Coli Brehs: How many times have ya'll guys smashed on the first date. And what did ya'll do to do so


Oct 17, 2015
I smashed on the first probably 1 time
mutual interest in each other and saying the right thing helped me.

what about ya'll?


Oct 17, 2015
Did it twice.

Strung each of them along afterwards for a couple of months but never entered into a relationship with either (I curved them both).

Girls who give it up on the first date lose leverage in trying to forge relationships with men. :yeshrug:
respect that, somewhat leans into what I look for in a relationship

tho Im not looking for one now so ehh:manny:
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Quiet Magician

Mar 13, 2014
I lost count but more than 10. We vibe really well, maintain strong eye contact, I touch them and they don't pull back and I let them make the next move. If they say they want to get out of there and so something else then it is a red light to smash.

After a lot of trial and error I just learned to shut up. Not try to fill the silences with words. Speak slowly and tease them with a smile and keep things slow. Biggest difference I noticed from when I got early in the game was in the beginning I was very fidgety, tried to impress the girls instead of having a good time. Now it is all about chilling and enjoying myself, even if I strike out.


World's Nerdiest DJ
Jan 3, 2015
I lost count but more than 10. We vibe really well, maintain strong eye contact, I touch them and they don't pull back and I let them make the next move. If they say they want to get out of there and so something else then it is a red light to smash.

After a lot of trial and...

Don't think that's how it works breh.

Kidd Dibiase

Nov 23, 2013
1st chick...met up, asked her what she wanted to do. she didn't really decide on anything concrete so i was like :patrice: wanna just go get a room?

she pulled out her phone and found the nearest motel...i went in the mindeset of a full on date, some browsing, maybe dinner and then a room.

2nd chick..we was messaging back n forth on fb for about a week, i came back from leave..she said to meet her at her job..went there, talked to her for about an hour til her shift was over...wasn't even worth going back to her place

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
90% of the women I've had relations with were a first night smash.

Nothing special to it, it's really about the right person, right time. Even women who usually make brothas wait a certain amount of time before sex have been in a "phase" in their lives where they just want dikk with no strings attached. It's simply matching what MOST women want, then go and eat. Place yourself in places populated with women, let them choose. Dont talk yourself out of p*ssy.

I'm very intuitive with women, and I have a 'dont give a fukk' attitude towards most things in life except my goals. I just had two sisters in a threesome (two real sisters) a week ago. One sister I was fukking with for a minute (some dudes on the Coli Tinychat seen her) but the other sister I had worked a threesome out of on the first time hanging out.

Also another thing, birds of a feather flock together.

I've actually slowed down compared to my past, believe it or not. I also have no game, i.e. mouthpiece.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
I didn't know her name. I just moved to Oakland and needed a tour guide. Met her online but saw her in real life because of my work. Anyway, five hours of conversation and we hooked up. I went ghost on her on some slime ball shyt.

Met a girl at work got her number. Never used it. Told her I would. Lol I never so. I dunno what's wrong with me. Anyway, she called me at work to remind me to call after work. I never did. She was waiting for me outside of work. She lived close. I went to her place I smashed. We talked. And I went home.

I might start doing this again. Let my inner grime nikka loose before I'm 30.

Mike Ock

All Star
Jul 8, 2012
The World, but from BK
It's been a few.

I met an Australian chik who visiting NYC at a happy hour. We ended up talking at the bar, then went to a lounge then I ended up smashing at her room. She ended up staying with me for the remainder of her visit in NYC. We kept in touch and I planned on checking her in Australia, but then she started dating someone and we kinda agreed in the long-run it was best i didn't come out there because she still had strong feelings and we both knew we weren't gonna move to each other's country. We still chat here and there via internet and talk about our current relationships with each other(in a good way).

I met one at a music festival as she was visiting NYC from Toronto, she ended up crashing with me that night because I was closer to the venue than where she was staying which was at a hotel in Jersey. We ended up becoming a couple for 2 years, lived together for while and decided to call it quits as she didn't like living in NYC and I wasn't gonna move to Toronto without a situation set up for myself as she lived with her parents.

I had one in Miami- chik lied about being single, came back to visit and stayed with me a few days then I saw like 2 weeks later on FB she had a husband. I didn't really have any feelings for her so I didn;t really care about us not contacting each other after.

There was one I met on-line...she hit me up. Very cute chik. She lived close by my old spot. We met up near grabbed something to eat and she mentioned she'd like to see my place. Then we just kept hooking up until i eventually picked up on the signs and i asked her and she admitted she was married. I stopped talking to her after that.

There was another I met online- not married. But we met up by her house. Got something to eat at a local restaurant and chilled back at her place. Smashed then she got extremely clingy and put her bday in my phone and started mentioning things she's like for her bday. Then we went for a round 2. I had to go somewhere later that day, and while I was doing that she kept texting me to come back that night for more fuking then asked me for money. Needless to say I started ignoring her that night after the money request. She kept texting and calling me after leaving messages crying about me not responding to her. I dodged a bullet with that one and made sure I flushed the condoms. Her body was :noah::noah::noah:,

:patrice:But I started putting 2 and 2 together and came to the realization that the chik mighta been a prostitute. Though I didn't go raw in her, I still kept getting tested afterwards.

There was this boricua chik i met at a lounge and bagged. We went out the next weekend. We were eating at a restaurant, I asked what she was doing the next day and she responded " Depends what time she wakes up and leaves my place"...I then threw the food into doggy bags and we headed back to my place. I shoulda recorded her she was hot but I nutted mad quick and fell asleep on her. We fuked the next morning, I dropped her off and never heard from her again :pachaha:

I can say i've had about 8 first date/night fuks. Some stayed in touch and some didn't .

Jay Kast

Hidden Royalty
Sep 17, 2015
Flint, MI
what do you think are things a nikka could say that can make a girl go :scust:

for me its been straightforwardness:francis:

Being straightforward is good. But NOT with words, and not 100 mph, either.

I never lie about my intentions if asked. I can count on one hand how many times I've been directly asked out of over 160 times. So I wouldn't worry about that.

Don't talk much other than asking about her, but never go too deep. Superficial questions are best, separate her from her peers but not in way to where you're buttering her up. You have to be careful not to come across as complimentary, but moreso discerning and noticing differences.

Dont get into life goals, feelings, none of that shyt. Keep it as brainless as possible. If she goes that route, you take control of the convo and make a detour back into brainless territory.

Common things I've heard or experienced that makes a broad decide against smashing?

Mentioning a relationship, whether between her and you or you and any other woman

Being too complimentary, it seems as if you are placing her on a pedestal. If you build her up too much, she'll wonder why she should even fukk with you

Being too harsh. That negging shyt doesn't work, you'll crash and burn.

Fronting/stunting too much (I got this, I got that type shyt). Any woman worth her salt will see through it and you like glass.

I find it harder to find women worth a relationship. My problem is the exact opposite of most men.