8 Reasons Straight Men Don't Want To Get Married


May 6, 2012
As a man you know we be fronting that is what we do. I seen dudes who are players but married cried when they wife was thinking about leaving. It is our ego.

Most men don't understand that a Female is what you want her to be. You mold that girl (not in a controlling way) but in a sense you make her out as you want her to be as yours. These dudes hate females because they don't know what to do with a woman.
eventhough i don't agree with everything you said in this thread, this post is the truth. it's definitely an ego thing. the sooner dudes realize this, the sooner they can learn to deal with it and find a path towards happiness.


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Nah you right I know dudes are frontiers when it comes to chicks I've saw it too many times to think otherwise. I don't have that ego and now I also realize I have to pick a chick on more than looks that fits me. I don't have time for the reclamation projects I'm in win now mode but I definitely get what your saying but I think if we picked girls after looks on who compliments us better we could reduce some of the problems we have overall.

True indeed these dudes don't know what they want and they worse than females with this shyt. You a MAN act like one we pick the chicks we talk to because 95 percent of the time these chicks ain't choosing they waiting to be chosen;especially if you on ya job degree, car, house etc... these chicks gotta make way on ya time do what you want or relate to how you are as a person and if she doesn't f her point blank.

The problem is dudes get caught up just as much as females but we don't get bash for it. A lot of dudes don't know how to handle P****^.

eventhough i don't agree with everything you said in this thread, this post is the truth. it's definitely an ego thing. the sooner dudes realize this, the sooner they can learn to deal with it and find a path towards happiness.

Why don't you agree with my previous posts???? It is Egos/feelings and I may add some dudes don't know how to be a man.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

I've been married for 3 years and its honestly the best to happen to me so far. I was one of those cats that started that playa lifesytle early in my teens so by time I go 26, 27 I was burnt out.

Now I come home to clean house, cooked meals and a fam who is waiting there for me. We don't sit around and argue about petty stuff all the time we both grew up not having much so we are enjoying the life we have made for ourselves Not to mentioned I haven't purchased or worn condoms in 5 years.. :win:

People talk about all the damage being married does to your money, but there is no way I would be living in a nice house in the burbs and driving afairly new paid off car if me and my wife didn't put our money together and planned out how to get the things we wanted

I don't knock cats who enjoy the single life and have no intentions on ever getting married. I respect it and have friends who spend the same way.

But I make it a point to post in these type of threads to show that there are black married couples that are happy and enjoy being married, and that being married can benefical for you if, and only if you find the right person..


people win the lotto all the time


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV

I've been married for 3 years and its honestly the best to happen to me so far. I was one of those cats that started that playa lifesytle early in my teens so by time I go 26, 27 I was burnt out.

Now I come home to clean house, cooked meals and a fam who is waiting there for me. We don't sit around and argue about petty stuff all the time we both grew up not having much so we are enjoying the life we have made for ourselves Not to mentioned I haven't purchased or worn condoms in 5 years.. :win:

People talk about all the damage being married does to your money, but there is no way I would be living in a nice house in the burbs and driving afairly new paid off car if me and my wife didn't put our money together and planned out how to get the things we wanted

I don't knock cats who enjoy the single life and have no intentions on ever getting married. I respect it and have friends who spend the same way.

But I make it a point to post in these type of threads to show that there are black married couples that are happy and enjoy being married, and that being married can benefical for you if, and only if you find the right person..


man on this board, people act like a healthy, loving marriage or relationship is lke a unicorn. Man people have problems all the time, I'm sure your relationship is no stranger to it, but the good outweighs the bad and THAT'S why you press on.

Hell, nobody said marriage was easy. I'm not married but ring shopping now, and I have 2 great examples in my parents (30 years this year) and grandparents (would've been 50+ if my grandpop didn't R.I.P) of how marriage is RIGHT. These nikkas on here think that TMZ and celebrity marriages are what THEY'RE in for, when half of em don't got a pot to piss in or a window to toss it out of. They divorce their wife just gonna move on. nikkas acting like they got millions and getting married would put it in danger when, truth be told, they'd probably get a leg up (like yourself and MANY others) by pooling their money and spouses' money together...

