Well, you Pawgers and Paagers been busy...birth stats: Black men as fathers for women from 160+ countries


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
@Suge Shot Me this is another data dump from the CDC Wonder dataset :mjlol:

Birth and death statistics are some of the most accurate and detailed stats in the USA---they are actually how the Census knows there is an undercount of Black people (though not huge).

Anyway, some may have known from this previous thread that I was running queries on the CDC's Wonder dataset which has a bunch of data from birth certificates nationally--in that case to find out how interracial births by Black folks varied by county.

Another data field on many birth certificates is the country of birth of the mother and you can combine this with the race of the father (where given) to find out what pairings are going on.

What came back was interesting. From 2017-2021 for births where the father's race was given as Black, mothers from 160+ different countries had kids and this is an undercount since the data is only reported if at least 10 births fit the father race/mother country combination. Yep, everybody's there from about 100 Black-Uzbek or Black-Kyrgyz kids, a couple hundred Black-Kazakh kids (from NY mainly of course), nearly 500 Afro-Ukrainian kids, a few hundred with women from Iran or Bosnia, and even almost a couple hundred where the mom was from the Federated States of Micronesia. I guess this is what will be on the IG thirst traps for Coli 2.0 brehs 20 years from now :mjlol:

So I guess the answer to "does X country fukk with Black men" is there are at least a few :yeshrug:. The top ten nationalities by number of kids are: Mexico, Philippines, Germany, Japan, Canada, D.R., Russia, UK, South Korea, and Thailand. Though the absolute count is deceiving since it often reflects the relative size of immigrant populations. For example, there are a lot of Mexican women with brehs primarily because there are a lot of Mexican women period. If you compare relative rates of Mexican women with non-Hispanic Whites vs. Black men it is like 20X or something.

One alternate way to look at the data is to compare the ratio of births from Black fathers to those with non-Hispanic White fathers. For all but the European countries this gives you an idea of who people get with if not their own ethnicity (and yes, almost everyone gets with their own ethnicity the vast majority of the time). The ratio of non-Hispanic Whites to Blacks is roughly 4.6:1 so if the birth ratio differences for a given group of women are less than that, you can (at a general, not detailed level) say there is some evidence they may end up with brehs preferentially (more often when chance dictates).

So when you account for these ratios, this is what you find:

1. Women from majority Black countries in Africa and the Caribbean (and Black American women) by far have a huge preference for Black men as fathers. No huge surprise there. But also women that identify as Black from non-Black countries do as well including Black UK, Black Germany, Black from eastern Europe, Black Latin America, etc. (this is for Black not mixed identifying) Yes, the gap is pretty big even though it is larger for some than others. Black American women are actually towards the top with a high preference for Black fathers (despite Coli claims to the contrary). The lowest preference was amongst Black Brazilian women (though it was still relatively high) followed by Black women from southern African countries and Cuba.

2. Foreign born self-identified mixed women (Black & White) have kids with Black men at much lower rates and while there is a slight preference, numerically the majority of fathers are non-Hispanic White.

2. For mixed countries like D.R. and Cape Verde, whether the woman classified as Black or White had a huge influence on the race of the father. 2/3 of Dominican mothers classified as White and overwhelmingly had kids with non-Hispanic Whites if Hispanic Whites or Blacks were not their partner with the reverse for Dominican women who classified themselves as Black. Similar with Cape Verde women. So as some have said, a woman's self-identity plays a huge role in their dating preferences.

3. As far as non-Black women from non-European countries, the preference was highest--by a large margin--with women born in Samoa and Indo-Guyanese women. Indo-Jamaican women were in there too but the numbers were small. After that are the other South Pacific Islands (Fiji, Tonga, Micronesia, etc.) Indo-Trinis and non-Blacks from Suriname, D.R. women who do not classify themselves as Black, and in the final group, dark skinned South Asian/SE Asian women (Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis, Laotians). Every other group is a wash honestly and shows a larger preference for White men.

4. And since the Coli has to ask---where the mother is Black and the father is not Black, the largest countries by count are Jamaica, Haiti, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Trinidad, D.R., Germany, Ghana, and Somalia.

Data on the birth country of the father is not listed so I can't do the reverse analysis for foreign born Black men.


May 19, 2013
160 countries doesn't mean a large number. The thread title makes it seem like black men are out there planting seeds all over the place.

from 2017-2021, a couple of hundred here and there from a few different countries is not even a drop in the bucket. Based on what you posted that could be under 5000.

This guess means that alot of black men are childless, which is in line with the latest facts, which is a far cry from being busy.

Suge Shot Me

All Star
May 24, 2022

Can we get the odds on the likelihood of non fba black women having kids with non black men when you adjust for their percentage of the population?
The CDC data only distinguishes non-FBA black mothers if they were actually born in a foreign country or if they identify as Hispanic. You could look at those two groups and compare their out breeding rates to non-foreign born, non-hispanic black mothers.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
1. Women from majority Black countries in Africa and the Caribbean (and Black American women) by far have a huge preference for Black men as fathers. No huge surprise there.
No huge surprise? Saying this shyt on the Coli will make you sound like Galileo talking about "it's round" to the Church

Cloutius Maximus

with the aid of the Funk...
Aug 25, 2013
Altadena, California
160 countries doesn't mean a large number. The thread title makes it seem like black men are out there planting seeds all over the place.

from 2017-2021, a couple of hundred here and there from a few different countries is not even a drop in the bucket. Based on what you posted that could be under 5000.

This guess means that alot of black men are childless, which is in line with the latest facts, which is a far cry from being busy.
We don't need to be out here making fatherless half-breeds. Pull out unless you plan on staying in Uzbeckystan


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359

Can we get the odds on the likelihood of non fba black women having kids with non black men when you adjust for their percentage of the population?

Like @Suge Shot Me says, it only distinguishes by born in/out the US so you could probably do it for foreign born non-FBA women but not second generation. There would have to be foreign born Black data from the Census but it wouldn't be at the country level, only total.