
  1. ObsidianDev

    Higher Brain Pattern

    Just stopping by to post the greatest theme of the Attitude Era. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.
  2. FreedMind

    Can YOU do 50 PULL UPS and 100 PUSH UPS in under 5 MINUTES :wow: :whew: :pause:

    :jbhmm: It doesn't seem bad until you really start thinking about how short 5 minutes is. I figured maybe I could do it by alternating between pull ups and push ups, but it's tough knocking em out in 5 minutes. Basically no resting. Give me 3 months I think I could do it.:patrice:
  3. Leasy

    The NBA has been hiding Lebron’s biggest secret for Years (Video)Update: Max Kellerman Suggesting

    Dude said Lebron is possible the biggest steroid user like his friend Dwayne Steroid Jone Wade. Great video George Karl on NBA Max Kellerman suggesting steroid use and Max has a history in the Boxing world Start at 10:57 Stephen A alluding as well
  4. The_Truth

    Anybody do a 24-hour fast?

    I've read that abstaining from from food for a 24-hour period naturally increases your human growth hormone level by up to 2000%. Does anyone incorporate fasting into their diet? Have you don the 24-hour fast before? If so, what were your results?