But see, you come with a LOT of stuff nikkas on this board allergic to, TRUTH
May 1, 2012
the reason i'm not getting married. i will cheat on her. i'm not staying with one woman. life is too fukking short for that. it's that simple. nikkas want to get married and simp for the rest of their life? good luck with that. have fun. i'm out here enjoying myself. :win:
May 15, 2013

man on this board, people act like a healthy, loving marriage or relationship is lke a unicorn. Man people have problems all the time, I'm sure your relationship is no stranger to it, but the good outweighs the bad and THAT'S why you press on.

Hell, nobody said marriage was easy. I'm not married but ring shopping now, and I have 2 great examples in my parents (30 years this year) and grandparents (would've been 50+ if my grandpop didn't R.I.P) of how marriage is RIGHT. These nikkas on here think that TMZ and celebrity marriages are what THEY'RE in for, when half of em don't got a pot to piss in or a window to toss it out of. They divorce their wife just gonna move on. nikkas acting like they got millions and getting married would put it in danger when, truth be told, they'd probably get a leg up (like yourself and MANY others) by pooling their money and spouses' money together...

But see, you come with a LOT of stuff nikkas on this board allergic to, TRUTH

I just teared up a little :to:


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV

people win the lotto all the time

:beli: man that nikka ain't hit no lotto...

he did what YOU need to do, log off and MEET real women. Not every woman is some money hungry trick waiting to pray on you. We're ALL people, we make mistakes, but we all need love and comfort. There are great women out here who ENHANCE your life instead of bringing it down. Man, meet these people, because trust me, they want to meet you. Can't go in with the "glass half-empty" outlook. Open your mind and heart playboy and stop letting media paint your life for you


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
:beli: man that nikka ain't hit no lotto...

he did what YOU need to do, log off and MEET real women. Not every woman is some money hungry trick waiting to pray on you. We're ALL people, we make mistakes, but we all need love and comfort. There are great women out here who ENHANCE your life instead of bringing it down. Man, meet these people, because trust me, they want to meet you. Can't go in with the "glass half-empty" outlook. Open your mind and heart playboy and stop letting media paint your life for you

media doesn't paint my life, but getting a great women who will remain loyal and faithful to her vows till death is like winning the lotto, the avg first marriage lasts 7 years, divorce rates near 60% and msot women file so yes I would equate that with winning some sort of lotto, you can pick the greatest broad, compatible in every way be the best husband and father and still end up screwed.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

man on this board, people act like a healthy, loving marriage or relationship is lke a unicorn. Man people have problems all the time, I'm sure your relationship is no stranger to it, but the good outweighs the bad and THAT'S why you press on.

Hell, nobody said marriage was easy. I'm not married but ring shopping now, and I have 2 great examples in my parents (30 years this year) and grandparents (would've been 50+ if my grandpop didn't R.I.P) of how marriage is RIGHT. These nikkas on here think that TMZ and celebrity marriages are what THEY'RE in for, when half of em don't got a pot to piss in or a window to toss it out of. They divorce their wife just gonna move on. nikkas acting like they got millions and getting married would put it in danger when, truth be told, they'd probably get a leg up (like yourself and MANY others) by pooling their money and spouses' money together...

But see, you come with a LOT of stuff nikkas on this board allergic to, TRUTH

did your parents have the internet, facebookt o seek out ex bfs, a lustful demonic generation, feminist courts and a matriarchal society? dofferent generation.

a nikka making 40k a year in divorce and child support will be worse off than a millionaire.

a leg up? if your single your ifne with renting a bachelor apt, taking the bus or having a car, spending liek 50 buck sa week on groceries all that extrapolates with having a partner.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
media doesn't paint my life, but getting a great women who will remain loyal and faithful to her vows till death is like winning the lotto, the avg first marriage lasts 7 years, divorce rates near 60% and msot women file so yes I would equate that with winning some sort of lotto, you can pick the greatest broad, compatible in every way be the best husband and father and still end up screwed.
You going to do what you do but chances of winning the lottery aren't even close to 40% shyt I would take them chances all day lol. I agree it's hard to find what you stated but they out there gotta keep looking unless you just trying to have girls just for sex (can't blame you for that but I heard it gets lonely for most) and or buy hookers and stuff to fulfill your needs


