
  1. President Sakora

    Relations in America-

    interesting comment section. a lot of mental gymnastics. i wonder how representative it is of white folks and sambos, and c00ns in america. I see poorly educated, emotional, loud and wrong hit dogs hollering all in the comments. From this I can tell reparations won't come without some...
  2. Antwon Mitchell

    Why is it harder for women to let go of the past from bad relationships?

    I feel like alot women would feel happier heading into new relationships if they just LEARN TO LET shyt GO , I mean wassup with all this holding bad memories like trophies? Why do women have to make everything a "retaliation, revenge and get back" situation when everything could've just ended...
  3. ndthentherewasx

    What's my move, how should i handle this?

    So there's a girl I been seeing, mostly to just fukk, but I play it nice with her, listen to her shyt, problems or whatever, am supportive. But today she sends me a text that her mom is in the E.R so I give her some words of encouragement, but at the same time am thinking the mess in her head...
  4. M

    PRIME WAYNE is BACK! Steals the Show on "No Problems Remix" on ELLEN w/ Chance & 2 Chainz

    Whole performance was nice, but Weezy (@ 3:00 mins) with tha Top 5 flow :blessed: Wayne got that fire bacc-:mjcry::wow: Taking it back to his prime when he would basically steal your shine on any remix or feature, bar for bar "free The Carter, people need The Carter/ Sacrificing everythang...