first date

  1. Ahadi

    Keep dating “Cody” & “Brad” brehettes

  2. Cadillac

    Coli Brehs: How many times have ya'll guys smashed on the first date. And what did ya'll do to do so

    I smashed on the first probably 1 time mutual interest in each other and saying the right thing helped me. what about ya'll?
  3. M

    I just came from a first date where I paid for every single thing

    And I actually don't mind this time I just dropped her off and think I have a good chance of hitting or getting a kiss next time I see her brehs :thumbsup: We shared a magnetic vibe all night and had a good time having a meal then drinking mad cocktails and cracking jokes, talking about life...
  4. Giselle

    MenOfTheColi: Do You Usually Pick The First Date, Or Do You Ask Her To Pick? & What Does It Mean?

    When you ask a girl out on the first date, do you tell her where you 2 are going, or do you ask her where she wants to go? If you tell her where you 2 are going, what does that mean? Does it mean you like her more? When you pick the place, is it usually a place that you have taken other women...
  5. William F. Russell

    Plan First Dates in 2016, Brehs and Brehettes...

    That sense of entitlement :ohlawd: That stray bullet to white girls :ohlawd:
  6. O

    Men be honest (not a gender debate thread. I just need an honest answer)

    Do you prefer a woman that plays hard to get which shows she knows how to control her urges or do u prefer a woman that gives it up to u as soon as u meet her? Would u take a woman that let u smash on the first date serious??? Or would u take a woman that made u wait more serious? I know a...