dating advice

  1. M

    Why women love jerks, and why you should be a nice guy anyway

    By Duana C. Welch, Ph.D., author of Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do, available now Your thoughts?:jbhmm:
  2. T

    How Do You Holla At Women On Social Media?

    Hey just wanted to get some ideas from you guys who are successful approaching women on social media. What are your successful opening lines/approaches?
  3. -----

    Black English breh Talks on Dating in Sweden...

  4. Reginald Noble

    NYC's Newest Dating Expert Mr. Locario Breaks it Down for Struggling Coli Brehs

    Youtube acting janky right now so if it pauses up try and hit up the 2nd vid until the 1st one works later. nikka is a SAGE.... Young nikkas especially better listen. :ufdup: