
  1. JadeB

    Colorado Springs elected a Nigerian mayor. He now might lose re-election for his pro-immigration stance

  2. B

    A Florida Immigration Law Is Turning Farm Towns Into ‘Ghost Towns' A Florida Immigration Law Is Turning Farm Towns Into ‘Ghost Towns’ Florida is one of a growing number of states threatening to use E-Verify as a way to intimidate and control farmworkers. As...
  3. TallMan_J

    *BREAKING* Biden may start holding HAITIAN 🇭🇹 migrants in Guantanamo Bay.

    Why only the Haitians specifically? Why not the millions of other migrants from the dozens of other nations that aren’t Black? They’re truly economic migrants that are gaming the system, but this administration lets them in and they’re given all types of resources. They have them up in hotels in...
  4. RARI_Godwind

    Canadian PAAG and Caribbrehian discuss the Black Identity+Racial Unity in the US :SKIP:

    :jbhmm: Many of the points raised are actually true but I’m caught up on how and why a Chinese Canadian Girl and an Bahamian Breh focus almost entirely on the history of America and Identity of actively existing group of people neither of them belong to. Cliffs in the descriptions of the...
  5. Q

    ADOS has gone Maga Twitter space on eliminating immigration with Roy beck
  6. T

    Jen Psaki White House secretary, taking the necessary steps to approach the Border Patrol Incident .

    Who would’ve thought this whole time , that the Horses were the common dominator :ohhh: Vote like your life depends on it brehs ! Don’t vote during the primaries nor should you vote during your local elections . :lolbron:
  7. Silent_H

    Political Strategy for the Upcoming Election Cycle - ADOS and Diaspora Get In Here

    While watching a show on TV, I couldn't help but notice that they are pushing the immigration angle super hard. The only issue is that the face of immigration has become Latino. Now, before everyone gets up in their feelings, I have to make it apparent that populations estimates show that...
  8. JadeB

    Was the Great Migration the closest thing to an immigrant story AA's have?

    Think about it. Millions of blacks moving to cities in the North and West due to economic downturn and lynchings/pogroms (refugee crisis). Sending money back South (remittances). Living in homes with multiple people. Whites complaining about migrants stealing jobs that they would never work...
  9. Luken

    The official lets make @Illuminatos Green again thread

    This nikka @Illuminatos made his people proud yesterday :wow: some #AADOS members, some #AAGANG members.... they called us 'Boaties', 'Plantain eaters', Jamic00ns, they said we smelt like burnt remote control cars :wow: despite all the anti-immigrant and ADOS verbatim/rhetoric being tossed...
  10. Luken

    Just copped a few of these joints...

    Gonna swerve on some girls with it on downtown today:banderas::banderas::banderas:
  11. Luken

    The Official Coli Immigrant Thread

    a nice space for coli immigrants far and wide to discuss their success as well as their failures after leaving their homeland for new lands and waters. family came from Syria (dad) to Jamaica(mom) to England(where my journey starts) to permanently settling in Canada (Toronto).
  12. SnowflakesByTheOZ


  13. iFightSeagullsForBread

    Black and Muslim, some African immigrants feel the brunt of Trump’s immigration plans

    “My heart shivered,” says Martins Akinbode-Busayo, 35, a Nigerian health worker who fled his country in 2015. His government targeted him for helping gay people access HIV treatments. In 2014, Nigeria passed a law that criminalized not just homosexuality, but also the organizations that support...
  14. Jimi Swagger

    For Indian IT Outsourcing Companies, H1-B Visa Is 'Safe' This Year

    India's major IT outsourcers have little to worry about during this year's lottery for the H1-B immigrant worker visa, the country's officials told reporters after a recent trip to Washington. Next year, however, will be a different story. Indian info-tech firms like Infosys, Wipro, HCL...
  15. lowkey0z

    Iranian immigrant raped in front of her children in Houston

  16. Black Haven

    Brehette talks about Dominicans, immigrants and, how they treat AA in America

    Now I don't agree with her on all her points but, I see what she's talking about when she says foreigners come here and look down on us.
  17. Jimi Swagger

    Lawsuit accuses Wells Fargo of denying student loans to young immigrants

    Lawsuit accuses Wells Fargo of denying student loans to young immigrants (Those comments...interesting for Los Angeles) A lawsuit filed Monday accuses banking giant Wells Fargo of illegally denying student loans to young immigrants who are protected from deportation and allowed to work and...
  18. HopeKillCure

    Sohh...Does Trump fukkery make people More likely or Less likely to get Citizenship?

    People such as: Green Card holders who are not Citizens. Visitors who can visit USA visa free. People who are overseas with families and considering immigrating to America. Illegal immigrants who believe coming to America is a better life. :jbhmm: Is Trump making more appealing or less...
  19. JerseyBoy23

    :Scust: Female Muslim Immigrant Explains Why She Voted For Trump

    We've been blaming white people for the last 2 days but little did we know that someone targeted by Trump would end up voting for him anyway. She better hope Trump was only talking in hyperbole otherwise she won't be an American citizen for long. Anyways here's the article.