Woman tells the truth about successful women


May 1, 2012
Good article exploiting some myths about black men and marriage.

And you would think listening to some black women it's 100% our fault for the low marriage rate among blacks.

The Top 4 Myths About Black Marriage

Rich Black Men Marry Out
Black men drop black women as soon as they reach a certain level of success, don’t they? While plenty of rap stars, athletes and musicians may choose to date or marry interracially when they achieve fame, the same is not true for the bulk of successful black men. By analyzing census data, Toldson and Marks found that 83% of married black men who earned at least $100,000 annually got hitched to black women.

Black Men Don’t Earn as Much as Black Women
Just because black women are more likely to graduate from college than their male counterparts doesn’t mean that they out-earn black men. Actually, black men are more likely than black women to bring home at least $75,000 annually. Also, double the number of black men than women make at least $250,000 annually. Because of pervasive gender gaps in income, black men remain the breadwinners in the African American community.

Educated Black Women Have it Harder
Getting a college degree is the worst thing a black woman can do if she wants to get married, right? Not exactly. News stories about black marriage often mention that more black women pursue higher education than black men—by a 2-to-1 ratio, according to some estimates. But what these articles leave out is that white women also earn college degrees more than white men do, and this gender imbalance hasn’t hurt white women’s chances at matrimony. What’s more, black women who finish college actually improve their chances of marrying rather than lower them.


Jan 26, 2017
Educated Black Women Have it Harder
Getting a college degree is the worst thing a black woman can do if she wants to get married, right? Not exactly. News stories about black marriage often mention that more black women pursue higher education than black men—by a 2-to-1 ratio, according to some estimates. But what these articles leave out is that white women also earn college degrees more than white men do, and this gender imbalance hasn’t hurt white women’s chances at matrimony. What’s more, black women who finish college actually improve their chances of marrying rather than lower them.

the reason why Black women college graduates marry less and marry down doesnt make sense to me, because the "not enough college educated Black men" thing would mean college graduates would have a harem of women, which we dont... a college degree adds no visceral attraction to you besides money if u flashin it. if a girl fukking wit u, she dont care if u went to Harvard or didnt pass 10th grade
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Jun 21, 2012
A few questions...
So who should very successful women date if successful men apparently don't want them? Who is their target audience if their pool of men to choose from is next to non existent? :jbhmm: + In the end it basically only comes down to how amazing you look (naked) and to make you smile?
I think you entirely missed the point of the video.

She's saying men look for women that compliment their life, not equal it. A man making money will not require his partner to match him financially but will require her to be supportive of his lifestyle, and do other things to cater to his happiness. Women should share that view.

To answer your question, successful women should date whomever will make them happy. That may mean a man who earns a fraction of your salary but suits your suits/happiness in ways that don't pertain to wealth. This assumes the women's happiness isn't exclusively tied to money though.

Either way, if you're not attaining what you're looking for, you can either modify what you're looking for (lower financial threshold), or make changes in yourself (look amazing, and be willing to make a man feel amazing).

Didn't read through the whole thread, so you can disregard if this has already been addressed