Leftists have become cultural pussies


Mar 27, 2017
Dave Chappelle's jokes from his Netflix special seem to have hurt the feefees of some on the left, or so called social justice warriors. The left used to be the home of non-puritans until twitter come along and fukked that up. This is same group of people that called Chiminanda Nzogi Adichie a terf, and a white feminist for simply saying trans women and biological women experience gender differently. These are the people represented in the media, and you wonder why the right are winning converts over.

Did Dave Chappelle go too far?

In "The Bird Revelation," he wastes no time walking up to the line, first by boasting that he’s so good at telling jokes that he gets to the punchline first: “And so I kicked her in the p*ssy.” That's a punchline that would offend anyone, especially anyone sensitive to jokes about violence toward women. The crowd was so shocked they could do nothing but laugh. Chappelle then takes the audience on a journey back to the punchline. He pivots to how people think he’s from the projects, but he’s really not; he envied poor kids growing up because they shared a common ground. Chappelle’s family, he says, had just enough money to be broke around white people. He tells the story of the first time he was invited to eat dinner at a white friend’s house. He didn’t want to go, because he'd been taught that white people can't cook. His friend tells him that his mom was making Stove Top Stuffing, a product all kids knew from TV commercials. So he gets excited about eating white-people dinner, until his friend’s mom says that she didn’t know he was going to stay over, and there wasn’t going to be enough food for him. So he . . . “kicked her in the p*ssy.”

Yes, it's a shocking line, and no, he's not advocating for women to literally be kicked in the genitals — he's on his way to making an unexpected connection.

He may not has been as effective when attempting to explore the issue of sexual assault and harassment in Hollywood. Chappelle has also been getting a ton of negative feedback for joking about the #MeToo movement and the ways in which our country is dealing with rape culture. Many viewers are upset specifically over a bit in "Equanimity" about Louis CK's habit of masturbating in front of women in comedy.

“Louis was like the turning point," Chappelle says. "All these allegations were terrible — I shouldn’t say this — but his allegations were the only ones that made me laugh. When you think about it, he’s jerking off — he’s surprising people."

“I picture all the comics in comedy reading it like, ‘Word!’ It’s terrible, I’m sorry ladies, you’re right. At the same time, Jesus Christ, they took everything from Louis," he says. "It might be disproportionate, I can’t tell, I can't tell."

Chappelle then addresses the women Louis harassed with comments that have been widely criticized. “Show business is just harder than that. Them women sounded like, I hate to say it, they sounded weak. I know it sounds fukked up and I’m not supposed to say that, but one of these ladies was like, ‘Louis C.K. was masturbating while I was on the phone with him.’ bytch, you don’t know how to hang up the phone? How the hell are you going to survive in show business if this is an actual obstacle to your dreams? I know Louis is wrong, I’m just saying, I’m held to a higher standard of accountability than these women are.”


Jan 18, 2017
Lol.. I love to see justice get served in the form of the left eating its own. The Tavis Smiley situation puts a smile on my face from ear to ear because quite frankly it could not have happened to a better guy. Oh the irony. Lol leftists belly aching about the monster they created? Bwahahaha

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
White people only like him because he said nikka a lot in his skits. I'm glad he's pissing them off

Also, funny how it's completely normal to laugh at men getting hit in the genitals

Said it in the other thread. It was all good when he was making fun of Black people, especially Black men. Cacs loved it then. White progressive women laughed, progressive trannys laughed, homosexuals laughed, etc.. Now he's poking fun at their expense and its......problematic. And the Black brown nosers on Twitter and sites like the Root are all offended on behalf of their slave masters as well. I hate them. Was looking through the comments section on the Root, I wish I could reach out and pistol whip some of the folks on that site.

Iceson Beckford

Rich In Spirit.
Aug 12, 2017
His trans jokes werent funny (not offensive) just a bit juvenile and basic compared to the rest of his but I love how unapologetic he is and how he refuses to be pushed into shyt.

I keep seeing liberals attach their values to various Black entertainers and then melt down when they don’t meet those expectations.

Comedians are needed to offer the insightful and sometimes offensive shyt we may not want to hear. Dave isnt one of those obnoxious,edgy for the sake of it comedians. He just tells it how he thinks it is.