new age rap

  1. Homey the clown

    Who are the household names of this current generation of rappers ?

    I was over my parents home today and my Dad and I were talking and he mentioned that he had just gotten around to watch this years BET Awards that he recorded on his DVR. He said he the majority of the rappers and singers he didnt know who the hell they were and said most of them were a...
  2. Max Headroom

    Best New School Rapper?

    I'm talking about 2015-Now so don't say Kendrick, Cole or whatever To me it's gotta be XXXTENTACION Wait, hold your negs. I'll explain why He made such a big splash on the scene in early 2017 and his popularity has only been growing since. Also he's arguably the most creative out of the...
  3. SirReginald

    If Cardi B Can Go From Stripper To No.1 Hit Rapper...Could Skin Diamond Crossover From POrn To R&B?

    This is seem crazy, but think of it like this. What Cardi B did was adult entertainment (stripping and hoeing). All Skin Diamond did was have sex on film :dame: Also, she left and is trying to make a career in music. Times are changing in the United States. We have a President who's never...