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
did your parents have the internet, facebookt o seek out ex bfs, a lustful demonic generation, feminist courts and a matriarchal society? dofferent generation.

a nikka making 40k a year in divorce and child support will be worse off than a millionaire.

a leg up? if your single your ifne with renting a bachelor apt, taking the bus or having a car, spending liek 50 buck sa week on groceries all that extrapolates with having a partner.

Man you sound like a kid TRYING to find excuses to not wash the dishes or take out the trash or something..."Bu, bu, but Ma, it's dark outside" "It's raining"

then you come with some BS averages or "The avg marriage"

My marriage won't be average. So you play these averages with your everyday life as well? You know you better be in the house before it gets dark because ON AVERAGE more people get robbed at night. Or you do you drink? ON AVERAGE there numerous drunk driving accidents, you don't even have to be drunk or a drinker to be killed...the OTHER person could be drunk.

Man if you live life thinking "Well, the average marriage last 7 years..." you'll never really live. You got your reasons for not wanting to be married and that's cool, but stop throwing stupid stats to cats man. Average man won't see MILLIONS in their lifetime, is THAT supposed to be a reason why you DON'T chase after good jobs and better pay? Some people want to be rich, so they supposed to STOP chasing that dream/goal because "on average" it doesn't work out that way? Ok man, you got it:mindblown::manny:

Won Won

Sep 11, 2012
9. You've been scarred for life by an ex. You thought you had it made. You thought you were about to start a loving family with the woman carrying your child. Then she terminated your baby without your permission. It's not all bad though; Take comfort in knowing that religion and Men's Rights Activism will be waiting with open arms, ready to shield you from all the jezebels, strumpets, and downright wicked women that make up our Western culture

Bay Area

Jan 8, 2013
East Oakland
Im glad intelligent posters are starting to son these forever alone cats that are trying to spread their depression on everyone else.

Real N Quotes

East Is In The House OMG
Jun 10, 2012
My homeboy is going through 2,3,4, and 7 right now. I told him beforehand he would.

Its sad to say but in the "want it right here,right now" era we live in. Marriage isn't really beneficial to a man. A marriage for a few months can destroy you for the rest of your life and leave you a shell of a man. working to keep kids you barely see and a women you don't fukk anymore living in luxury or one of those broken dudes that act like man servants just to avoid confrontation and arguments with their wife.

Love aint supposed to be like that man :damn: Alimony and child support need to be adjusted so people stop half assing marriages,breaking up and getting a payday

:wow: I know so many dudes like this :to::sadbron:


May 13, 2012
:beli: man that nikka ain't hit no lotto...

he did what YOU need to do, log off and MEET real women. Not every woman is some money hungry trick waiting to pray on you. We're ALL people, we make mistakes, but we all need love and comfort. There are great women out here who ENHANCE your life instead of bringing it down. Man, meet these people, because trust me, they want to meet you. Can't go in with the "glass half-empty" outlook. Open your mind and heart playboy and stop letting media paint your life for you

That nikka kinda did hit a lotto bruh in a way. I salute @SuburbanPimp but if he gotta good girl he winning. I aint jaded or bitter cause I grew up under my parents who still gotta great marriage 3 decades and running. But I also came up around alotta nikkas with status who KNEW how to get women and were very efficient at smashing all types of females. I can honestly say that damn every girl I knew of from age 16-23 that was in a relationship, was fukking one of my partnas on the side. Me knowing too many ppl was a gift and a curse. If SuburbanPimp really gotta girl who hold him down, got chemistry, AND is faithful, he hit something like the lotto IMO. I aint saying it was luck cause maybe he know how to keep a worthy chick but if alotta dudes out here in Dallas knew about their girl what I know about em it would be a surplus of episodes on the First 48
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