Zoe Saldana shows why the term negro bed wench is appropriate


Oct 24, 2015
Aww, he just wanted to be taken seriously and is a respectable gentleman and a good American who in no way deserved the disrespect he received

:why:. Can you and your girl stop using the term 'bully'? It fits DJT to a T. If anything, his enemies tried to give him a taste of his own medicine and failed. Why not say we tried to sling mud back at him but he had more experience.

He bullied the entire Republican field, damn near calling Jeb impotent and even suggesting that Cruz's father had a hand in killing jfk.

He's still promising to bully Mexico into building a wall, literally like a school bully trying to punk a nerd.

:mjpls: Obama only came after him at the WHCD after trump tried to bully him on the birther issue.

He's known to bully contractors by stiffing them. He bullied the USFL's owners into bankruptcy.

:ld: why use this argument that he's just a jovial, American loving good guy that doesn't have all of this flack coming? If the worst thing about his past was him being a reality star, he would've been taken seriously by all. He's a disrespectful c0cksucker who doesn't know how to talk to people and he's a joke.. He deserves the worst.


I read this and um...

Where was she wrong? This exactly what I have been saying to people in real life and haven't gotten ANY flack for it lmao...

All this internet tough guy sh*t isthe reason Trumps stupid ass is the prez....

Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but during debates the moderators was asking questions like "Are you going to concede when you lose, because all the polls say you're going to lose big" :mindblown:

Like I thought it was funny and cute when it was going down, we was laughing at him being orange and unworthy, but we energized his base who felt he was "the underdog" and being hated on, probably on a grander scale then he ever could.

I mean imagine if this was YOUR guy. And you see "DC Elite" basicually mocking his ass like a joke. All over tv, all over Hollywood, while your jobless mom factory job having ass is at a Trump rally in a state Hillary won't even come to. Your probably will run to the polls like Usian Bolt just to stick it to "the man"

I think that's what she is referring to. Stop the fake outrage lol. Dems ran a dumb campaign and still haven't learned as I see reading this.


All Star
Jan 30, 2013
Zoe Saldana is Dominican she suppose to date and agree with CAC's.:manny:
But she's not even agreeing with him


telling her sisters white boys have bigger dcks better singers and etc, ..... you know she wrote it. :russ:

Seriously? That's how you interpreted it? Her character doesn't even mention black men.

"The thing about size is not true" =/= they're bigger than bm.

"They can sing" =/= better singers than bm.


Aug 1, 2012
But she's not even agreeing with him

Seriously? That's how you interpreted it? Her character doesn't even mention black men.

"The thing about size is not true" =/= they're bigger than bm.

"They can sing" =/= better singers than bm.

you are right but she did say white men have huge penises when her sister didnt even ask, then went further skipping down the c00n track. :russ: them words came out so naturally you know she was ad-libbing :hhh:


May 19, 2013

Zoe Saldana Believes Hollywood Bullied Donald Trump
01.14.17 1:57 AM ET

Zoe Saldana rose to the A-list after her compelling turns as the communications officer Nyota Uhura in Star Trek, filmmaker J.J. Abrams’s space adventure about a multicultural crew spreading pluralism throughout the galaxy, and that of Neytiri in Avatar, a sci-fi epic about environmental preservation in the face of corporate greed. She is also a Hispanic woman (birth name: Zoe Yadira Saldaña Nazario) of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent, with African and Haitian roots.

All of these credits and traits seem to be at odds with President-elect Donald Trump, an orange-hued billionaire who spent the lion’s share of his campaign alienating minority groups, appointed a climate change denier as head of the EPA, installed a former Exxon executive as Secretary of State, and has expressed particular disdain towards the Hispanic immigrant community.

And yet, Saldana—while not a Trump supporter herselfhas seemingly taken it upon herself to defend the indefensible, placing some of the blame for Trump’s shock election victory on Tinseltown for bullying the world’s premier bully.

“We got cocky and became arrogant and we also became bullies,” Saldana told AFP of Trump, who’s mocked a disabled New York Times reporter, called Megyn Kelly a “bimbo,” accused Ted Cruz’s father of assassinating JFK, and has himself been accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women.

“We were trying to single out a man for all these things he was doing wrong,” she continued, “and that created empathy in a big group of people in America that felt bad for him and that are believing in his promises.”

