White Extinction Anxiety.... :wow: NYT article finally adresses this underlying BS about cacs


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Opinion | White Extinction Anxiety


Last week Pat Buchanan was on “The Laura Ingraham Show” to discuss the humanitarian crisis Donald Trump has created at the border by ripping children away from their parents.

He was not particularly sympathetic to these families’ plights, instead choosing to focus on the demographic danger facing whiteness: “This is the great issue of our time. And, the real question is whether Europe has the will and the capacity, and America has the capacity to halt the invasion of the countries until they change the character — political, social, racial, ethnic — character of the country entirely.”

He continued: “You cannot stop these sentiments of people who want to live together with their own and they want their borders protected.” Make no mistake here, Buchanan is talking about protecting white dominance, white culture, white majorities and white power.

A few days earlier on his blog, he expanded on this point: “The existential question, however, thus remains: How does the West, America included, stop the flood tide of migrants before it alters forever the political and demographic character of our nations and our civilization?”

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In describing Western liberals’ aversions to instituting racist, xenophobic immigration policies, he wrote: “We are truly dealing here with an ideology of Western suicide.” He ended with this: “Trump may be on the wrong side politically and emotionally of this issue of separating migrant kids from their parents. But on the mega-issue — the Third World invasion of the West — he is riding the great wave of the future, if the West is to have a future.”

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Strip all the other rationales away from this draconian immigration policy. This is at the core: White extinction anxiety, white displacement anxiety, white minority anxiety. This is the fear and anxiety Trump is playing to. Politico Magazine dubbed Trump “Pat Buchanan With Better Timing.”

White people have been the majority of people considered United States citizens since this country was founded, but that period is rapidly drawing to a close.

As Brookings reported last week:

“First, for the first time since the Census Bureau has released these annual statistics, they show an absolute decline in the nation’s white non-Hispanic population — accelerating a phenomenon that was not projected to occur until the next decade.”
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George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
I feel like this article is a part of a chess game. While white nationalists have become more visible and comfortable in this climate that Trump has fostered, most conservatives at this time still don't necessarily identify as white nationalists. That's so even despite having similar if not the same talking points with slightly different verbiage.

The farthest they'll go is to identify themselves with something along the lines of being a Paleoconservative. This NYT article comes off like bait, or like rap battle jab and I'm curious to see what the conservative responses will be. How does one respond to this article without going full retard white nationalist? When it comes to European nations the counterargument to this article might be slightly easier as there is a national identity and culture whether that be Hungarian, Spaniard, German, etc.. In America though, it's just a bunch of immigrant mutts with no real culture IMO. The only similarity they all have is they're all white.


Nov 18, 2016
Understandable, if you're looking at it from a tribal stand point..

CACs over here in america believe their ancestors conquered this land and it belongs to them..

Its natural to defend what you feel belongs to you. Regardless of how you acquired it.. Then add in the guilt/fear white people feel with their number one enemy (black people) is living within their boarders..

Then the theory of W.S has been crippled, the future of white people looks foggy.. They don't know how to handle that.