
  1. M

    What can be done so that black men are less commitment-phobic?

    I make this thread for no reason other than out of concern. I know that out of wedlock doesn't = deadbeat dad, but the stats show that children do BETTER in every single metric when both parents are married. I was raised by my mom as my parents broke up when I was a baby, and even though my...
  2. M

    Where are the West African women at?

    :mjcry: Something in my heart is calling me towards a West African soulmate. I took a DNA test and found out I'm 41% Ivorian/Ghanaian & 23% Benin/Togolese, and ever since I can't get them off my mind. For some reason I can't find NONE in Miami:why: There's a teller at my bank from Benin, she's...
  3. SheWantTheD

    Do You Need To Have Sex With Someone Before Y'all Become A Couple/Exclusive?

    At what point during the dating stage do you tell yourself consciously or subconsciously that "I want to be in a relationship with this person"? Do y'all need to have sex before this happens or no? The question is personal to each person, I'm not asking if that's the "rule". I've heard people...
  4. j.smooth4

    How the Fukk do yall only talk to one chick?

    I couldn't imagine not having a strong roster on deck with another option always around the corner. -Having to deal with all her annoying problems and imperfections -Dealing with her never comparing to that one ex that you loved or had the best sex with -Dealing with no sex during the period...
  5. SheWantTheD

    Would You Court This Stanford Grad With Bipolar Disorder?

    Would you court and commit to her? I'm not saying you have to marry her, but y'all would be in a long term relationship. You should watch a bit of both videos before answering.
  6. Archangel

    Lovers of the Coli: Post Pics of You & Your Better Half :blessed:

    Surely everyone here isn't a promiscuous simp. :stopitslime: Anyone here in a good, committed relationship and proud? Lets see them pics. Real love still exist brehs. You're just looking in the wrong place. This is who I'm about to marry. I'm 26, she's 25. 5 Years strong. #BlackExcellence...
  7. SheWantTheD

    Ladies Of TheColi...

    What dynamics determine whether you will have sex with a man you just met that same day, within a few weeks or a few months? Share some personal stories and experiences too. Has sex with a man you met that same day develop into anything? Was he just so fly and your p*ssy was on fire that you...