4.29 Updates


Dec 31, 1969
First of all, we're aware of the server issues and are working as quickly as we can to get them resolved. We're hoping they're fixed now but worst case scenario is a few more days of work.


We've made some upgrades to the Tag System. Tags should now be auto suggested for new threads. Also, there's now the ability to create a Wiki entry for each tag. You can see in the example below that there's now tabs for Recent Content, Wiki and Top Users. You can also subscribe/watch tags now to get alerts when new threads are made with the tags you're watching.


If anyone is interested in helping write tag wikis let me know.

We created a few new skins last week in honor of Prince. Please see this thread if you do not know how to change your Coli skin.


The Root

Also, we've added @KidStranglehold as a mod of The Root. Please welcome him and see his thread about improving the forum here


And finally - here's some Coli Cash to enjoy the NBA playoffs with!

Cheers :eat:

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
Why'd you one-star your own thread

Why aren't my threads automatically featured, you know they're gonna blow anyway

Why does @M.I.C. seem to think you share Coli operational procedures with him

Why didn't I get Poster of The Year for 2015, when there was CLEARLY no other poster with my body of work
My Coli 2015 year in review(so far) is:whew: :

I took two threads meant as attacks on me, and turned them into Plats:

Problackpanther got one of the most moist avi's ever, facts

This social misfit @ProBlack Panther is a creep with no friends

....took over two of Charmander's threads and turned them into instant Plats:

i just rescued a lil baby kitten from being ran over infront of the store and brought it home :3

dap and rep me for making it to 20,000 posts

Then there's my own platinum classics :whew: :

So I'm really about to eat ALL of this sh!t

I stepped my game up?

So how the hell is an index finger supposed to look?? :dahell:

BARNETT'S 114 & 115 - edit: and the mrkens, and the turks - get in heaaaa

Felicia from the movie FRIDAY, 20 years later!! (and she posts on the Coli!!)

It's Father's Day and Daddy is home @BishopKissGenitalsDinero/@Strugglemander getchall ass in hea

@Mowgli with the Fhillipians wife, question...

If you can't grow a beard you are losing TERRIBLY in 2015

Smash or Pass: Coli Bedwench Edition

(I purposely saved this one for last :wow: This^ was my bcrusaderw titty exposal thread.Thread was literally RAFTERS, and suffered a fate that it did NOT deserve. Instead of simply deleting the pic that I posted of THE TOP of her boobs, they deleted the ENTIRE THREAD, deleted a CLASSIC, a classic that had everybody screaming rafters for the entire last 2 pages of it, pic didn't show any nipple or anything smh

Edit: "Wouldn't be surprised if you had sandpaper soles.."

I've also voluntarily done Coli-cleanup work, going 3 out of 3 on ban threads of three MAJOR racist trolls with exposal threads on each one of them: :obama:

White boy openly admits: "I troll 90% of the time that I'm on the Coli"

I have some trash that needs to be taken out, @cook and @brooklynzson can u help?

Filthy halfcac Coli troll from the United Kingdom is okay with sex with 13 year olds

I even have 2 outstanding honorable mention sleepers.. both should've been rafters :wow: or at least been Featured

No one in professional sports gets trolled worse than Adrian Beltre

Get drunk, start a fight, miss 6 punches in a row, fall, and tear an ACL, brehs.

This is why I don't spend a lot of money on clothes

2015 what a ride :whew:[/QUOTE]

Why yall never explain to a n!gga how to use this Coli cash, but stay dishing it out

Why yall wont let us dish out unlimited negs once you hit +2000 rep
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