
  1. Sex Luthor

    What's with people bringing their pets everywhere?

    I needed to stop and get a few things from Lowe's before work and while I'm walking in these 2 get out of the car with 2 big ass huskies walking in the store like it's pets smart or something. :what: Then I get my shyt and I'm standing in line and I hear a fukking squawk over my music in my head...
  2. Rhapture

    Yall notice how a certain group of posters only go for exoticals and lite brites? Yall ever notice the self hatred among #Catset? Like they really bought in to that eurocentric standard of beauty. They mentioned Bengal cats looking like a "Leopard" well Panthers are Leopards too so...
  3. Another Man

    Im certified in these streets

    Im a real one brehs. Out here in the field. Ask about me, brehs from OH to the ATL will vogue for me:birdman: Real nikkas only in this thread. :demonic:
  4. Benjamin Sisko

    Dog born with mouth where ear is supposed to be

    :picard: A Dog Has A Salivating Second Mouth Where Its Ear Should Be 5.4K Shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Plants and Animals By Alfredo Carpineti 03 Apr 2019, 18:32 Toad is a 5-year-old dog like no other. She was born with a condition where instead of having two ears and...