fake outrage

  1. Homey the clown

    This Longbeach Griffrey Skit on Cancel Culture is straight up Facts

  2. Homey the clown

    Why do celebs care what people on Twitter think ?

    I was reading the thread about the Shea twitter going in on Jidenna. andI just dont get it. Why is it whenever a celebrity has a certain opinion rather it be about politics, religion, abortion, etc and they state their personal opinion.A few thousand people get upset and then the celeb...
  3. NinoBrown

    Feminism Strikes Again (Take them seriously as they strip)

    https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/cornell-student-delivers-thesis-in-underwear-after-professor-questions-her-outfit_us_5af5aed4e4b032b10bfa345f Here is the video:
  4. dongameister

    Leftists have become cultural pussies

    Dave Chappelle's jokes from his Netflix special seem to have hurt the feefees of some on the left, or so called social justice warriors. The left used to be the home of non-puritans until twitter come along and fukked that up. This is same group of people that called Chiminanda Nzogi Adichie a...