US jobless claims soar to record 3.3 million in one week as layoffs jump


Nov 19, 2016
And it’s a dumb ass gamble. Trump about to hand Democrats a landslide if they play it right.
He could have just started handing out money through the next 6 months and if peole were able to go back to work he could just call the money a middle class tax cut and coast to a second term.

Instead they had to bailout businesses and engage in crony capitalism. :hhh:

I fully expect Dems to drop the ball though. :mjlol:


Apr 30, 2012
He could have just started handing out money through the next 6 months and if peole were able to go back to work he could just call the money a middle class tax cut and coast to a second term.

Instead they had to bailout businesses and engage in crony capitalism. :hhh:

I fully expect Dems to drop the ball though. :mjlol:
Seriously. Just the lack of principles. If there was ever a case for term limits in politics and limiting the industries people could work in after they left congress then this is it.

It’s also making the case for every progressive idea of the past decade. All these people filing for unemployment will lose their healthcare. How are you going to ever tell people we don’t have the money again when we just found 6 trillion and 2 trillion came from taxpayers?

Trump going to say the bill was bi-partisan.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013

no choice he says.. this is america. so I wouldn't be too sure :francis:

He could have just started handing out money through the next 6 months and if peole were able to go back to work he could just call the money a middle class tax cut and coast to a second term.

Instead they had to bailout businesses and engage in crony capitalism. :hhh:

I fully expect Dems to drop the ball though. :mjlol:

you know it :pachaha:


Jul 25, 2018
They're making a big gamble that this will all be gone mid may. :mjlol:

If you observe Trump's appearances this past week it's clear what his strategy is going to be: "take no responsibility" as he has already admitted and kick blame for the virus and the economy on to China and Democrat Governors. That's the plan. He's gonna stoke up racist hatred towards Chinese immigrants and people, and he's going to deliberately deny states like NY, Washington, and California the resources they need while looking for anecdotal right wing smears on their own mishaps with medical supplies in order to blame them. In an an act of complete, idiotic defiance of his own experts and everyone with common sense he's going to demand employers ease social distancing guidelines and bring people back to work. And he's going to do it in a disgraceful display of a "Presidential statement" just to give his psychopathic self-interest as much credibility as possible. Then he's going to tell Americans to blame their governor for the economy or their employment status since he did what he can do and it's up to your Governor to allow you to work.

Quote this and bank on it. This is going to be how the fool takes on this crisis in the coming weeks. Instead of figuring out how to solve this crisis he and his most devoted right wing sycophants are doing background research on Democrat governors and scheming on how to blame Democrats for this as we speak. He and his cronies have accepted that his handle of this crisis and his only ace in the pocket for re-election, the economy, is gone, mostly by way of his own botched up response to this crisis. In fact his "greatest economy evar" could reverse into the worst we've ever seen in our lifetimes. So he's going to handle this the way he's handled everything his entire Presidency: absolving himself of any accountability and then turning even something as apolitical and dire to millions of people lives as a viral outbreak, into a "blame the Democrats" political shyt fight while thousands of people wait to die.

Much lives will be lost. Unemployment will skyrocket to record highs. The US will experience a uniquely horrible surge in the virus that Trump can't blame on China or anyone. A shortage of beds and supplies will become a spectacle of news reports and history books. Sick individuals packed in crowded rooms, hospital workers wearing garbage bags and makeshift masks out of anything they can find, and temporary morgues collecting bodies in bags will become iconic images of the last days of Trump's horrid presidency. Americans will be reminded every day of his poor response and his years of dismantling healthcare, he will lose re-election, leave behind the worst disaster anyone can imagine, and go down in history the WOAT President of the US. Images of Trump's rallies, his devoted America loving MAGA hat wearing "base," Kanye fukking West, Fox News anchors, and his fiercest defenders in Congress will be looked back upon in history poorly. And I will spend every waking day of my life making sure white folks never live down this humiliating failure.

My President is black, educated, admirable, rescued the economy, saved the auto industry, offed Bin Laden, reformed our healthcare system for the middle class, took on numerous health crisis', and gave Trump's racist ass an excellent White House and economy to brag about and then fukk up. White folks OWN this shyt and when it's all done they will try to rewrite history as if they didn't support this shyt with cult-like fervor to subjugate minorities. Make sure they never forget.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
If you observe Trump's appearances this past week it's clear what his strategy is going to be: "take no responsibility" as he has already admitted and kick blame for the virus and the economy on to China and Democrat Governors. That's the plan. He's gonna stoke up racist hatred towards Chinese immigrants and people, and he's going to deliberately deny states like NY, Washington, and California the resources they need while looking for anecdotal right wing smears on their own mishaps with medical supplies in order to blame them. In an an act of complete, idiotic defiance of his own experts and everyone with common sense he's going to demand employers ease social distancing guidelines and bring people back to work. And he's going to do it in a disgraceful display of a "Presidential statement" just to give his psychopathic self-interest as much credibility as possible. Then he's going to tell Americans to blame their governor for the economy or their employment status since he did what he can do and it's up to your Governor to allow you to work.

