
Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Damn. If she runs on an anti islam platform im going to have to bush her

Fraud? Say it aint so mrs sanders

She's made a u-turn in recent months. I haven't seen her talking about "Islamic extremists" like the far right. But with that BJP/Modi influence... :mjpls:


All Star
Jun 6, 2012
Hopefully sitting the fukk down and getting out of the way and letting Schiff or someone else take the reigns.........If her ego will allow it.

All Dems gotta do is not get too excited. Pick a solid candidate and play the game.

Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
Tulsi is overrated: Tulsi Gabbard Is Not Your Friend

Not bad to look at though by American standards :ehh:

Tulsi's is far from perfect and has some weak points as a potential candidate, but this article is full of reaches, mixed in with some outright smears for good measure.

-Article drums up her anti-gay stance from her 20s, yet barely mentioning the fact that she changed stance due to her tours on Iraq and has voted pro-LGBT throughout her entire time in congress. Regardless of how she personally feels about gay marriage itself, her voting record is what matters.

-Article drums up her initially criticizing the Iran deal, yet gloss over the fact that she voted for it.

-Article says she's an islamophobe. Here's part of a quote of her talking about Terrorism and Islam:

Exclusive! Why Tulsi Gabbard doesn't want Hillary as Prez

The ideology shared by ISIS, Al Qaeda and affiliated terrorist organizations is 'Islamism.'

Distinct from the religion of Islam, Islamism is a radical political ideology of violent jihad aimed at establishing a totalitarian society governed by laws based on a particular interpretation of Islam.

As one who sees everyone as a child of God, I do not like to see anyone attempt to incite hatred or fear of others because of their religion.

This is one reason why, as we discuss terrorist organisations and refer to those terrorists who are waging war against us, I am careful to use language and terms that clearly distinguish between religion and radical, political ideology.

Let me be clear, the political ideology of Islamism is not the same as Islam, the religion. The vast majority of Muslims who embrace Islam do not adhere to the political ideology of Islamism.

In addition, she endorsed Keith Ellison for DNC chair (a muslim), was the keynote speaker for the Muslim for Peace Conference, and was against Trump's Muslim Ban.

-Article then goes on "guilt by association" mode because Steve Bannon and the Alt-Right like her, even thought she publicly denounced various alt-right people / white supremacists several times.

-Article then mentions that Tulsi's anti-intervention stance is fueled not by the potential human suffering in said countries, but mostly by the suffering American troops may endure during such war, as well as nationalism. Obviously she'll mention how it'll affects American troops being that she's a soldier. But she has also mentioned, on more occasion, that said wars caused increased human suffering:

Gabbard: US mistakes cause increased human suffering | TravelWireNews

“We need to learn from Iraq and Libya — wars that were propagated as necessary to relieve human suffering, but actually increased human suffering many times over,” Gabbard said in an email to The Hill on Tuesday.

The Democratic representative from the US state of Hawaii noted that officials in the White House are ignoring the lessons of recent history after leaving the country mired in costly Middle Eastern conflicts for more than a decade.

“I and thousands of my brothers- and sisters-in-arms went to war in Iraq based on false intelligence and lies from our leaders — our president, military and political leaders. We should have been skeptical then, and we weren’t,” she said. “The cost was thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars down the drain. What to speak of millions of non-American lives.”

The only legit points this article has is her close relationship with Modi and the BJP (her biggest achilles heel should she run, imho) and her current stance on the drone program (more or less on par with Obama's stance, it appears, which I find problematic).
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Birnin Zana

Honorary Wakandan
May 26, 2012
Her foreign policy is very troubling and full of contradictions. She gets money from Hindus extremists, she's blamed Islam on terrorism rather than a legacy of failed foreign policy.

Domestically she's fine...she's for breaking up the banks, seperating commercial/investment banking, single payer, investing in infrastructure... thats great..

She actually mentioned the failed foreign policy before. In fact, she recently mentioned that US foreign policy is a key factor on why North Korea is behaving the way it is:

US record of regime change hurts NK diplomacy
By Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), Opinion Contributor - 05/24/17 08:00 AM EDT

Like his father, Kim Jong Un is a terrible tyrant that pursues his own grandeur at the expense of his people who starve and languish in isolation. Kim Jong Un’s latest missile tests follow a long history of North Korea’s strengthening and building up its nuclear weapons program. But we must recognize that their actions have not taken place in a vacuum. Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un learned lessons from the U.S. toppling other evil tyrants — like Saddam Hussein and Moammar Gadhafi.

Every time the U.S. embarks on a new war to “rid the world of a monster,” it deepens the resolve of other “monsters” who believe the only way to protect themselves from our penchant for regime change wars is to have nuclear weapons as a deterrent.

In 2003, the world watched as the U.S. invaded Iraq and overthrew Saddam Hussein’s government in a war justified by U.S. “intelligence” reports linking Saddam Hussein to al Qaeda and claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction--both of which turned out to be false. Soon after, Libyan President Gadhafi announced he would voluntarily give up his nuclear weapons program, believing that would keep the U.S. from attacking him. Gadhafi even encouraged other nations like Iran and North Korea to follow his example, winning praise from President Bush and other western leaders. But then, the U.S. and our allies decided that, like Hussein, Gadhafi had to go. These wars to overthrow Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi resulted in tremendous loss of life and the strengthening of terrorist groups like al Qaeda and ISIS.
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