
  1. CopiousX

    Why are trades people so unhappy? This is sad.

    Why are trades people so unhappy?:francis: This is CDC data on suicides by proffession. 4 out of the top 5 are trades. Half of the top 10 are trades also.....:sadcam:
  2. Uitomy

    2nd week electrical apprentice AmA

    So as the title states I'm in my second week of my electrician apprenticeship , I'm in one of the ibew unions in Florida , I've seen some threads of other people on here being interested in trades so I figured I'd provide a very green but insightful thread on my exp so far Fire away
  3. Guru

    Are black people against learning trades?

    I went to an orientation for this HVAC school that I'm joining and saw nothing but white faces. It kind of surprised me too because the school is in a rough part of town and didn't expect CAC's to travel into area like this just to go to school and mind you I visited several different trade...