Quote this and bank on it. This is going to be how the fool takes on this crisis in the coming weeks. Instead of figuring out how to solve this crisis he and his most devoted right wing sycophants are doing background research on Democrat governors and scheming on how to blame Democrats for this as we speak. He and his cronies have accepted that his handle of this crisis and his only ace in the pocket for re-election, the economy, is gone, mostly by way of his own botched up response to this crisis. In fact his "greatest economy evar" could reverse into the worst we've ever seen in our lifetimes. So he's going to handle this the way he's handled everything his entire Presidency: absolving himself of any accountability and then turning even something as apolitical and dire to millions of people lives as a viral outbreak, into a "blame the Democrats" political shyt fight while thousands of people wait to die.

Much lives will be lost. Unemployment will skyrocket to record highs. The US will experience a uniquely horrible surge in the virus that Trump can't blame on China or anyone. A shortage of beds and supplies will become a spectacle of news reports and history books. Sick individuals packed in crowded rooms, hospital workers wearing garbage bags and makeshift masks out of anything they can find, and temporary morgues collecting bodies in bags will become iconic images of the last days of Trump's horrid presidency. Americans will be reminded every day of his poor response and his years of dismantling healthcare, he will lose re-election, leave behind the worst disaster anyone can imagine, and go down in history the WOAT President of the US. Images of Trump's rallies, his devoted America loving MAGA hat wearing "base," Kanye fukking West, Fox News anchors, and his fiercest defenders in Congress will be looked back upon in history poorly. And I will spend every waking day of my life making sure white folks never live down this humiliating failure.

My President is black, educated, admirable, rescued the economy, saved the auto industry, offed Bin Laden, reformed our healthcare system for the middle class, took on numerous health crisis', and gave Trump's racist ass an excellent White House and economy to brag about and then fukk up. White folks OWN this shyt and when it's all done they will try to rewrite history as if they didn't support this shyt with cult-like fervor to subjugate minorities. Make sure they never forget.

Well said. Wait till bodies in those red states start dropping

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014

This is the best argument for M4A I have heard ALL cycle.

It protects people when the are vulnerable and when the last thing that should have to worry about is healthcare.

then they should be able to go to a public option.

I’m all about supporting ppl when they’re down, ive donated food and baby materials already for black families.

but Idk why I should be forced off my health plan bc of what happened. With the public option they’re covered


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
then they should be able to go to a public option.

I’m all about supporting ppl when they’re down, ive donated food and baby materials already for black families.

but Idk why I should be forced off my health plan bc of what happened. With the public option they’re covered

And what about if you suddenly lost your job and coverage like a lot of people right now? This notion that people should be stuck on their employer provided insurance is retarded as fukk. Ok, say you get to keep your little insurance perks, that doesn’t at all justify people not being at all covered (not saying that’s what you’re saying) just to keep those individual perks.

However I think it’s pretty clear that the healthcare industry/insurance/pharmaceuticals won’t compromise at all on even a PO let alone M4A so as far as I’m concerned fukk em, let all the people have healthcare insurance as good as yours breh. We deserve it.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
And what about if you suddenly lost your job and coverage like a lot of people right now? This notion that people should be stuck on their employer provided insurance is retarded as fukk. Ok, say you get to keep your little insurance perks, that doesn’t at all justify people not being at all covered (not saying that’s what you’re saying) just to keep those individual perks.

However I think it’s pretty clear that the healthcare industry/insurance/pharmaceuticals won’t compromise at all on even a PO let alone M4A so as far as I’m concerned fukk em, let all the people have healthcare insurance as good as yours breh. We deserve it.

I mean some people like their insurance obviously :yeshrug:

If you dont like it you can get the government plan. Why shyt on ppl who dont choose what you would choose?

The public option satisfies everyone and what you'd like


Nov 26, 2016
then they should be able to go to a public option.

I’m all about supporting ppl when they’re down, ive donated food and baby materials already for black families.

but Idk why I should be forced off my health plan bc of what happened. With the public option they’re covered

Don't see why M4A has to force anyone off anything. That's where compromise comes in.

I have a healthcare plan with my employer. I pay into it, my employer does as well, but I hardly use it. Thankfully I have been lucky health wise, but besides dental, the NHS has done an outstanding job at taking care of me and my family's health needs.

My kids don't have to pay for medication. My wife gave birth in excellent facilities. Her medication is free and covered as well.

I pay for my medication, but it's a nominal fee. Last thing was about £12 for a course of painkillers.

It isn't perfect - but that's where a private care plan can be used to cover the holes.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
I mean some people like their insurance obviously :yeshrug:

If you dont like it you can get the government plan. Why shyt on ppl who dont choose what you would choose?

The public option satisfies everyone and what you'd like

I dunno, just seems selfish as fukk to me. It should be a right for every citizen to have healthcare as good as the kind these people are so reluctant to lose.

And while the PO obviously solves all issues I just don’t see the middle ground being possible in such a polarized country. I’d rather take this old system out back and do it in like Old Yeller.