the messenger was too coarse. You've been on the plantation so long that anyone from outside massa's house must be an enemy. Stockholm syndrome ass nikkas. Democrats tell you to pay no mind to the policies, look at the way he talks or who is retweeting him.
"Nevermind those unemployment numbers, you know his daddy was in the Klan, right? :sas2:"
"Nevermind the disappearance of the black middle class, you know these neo-nazis like him, right? :sas1:"

But realize you're supporting the status quo candidate. She's literally running on being a continuation of the existing order. It's a special kind of irony to see the community most abused by the system and with the least to lose from change be the ones to propel the status quo candidate to victory.