Why Isn't Nicki Minaj Considered A "Sexual Predator"?......


Apr 24, 2015
it often gets put aside because it apparently doesn't happen as often as female abuse, it's still valid though and I may say even more critical as those abused often abuse others so when a boy is abused eventually he'll become a man and he can overpower women and most boys and girls if he decides to become an abuser himself . .

it's all jokes and games when that grown women sucking and fukking on that 13 year old boy until that 13 year old boy grows up and starts fukking on that 13 year old girl because he was fukked on as a youth . . it's a strange cycle I'm not blaming anyone .. it's literally so much deeper than pointing fingers it's one of the most fukked up demonic cycles conceivable . . it literally becomes . . wait so you were abused by so and so and they were abused by so and so who was also abused by so and so . .


once you've been sexually abused as a minor automatically you should be put into intense counseling and it should be mandatory till a certain point depending on circumstances
May 11, 2012
These Kind's A Topics Are Interesting and Annoying Cause Both Men And Woman Seem to not care what happens to little boys cause were boys and apparently sexual abuse can't happen to use cause were like human tigers that want sex all the time.... Like Real Talk

But I Legit Wonder What Would Happen, If Females In Massive Numbers Started Getting Caught and Exposed for doing stuff like this an pedo related stuff, sure men and woman alike are gonna make all kinds of stupid excuses as they usually do pretending just cause boy wanted it isn't wrong. but I legit out of curiosity wonder what would happen like 100,000 Chicks Get Cause Diddling Boys And All Go To Jail On the Same Day On the News, I wonder could issues like this still be ignored after that?

Or would Society Still Pretend Like It Ain't an Issue :mjgrin:

It's basically already epidemic level with all the predatory female teachers being exposed every week.

And I'm not trying to make myself out to be some special kind of sexy, but I've been having older chicks

throw me puzzy since I was 9.Started with my babysitter when I was that same age & she was 16.

Had a lil summer job working for the United Way when I was 13 going on 14.One of the receptionist chicks

was 24 & basically stalked me all day.Used to take me to lunch while bumping a bunch of sensuous R&B

music in her car.Even took me to her moms crib so she could, in her words, "show me off to her younger sisters"

Like I was a new toy or some shyt.All I had to do was say "Can I hit?" and she no doubt would've hiked it up real high

for me.Sometimes, other dudes force it on you.My uncle was Rolling 60's Crip.One of the OG dudes on his block.

By the time I was 11, he was trying to bring me chicks.He had a girlfriend, but his girlfriend had girlfriends who would

stop by and hang out from time to time.I remember one of her homegirls was named Donna.She was 17.Half Black &

Filipino.This chick was BODACIOUS.She looked like a fully developed/grown azz woman.She was dressed like one of those

chicks in Bobby Brown's Every Little Step video
..Skirt...Thigh high boots etc..etc...

My uncle basically ordered this chick to give me some puzzy.I'M 11 FUKKING YRS OLD!:damn:...We was all sitting in

the living room, but then my uncle walked her down the hallway, made her go in one of the rooms, and closed the door.

Came back in the living room with a big azz grin on his face, hand gesturing towards the room " Go in there, nephew.She's

waiting on you
"......Nicca I chickened out!!I was definitely turned on by the chick, but I was

scared azz hell!I had to leave the house....Kinda off topic, but I wish Unk could've been around for the rest of my life.He caught

a 25 yr bid for Bank Robbery.Had he been around by the time I was 16, all his lil groupie chicks would've got smashed:yeshrug:.

At 11, I was still green bananas.


Tha Blaq Lýba'rhaésheýun Nhetwerqq
Mar 29, 2017
It's basically already epidemic level with all the predatory female teachers being exposed every week.

And I'm not trying to make myself out to be some special kind of sexy, but I've been having older chicks

throw me puzzy since I was 9.

When I got a bit older is when stuff started poppin off, but yeah, when I was a kid I wasn't really ready I used to look deeply at older woman, and notice the thickness and loved it, but nah, wasn't really mentally ready, If I would've had sex back then if I wasn't mentally into it or forced, I dunno what Kind of effect it would've had on me, if she was nice and I stayed with her for a bit and she explained stuff, and eased me into it perhaps not as damaging but I'm not sure of the Psychology and Details of how this stuff works entirely though.

But Yeah, Society Is Weird About this Topic.


Aug 6, 2013
Thought the thread was going to be about nicki seemingly vigorously protecting her troubled brother...