black nerds

  1. NoirDynosaur


  2. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Black nerds and nerd adjacent is this how it is?

  3. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    How Come Black/nikka Nerds Never claimed Dwayne Wayne Over Urkel?

    :patrice:He's was waaaaay more relateable
  4. Neuromancer

    Black Geek Stockholm Syndrome.

    An acquaintance of mine wrote this a,while back. Black Geek Stockholm Syndrome... It's real... Stockholm syndrome noun Psychiatry. an emotional attachment to a captor formed by a hostage as a result of continuous stress, dependence, and a need to cooperate for survival. Contrary to what many...
  5. SheWantTheD

    Avatar The Hoodbender (Sh*t Entertaining)
