8 times the U.S. gave Whites handouts to get ahead

Sithlord Piff

Jun 16, 2012
The 1830 Indian Removal Act
With the help of the U.S. Army, Cherokee, Creek and other eastern Native American tribes were forced to relocate west of the Mississippi River to make room for white settlers.

The 1862 Homestead Act
This act gave away an overwhelming number of acreage to white settlers out west — land that had been previously settled by Native Americans. According to California News Reel, nearly 270 million acres of Indian Territory was converted to private property for white settlers.

The 1790 Naturalization Act
Under this legislation, only “free whites” were allowed to become naturalized citizens of the United States. Thus the doors were opened for European immigrants — but not anyone else. The right to vote, serve on juries and hold office was exclusively reserved for American citizens.

The Social Security Act of 1935
Enacted under President Roosevelt’s New Deal, the Social Security Act provided a financial safety net for millions of workers and guaranteed that they would continue to be paid after retirement. But this luxury didn’t extend to everyone, however. The act excluded agricultural and domestic laborers, many of whom were Black, Mexican and Asian.

The G.I. Education Bill, Veteran Administration Housing Authority, and Health Care System
Because of these government programs, (mostly white) members of the armed forces were able to continue their education, guaranteed private housing, and granted access to a public health care system. Many of these benefits were reserved for white veterans, however. For the handful of Black veterans who could participate in these programs, their benefits were still fewer than those of their white counterparts.
Police and firemen, some with their wives and children, assembled on Philadelphia’’s Rayburn Plaza, Nov. 13, 1956, to carry their wages and hours demand to City Council. The police and firemen were demanding an increase of $1,000 a year and a 40-hour week.

The Wagner Act of 1935
Also known as the National Labor Relations act, this legislation gave labor unions the power of collective bargaining, defined unfair work practices, and established consequences if those rules were broken. As unions excluded non-white workers from better paying jobs and benefits like health care, pension, and job security, millions of white workers were able to work their way into the middle class.

Federal Housing Administration
Under this bill, white families were granted home loans, making it possible for them to purchase their very first humble abode. Unfortunately, mortgage eligibility was often tied to race while those living in integrated neighborhoods were deemed a “flight risk” and denied loans. 

1960s Jim Crow Laws
These outwardly discriminatory laws not only barred African-Americans from drinking at the same water fountain as whites, but also reserved the best jobs, schools, neighborhoods and hospitals for white people.

This is the systemic racism that has caused alot of the poor conditions blacks are in today. Most is post slavery racism Cacs never bring up.



Mar 1, 2015
This is the systemic racism that has caused alot of the poor conditions blacks are in today. Most is post slavery racism Cacs never bring up
Exactly. 100% This

When you take black people and force them to live in the same area so you can keep track of them, discriminate based on names and address of course it's going to cause generational poverty. When someone from Harlem wants a job it's going to be a low paying custodial, driving etc job

Like I said before This caused generational poverty and then when whites that didn't own slaves are given handouts as the OP mentioned, it puts the majority of white people in the US ahead while black people are stuck in generational poverty

Whites always wanna say: we were slaves, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. MLK okay done. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps

They conviently don't explain why black people have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps in the first place; systematic racism in Amerikkka
Dec 8, 2016