Watch Us Make A Game Using "Unreal Engine 3"

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Decided to move this attempt over to Coli :takedat:

Two years ago I started this topic over at nariland videogame forum. Everything was fine till they had a big data wipe back in 2014 and 75% of my posts were lost :ohlawd: :mjcry:so I dropped it. :scust:

:jbhmm:I still feel it's useful to people interested in game design & development so I'm going to try this one more time.

This is basically a big data dump of internal material never meant for "the public". basically it was stuff to catch up anyone who missed a day or two on what they missed. It's just hanging around collecting dust so I figure why not share it.

Main Goals:
  1. To give a solid example of the game design process from conception to implementation.
  2. Provide documentation that a novice interested in GD&D could use to make a game.
  3. Release one update per day.(until I've migrated all material over)
  4. Provide source code and instructions on how to compile & run it. (UDK/PC/PS3)
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
A while back I cobbled together a group of guys to make a game in our spare time. I knew all of them were interested in game development so I asked them to meet up and we would meet on the weekends to work. Around that time I was also heavy into African history, folk stories, mythology, and nollywood village movies which can be kinda stark in comparison to the violence of western games/movies. This made me less interested in development of the violence prone project we were working on and more interested in the production & design aspect I could use on other projects later. Eventually we started loosing guys to graduation and work but we got a good bit done so I thought I'd share the journey.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me

''__The genesis__ -'' After working on several solo games and understanding how to go from a concept to its on screen implementation I now need to understand how to manage and work within a large team of people to produce games.

What is the impediment to this? How can I find a way around it?
''***** *****''

''Vision - Problem statement''
What is the Problem?

While there are classes that teach material useful in the making of games there is no set curriculum/track of classes that organizes the material in a manner which steps students through the process of making a game be it solo or as part of a team.
Worse still the field is so young that there are no real long standing Theories or linguistics/Vocabulary to use as a base for communication of ideas.

This Affects who?
Myself and all students interested in game design and development.

Why is this a problem?
When I formally make an attempt to go into the field of game development and establish my own team I run the risk of stalling development and burning money while developing standard procedures and a common terminology for the most basic of tasks leading to a host of scheduling and communication problems.
When an attempt is made to go into the field of game development and join an established team former students may have an initially weak ability to contribute to the team in terms of game design and implementation because of unfamiliarity with the development process.

What constitutes a successful solution?
A standard procedure that covers all aspects from design to development. Basic terminology that precisely conveys the topics and ideas covered in each step of the procedure. Work with a sizable team comprised of the multiple disciples involved in game development to successfully complete a game using the standard procedure.

''Vision - Position statement''
This solution is for what people?

Myself and anyone interested in working in the field of game design and development.

This solution meets what need of those people?
It gives working knowledge of the paths and pitfalls on the procedure needed to conceive, design, and implement a game within the framework of a sizable team. It also demonstrates the paths and pitfalls in how to communicate design ideas with others. Finally it gives an opportunity to take on the various positions inherent to game development in a safe environment not hampered by the need to "keep the lights on", please a publisher, or capture the masses.

This solution comes in what form?
A series of game projects that covers and ultimately combines different aspects of development.

This solution benefits those people how?
It provides a practical and economical approach to acquiring the skill set needed to work as a team in the game development field.

What are alternative solutions for those people?
1. Go straight into an established team and learn as you go.
2. Set out on your own, find funding, and open a studio.
3. Join(make) a group that meets the needed solution instead of building(joining) this one.

What makes this solution better than the alternatives for those people?
1. This solution provides a safe place to learn development skills without the added pressure of a career hanging in the balance. It also provides the demonstrative ability(via the series of game projects) to get a person in the door of an established team in the first place.
2. This solution provides a safe place to learn development skills without the added pressure of running out of funds or employee turnover stemming from frustration and or fear of the company going under.
3. (Join)There is no other group to join. (Make)This group is already staffed with knowledgeable people 6 months strong, supplied with equipment, connected to the departments needed to network with students required to fill other development positions, has demonstrated that a game can be made with the tools on hand, has a concrete game coming down the pipeline, has a set of 3 projects in the works clear through fall 2011, etc.


Project 1: Spring 2011 - Development Process
Conception, Analysis, Design & Implementation Procedure - Step by step listing of tasks and desired artifacts stemming from the completion of said tasks.

Heavy Gameplay Development - Set and understand how each position in this development cycle works. Come to grips with how to program in UScript and get gameplay from an idea to a functional product on screen. Develop methods to clearly communicate ideas. Note what effects the development cycle and what keeps it or stops it from running smooth and on track.

Moderate Map/Level Development - Set and understand how each position in this development cycle works. Come to grips with how to work within the editor to make level maps. Designing level maps around a desired gameplay rule set.