There is this strange argument, one cooked up by the Trump campaign and propagated by the conservative media apparatus, that Hillary Clinton (and by extension her Hollywood surrogates) ran an “ugly” campaign against Trump. The reality, of course, is that virtually all of Clinton’s attack ads against Trump consisted of montages of Trump saying heinous things. Accusing someone of running an ugly campaign for merely highlighting the sexist, bigoted, hateful things her opponent’s said is textbook gaslighting.

Saldana is no stranger to controversy. The 38-year-old actress, who is currently starring in the Ben Affleck action-thriller Live By Night, came under fire last year for darkening her skin and donning facial prosthetics to play the iconic singer Nina Simone in the biopic Nina. Saldana and the filmmakers passionately defended the head-scratching decision, claiming that other actors who more closely resembled Nina had turned the project down, while large segments of the media and moviegoing public viewed it as another example of Hollywood’s racist aversion to dark-skinned black actors.

“The very fact that there’s such a shallow pool of actors who look like Simone is not a non-racist excuse, but a sign of racism itself—the same racism that plagued Nina Simone,” wrote Ta-Nehisi Coates. “Being conscious of that racism means facing the possibility of Simone’s story never being told. That is not the tragedy. The tragedy is that we live in a world that is not ready for that story to be told. The release of Nina does not challenge this fact. It reifies it.”

Saldana’s latest film, Live By Night, contains a sequence where Ben Affleck’s bootlegger-gangster squares off against the Ku Klux Klan—a white supremacist organization that endorsed Donald Trump’s presidency. The actress explained how if we all work together, we won’t regress culturally.

“I’m learning from [the Trump win] with a lot of humility,” she told AFP. “If we have people continue to be strong and educate ourselves and stand by equal rights and treat everyone with respect, we don’t go back to those times.”

Easier said than done

Her husband

Her ex boyfriend of 10 years



I'm not caping for her, and not saying that she's NOT a bedwench, BUT this article is not the best supporting evidence of that assertion.

To be fair she presents a logical argument, given that she is NOT a Trump supporter(based on the article), and objectively I see her logic.

Then again I must ask....who actually READ the article.

We gotta be more abstract than this sometimes. Can't just go at something based on title alone and not the meat and details of the story.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I read this and um...

Where was she wrong? This exactly what I have been saying to people in real life and haven't gotten ANY flack for it lmao...

All this internet tough guy sh*t isthe reason Trumps stupid ass is the prez....

Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but during debates the moderators was asking questions like "Are you going to concede when you lose, because all the polls say you're going to lose big" :mindblown:

Like I thought it was funny and cute when it was going down, we was laughing at him being orange and unworthy, but we energized his base who felt he was "the underdog" and being hated on, probably on a grander scale then he ever could.

I mean imagine if this was YOUR guy. And you see "DC Elite" basicually mocking his ass like a joke. All over tv, all over Hollywood, while your jobless mom factory job having ass is at a Trump rally in a state Hillary won't even come to. Your probably will run to the polls like Usian Bolt just to stick it to "the man"

I think that's what she is referring to. Stop the fake outrage lol. Dems ran a dumb campaign and still haven't learned as I see reading this.
exactly breh

these nikkas didn't even read the article, and shytting on her for telling the truth

Aww, he just wanted to be taken seriously and is a respectable gentleman and a good American who in no way deserved the disrespect he received

:why:. Can you and your girl stop using the term 'bully'? It fits DJT to a T. If anything, his enemies tried to give him a taste of his own medicine and failed. Why not say we tried to sling mud back at him but he had more experience.

He bullied the entire Republican field, damn near calling Jeb impotent and even suggesting that Cruz's father had a hand in killing jfk.

He's still promising to bully Mexico into building a wall, literally like a school bully trying to punk a nerd.

:mjpls: Obama only came after him at the WHCD after trump tried to bully him on the birther issue.

He's known to bully contractors by stiffing them. He bullied the USFL's owners into bankruptcy.

:ld: why use this argument that he's just a jovial, American loving good guy that doesn't have all of this flack coming? If the worst thing about his past was him being a reality star, he would've been taken seriously by all. He's a disrespectful c0cksucker who doesn't know how to talk to people and he's a joke.. He deserves the worst.


yea and where did that get us

talking about obama... what did michelle say??

