crime movies

  1. NobodyReally

    New Gangster Film "The Outfit"

    Anyone checking for this? Trailer is intriguing and it's getting good reviews and high audience ratings. Think I'm going to see it tonight.
  2. Rhapture

    A crime drama based on the Bertinelli and Falcone families?

    Showing their rise to power in Gotham? Showing them war with each other and the rest of the factions in the city? Would that work or be interesting?
  3. FlyRy

    The 50 Best Crime Movies Of The 21st Century So Far

    #1 :ahh: @MartyMcFly :ufdup: The 50 Best Crime Movies Of The 21st Century So Far Some of these I've never seen and will definitely peep and I'm not posting the whole thing, too much work, so here's the top 10 10. “Chopper” (2000) 9. “Drive” (2011) 8. “Inherent Vice” (2014) 7. “25th Hour”...