Moderate Audio Development - Set and understand how each position in this development cycle works. Come to grips with how to work within the editor to manipulate audio. Mixing and placing of sounds within a level map. Developing music around a desired level map theme.

Simple story Development - Set and understand how each position in this development cycle works. Simple text based story telling integration
Side note - Leave room for asset swaps.

Project 2: Summer 2011 - Story scenarios
Heavy Story Development - "Linked Scenario" based story telling.

Project 3: Fall 2011 - Assets
Heavy Custom content - character, Item, and vehicle models & animations. Static meshes.

Other Projects:
Combine knowledge from previous projects to work on all following projects.
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Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Tutorial Session

Tutorial part1: Collaboration environment 1

Tutorial part2: Collaboration environment 2

Tutorial part3: Collaboration environment 3

Tutorial part4: Script Compiling

Tutorial part5: Running code(PC)/Cooking code(PS3)

Tutorial part6: Running code(PS3)

Tutorial part7: Source code review



Feb 21, 2014
Duval County
After starting to work with Unity and getting a general understanding for UE4...I don't see why you wouldn't just use UE4 for not only optimization but futureproofing. Plus it uses a different script language. :yeshrug:

edit: Oh, I see this started in 2011, carry on

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
After starting to work with Unity and getting a general understanding for UE4...I don't see why you wouldn't just use UE4 for not only optimization but futureproofing. Plus it uses a different script language. :yeshrug:

edit: Oh, I see this started in 2011, carry on

This is basically a big data dump of internal material never meant for "the public". basically it was stuff to catch up anyone who missed a day or two on what they missed. It's just hanging around collecting dust so I figure why not share it.

:whoo:Though even if I started today I'm not sure if i'd change much. :jbhmm: Probably wouldn't even move it to UDK.

For three reasons:
1. We were a group of mostly programmers, 2 x software engineers & 2 x computer science majors. No 3D artist were among us for long(trust I tried to find some ...even did class recruitment presentations). That's like having a kitchen full of cooks but no farmer to grow the food to be cooked. Starting with Unreal tournament 3 as a base we had access to models.

2. The unique ability to program for PC & Playstation without needing a licence $$$ from Sony.

3. Unreal engine 4 uses C++ as you stated above. To quote my old C++ instructor
"C++ gives you just enough rope to hang your self with"
The old unreal script is like a mix of C++ and Java, using it as a starting point for novice programmers allows them to learn without dealing with exotic things like pointers. At the same time it gets them comfortable enough to then migrate over to C++.
Example: My University starts students off with Java for general programming and data structures then moves them over to C++ --> assembly, etc.

Thanks for the reply hopefully this will be useful to everybody ...especially the young ones still in high school :obama:

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
Dietrich92: this is really cool.
drugs stuff
i am looking at some of the beta testing footage. Really indepth
do u know any programming scripting yourself? if so let me know some good resources.

Yes there will be lots of scripting shown. I'll even talk through what I'm doing, what I did wrong, and how should I fix it.
Unreal engine uses Uscript it's an in house language they made for games. It's like a cross between java and C++ with some extra capabilities suited to games(mostly dealing with what happens in particular states *falling state* *running state* *etc*)

personally I know Uscript, Java, C++, assembly, Machine code(binary), PHP, SQL(familiar), HTML5(This has been expanded to the point were HTML, PHP, and SQL can do a lot on its own even game production)

I'll provide some references later after I round up some meaty info off of my HDD.

Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me
pc guru:

I read your thread and immediately i can tell you're taking it serious, i often laugh when people talk about 3D Development here and say they will create a game soon, that stuff is quite complicated. Good work bro
Thank you,
Hopefully by the time I've finished uploading all the work we did people will be able to see exactly how complicated it is and more importantly how to plan for & navigate that difficulty. It certainly isn't insurmountable actually the main thing isn't complexity it's matching ambition with resources.

Easy example:
My team consisted of software engineer and computer science students. We had guys talking about making games on other worlds with all these fancy effects even though we had no artist 2D/3D. We could plan and program plenty of things but given that we didn't have artist we had to use the recourses given with the game.

Ambition has to coincide with the recourses you have and those you can attain. With that said there is no such thing as being "practical" or "realistic" in the since that most people use it "don't be too ambitious". "Being Practical" comes in your ability to plan and execute not in you ability to tame your ambition. People to often error in conflating the two.

Not practical or realistic

But well planned and executed...



Dec 18, 2015
When I win I bring we with me

I'd prefer everyone to make comments / ask questions here because as I add more videos the page will load slower and slower. When it hits 35(?) post it starts a new page and I want it to do that as soon as possible before to many videos slow the load times down. So while your questions/comments serve to answer your curiosity it also serves a benificial secondary purpose as a buffer so that to many videos aren't put on the same page slowing down the page load time.

If you ask a question in a secondary thread that's fine also but questions directed at me or ones that I reply to out of personal interest will be placed in the main thread(just so you know).