"when they go low, we go high"

republicans been the shyt talkers since forevers... dems always been the more passive party.. they let them talk their shyt, throw hissy fits, do filibusters... and we just chill

when obama ran, they was giving him all sorts of racist talk... direct and indirect... through his campaign, first four years... all the time

you know what hollywood and the public did???

they bigged HIM up... they talked about why he was so wonderful.. they ignored that shyt and just kept shining.. and when it was time to vote, we came out and voted in record numbers cause we started believing he was just a better man

come 4 years later... we did it again

here's a FACT.... obama in both elections lost every single age group of white men in the country... not one age group had a majority of white vote for him.... but damn near every white woman age group

now skip to hilary... nobody gave two fukks, bigged her up, or said anything positive... it was just "anybody but trump" she didn't energize her base to leave the damn couch.. celebs was so busy saying trump trump trump, they forgot to actually say hilary and speak about why she was so amazing and great.. not only that... they then went on to shyt on his base every chance they got.. if you voted for him you was a racist, dumb ass, idiot, red neck who didn't know politics

and when it was election time, they all came out on some, fukk y'all for talking shyt, we gonna show you... and we all sat home on some.... yea right he's never gonna win so i don't need to vote... cause we too busy feeling ourselves

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
Did y'all actually read the fukkin article?

She is NOT a trump supporter

Not defending her but at least read the shyt before speaking on it

Y'all puppets and think u woke cuz u hate Trump not realizing the media made u hate him, strategically

Most people who hate Trump had no opinion of him when he was just a rich dude, or reality show star.

But the media tells u to hate him and y'all do

And that's ironically how he got in office


May 3, 2012
Only thing she was right about people being cocky during Trump's run.

Brehs on TheColi saw it coming way before it stopped being funny

I'm not caping for her, and not saying that she's NOT a bedwench, BUT this article is not the best supporting evidence of that assertion.

To be fair she presents a logical argument, given that she is NOT a Trump supporter(based on the article), and objectively I see her logic.

Then again I must ask....who actually READ the article.

We gotta be more abstract than this sometimes. Can't just go at something based on title alone and not the meat and details of the story.

here's a FACT.... obama in both elections lost every single age group of white men in the country... not one age group had a majority of white vote for him.... but damn near every white woman age group
Did y'all actually read the fukkin article?

She is NOT a trump supporter

Not defending her but at least read the shyt before speaking on it

Y'all puppets and think u woke cuz u hate Trump not realizing the media made u hate him, strategically

Most people who hate Trump had no opinion of him when he was just a rich dude, or reality show star.

But the media tells u to hate him and y'all do

And that's ironically how he got in office

i been telling this to people man...

HIllary lost 200 districts Obama won. She ran the worst campaign in history. She lost to the worst candidate in history. She lost states that have been Democrats for decades .

You CANT blame all that on racists, who voted in a black president just 4 years ago. Yet Democrats are blaming Russia hacks ?? Any candidate would have been up 20 points on this clown regardless. Shyt shouldve looked like Reagan 1984

But the majority of Dems stayed at home and complain. Voter turnout was pathetic. Now at what you get..

Republicans will control both houses until at least 2022

Republicans control the Supreme Court for the next 30 years

Republicans control the entire South. State legistors. Congress. Governors. 33 governors. 32 states. 61% of the population. Even if Hilary won, this would be a bigger problem.


people will die because of no healthcare reform. All because democrats found every excuse to not vote. Fukk the democrat party
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The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
i been telling this to people man...

HIllary lost 200 districts Obama won. She ran the worst campaign in history. She lost to the worst candidate in history. She lost states that have been Democrats for decades .

You CANT blame all that on racists, who voted in a black president just 4 years ago. Yet Democrats are blaming Russia hacks ?? Any candidate would have been up 20 points on this clown regardless. Shyt shouldve looked like Reagan 1984

But the majority of Dems stayed at home and complain. Voter turnout was pathetic. Now at what you get..

Republicans will control both houses until at least 2022

Republicans control the Supreme Court for the next 30 years

Republicans control the entire South. State legistors. Congress. Governors. 33 governors. 32 states. 61% of the population. Even if Hilary won, this would be a bigger problem.


people will die because of no healthcare reform. All because democrats found every excuse to not vote. Fukk the democrat party
word... but lets hear meryl streep talk some shyt at dikk sucking circle jerk full of multimillionaire and that'll make it all better

i'm sure hidden colors 5-8 is going to do more for us than voting and having supreme court judges not voted in by donald fukking trump