There's only a handful of wrestling T's I can see myself wearing and they're mostly the classics. NWO, Hot Rod, 3:16, Brahma Bull besides that I can't imagine rocking one especially with the wrestler on it.
Last shirt I bought from them was the Demon Resurrection shirt back at SummerSlam 2017. They have a lot more trash than they do stuff you can wear without looking tacky. AJ Styles hasn't had one good shirt since he's joined the company.
Instead of the mask that reads Yowie Wowie, this Fiend photo would look good on a shirt IMO:
There's a lot of room for improvement with their in house designs.
Wwe makes some of the worst all time gear that you can't wear in public
Wwe likes putting texts on shirts and calling it the dayI hate when WWE has a fire design on the front then some bullshyt on the back
Always get compliments on my BC, Villain Club, and Macho Man shirts when I do wear them, and the material is much more comfortable. WWE shirts feel like you’re wearing sandpaper.
I have no idea, but it’s annoying that they just constantly churn out shirts when people barely have gimmicks, and seem to put out shirts after every arbitrary saying. Remember ‘Becky 2Belts’?? That shirt ended up being irrelevant after 3 weeks lol. I’m surprised they don’t have a ‘Beast Slayer’ shirt since he beat Brock. Same with a ‘Scottish Psychopath’ shirt. Who would buy that? Lunatic Fringe? Kingslayer? None of this stuff is appealing.
I wear my wwe ones to the gym. I wear my others when I'm going to hang out at my boys house for wrestling or sporting events or when traveling to shows. I do wanna grab an lij shirt since I don't have one. Gotta see what I like.Eh I only wear wrestling tees around the house or when I go to the gym, I'd rock the hell out of a Los ingobernables tee tho
shyt is perfect for the gym
I get them from prowrestlingtees and do the the soft tee option
Wwe makes some of the worst all time gear that you can't wear in public
Even during the Attitude era 90% of their t-shirts were embarrassing. Only Austin had good merch back then and that was because he had input on all of it.